Kader is a village in Maharashtra, India. It is located in Umarga Taluka in Osmanabad district. The village resides in the Marathwada region, and falls under the supervision of the Aurangabad division. Located 81 km towards east from the district headquarters Osmanabad, the village is also 9 km from Umarga and 483 km from the state capital Mumbai.
The main language spoken here is Marathi. According to the 2011 Census, the total population of Kader village is 5055 and number of houses are 1023. The population of female citizens is 48% and the rate of female literacy is 29%.
Kader is surrounded by Åland taluka towards south, Lohara taluka towards north, Nilanga taluka towards north, Basavakalyan taluka towards east.
The cities near to Kader are Umarga, Tuljapur, Nilanga, Gulbarga.
The postal head office for Kader is Umarga. The pin code of Kader is 413606.
The National Congress Party (NCP), Shiv Sena, SHS and INC are the major political parties in Kader.
The colleges near Kader are:
The schools in Kader are: