Orthodox Jewish student groups at secular universities explained

Orthodox Jewish student groups exist at many secular colleges and universities in the diaspora, especially in the United States, Canada, and Europe.


At some points in history there were umbrella organization that united Orthodox students and communities in North America (Yavneh in the 1960s-1980s, Kedma in the 1990s, the Orthodox Campus Coalition in the 2000s), but they are now defunct (similar to Conservative Jewry's Koach and Reform Jewry's KESHER). The Orthodox Union and its programs Heart to Heart and JLIC have worked to revive such a structure from 2010 through 2015, and now offer a network and website of resources called Kahal.

Orthodox student groups cater to the needs of their communities, which may vary based on size, the percentage of students who commute or live on campus, and demand for religious services. The services they provide include (but are not limited to) prayer services, Torah study, kosher dining, charity work, and social events. These efforts can help to mainstream Orthodox students who would otherwise be forced either to commute and live at home or to attend a university designed for an Orthodox student population such as Yeshiva University, Touro College, or Hebrew Theological College.

To support Orthodox students and communities, the Orthodox Union created the Jewish Learning Initiative on Campus (JLIC) at many colleges. A rabbi and rebbetzin live on campus and provides classes for the students in an Orthodox setting, in conjunction with the Hillel.[1]

Orthodox students may also be involved with Hillel or Chabad on Campus, though a Hillel or Chabad house at a university does not necessarily mean that Orthodox students attend the university.

Secular United States universities and colleges with Orthodox Jewish organizations

Secular Canadian universities and colleges with Orthodox Jewish organizations

Secular United Kingdom universities and colleges with Orthodox Jewish organizations

See also

External links

Notes and References

  1. OU Jewish Learning Initiative on Campus http://www.jliconline.org/index.php
  2. Boston University Orthodox Minyan http://www.bu.edu/hillel/student/shabbat.html
  3. Brandeis Orthodox Organization http://www.booweb.org/index.html
  4. Brooklyn College Orthodox Club http://www.bchillel.org/index.php?submenu=StudentGroups&src=gendocs&ref=StudentGroups&category=Students
  5. Columbia/Barnard Yavneh http://www.yavnehcu.com/
  6. Cornell Kedma at the CJL http://www.cornellcjl.com/index.html
  7. Harvard Orthodox Minyan http://hillel.harvard.edu/religious-life/prayer-communities/orthodox-minyan
  8. Johns Hopkins Orthodox Community http://www.hopkinsorthodox.com
  9. Northwestern Orthodox Minyan http://www.nuhillel.org/?q=content/life-observant-jews-northwestern-university
  10. Yavneh at Princeton http://www.princeton.edu/~yavneh/
  11. Queens College JLIC http://www.qchillel.org/about/qc-jlic/
  12. Rutgers Mesorah http://www.rutgersmesorah.org/
  13. UCLA Orthodox Minyan http://jlicla.com/aboutjlic/hillel-at-ucla
  14. Yavneh of Hyde Park, UChicago's Orthodox Jewish community: https://www.ucyavneh.com/https://www.ucyavneh.com/
  15. UIllinois Orthodox Community http://www.illinihillel.org/orthodox.html
  16. University of Maryland Kedma http://www.umdkedma.com
  17. UMass Amherst Kehillat Hillel Ha'azinu http://www.umasskhh.org/
  18. Orthodox Community at Penn http://pennocp.org/
  19. Young Israel House at Yale http://www.yale.edu/jlic/Welcome.html
  20. https://archive.today/20130917010552/http://www.guelphhillel.com/jewish-learning-initiative-on-campus/ Guelph JLIC
  21. Cambridge JSoc http://cujs.soc.srcf.net/index.php?p=orthodox
  22. Oxford JSoc Web site: Oxford Jsoc . 2013-09-11 . dead . https://web.archive.org/web/20130911101047/http://www.oxfordjsoc.co.uk/jsoc/ . 2013-09-11 .