Justus Doolittle Explained

Justus Doolittle (; Pinyin: Lú Gōngmíng; Foochow Romanized: Lù Gŭng-mìng; June 23, 1824, Rutland, New York  - June 15, 1880, Clinton, New York) was an American Board missionary to China.


Justus Doolittle was born in Rutland, New York on June 23, 1824. In 1846 he graduated from Hamilton College, and in 1849 from Auburn Theological Seminary. Having deliberately chosen China as his field of labor, he sailed for Fuzhou with his wife soon after graduation, and arrived there on May 31. In February, 1864, he left China for a visit to the United States on account of his health. In 1872 he entered the service of the Presbyterian Board at Shanghai, but was soon compelled to return home disabled. On June 15, 1880, he died in Clinton, New York.

Doolittle was most famous for his Social Life of the Chinese,[1] a thorough and valuable work on the details of Chinese life. He also had a significant collection of Chinese coins, which was sold in June 1881.[2]

In 1870-71 he accompanied the photographer John Thomson. Thomson's photographs of this journey were published as Foochow and the River Min (1873), a total of 46 copies.[3]

Doolittle kept a journal, "Diary; covering his life as a foreign missionary in Foochow, China, until the year 1873", now in the Hamilton College Archives and available in Hamilton College's Digital Collections.[4]


Doolittle published prolifically in a wide range of journals, including Chinese Recorder and Missionary Journal, of which he was briefly an editor.

Fuzhou dialect

Book titleFoochow RomanizedEnglish titleYear
勸戒鴉片論Kuóng Gái Ă-piéng LâungExhortation to Abandom Opium1853
鄉訓Hiŏng HóngVillage Sermons1853
神十誡其註釋Sìng Sĕk-gái gì Cuó-sékCommentary on the Ten Commandments1853
悔罪信耶穌論Huói Cô̤i Séng Ià-sŭ LâungRepentance and Faith1854
天文問答Tiĕng-ùng Ông-dákCatechism of Astronomy1854
約翰福音Iók-hâng Hók-ĭngJohn's Gospel1854
媽祖婆論Mā-cū-bò̤ LâungDiscourse on Ma-tsoo-po1855
守禮拜日論Siū Lā̤-bái-nĭk LâungDiscourse on Keeping the Sabbath1855
天律明説Tiĕng Lŭk Mìng SuókExposition of the Decalogue1855
寒食清明論Hàng-sĭk Chĭng-mìng LâungDiscourse on the Feast of the Tombs1855
鐘錶匠論̤ng-biēu-chióng LâungStory of a Watchmaker1855
賭博明論Dū-báuk Mìng LâungDiscourse on Gambling1856
中外問答̤ng Nguôi Ông-dákDialogue between a Native and a Foreigner1856
耶穌教小引Ià-sŭ-gáu Siēu-īngIntroduction to Christianity1856
生意人事廣益法Sĕng-é Ìng-sê̤ṳ Guōng-iáh HuákLaws of Trade1857
西洋中華通書Să̤-iòng Dṳ̆ng-huà Tŭng-cṳ̆European Chinese Almanac1857
辯鬼神論Biêng Gūi-sìng LâungDisquisition on Heathen Gods1858
辯性論Biêng Séng LâungDisquisition on Human Nature1858
辯譭謗Biêng Hūi-báungDisquisition on Slander1858
華人貧窶之故Huà-ìng Bìng-lé̤ṳ cĭ GóCauses of Poverty among the Chinese1858
祈禱式文Gì-dō̤ Sék-ùngForms of Prayer1858
Ké Cuō Lìng Sṳ̄ Ói Hìng
Séng Cuō Lìng Sṳ̄ Ói Lŏk
Fear of the Wicked on the Approach of Death
Joy of the Believer on the Approach of Death
辯孝論Biêng Háu LâungDisquisition on Filial Piety1858
異端辯論Ê-duăng Biêng-lâungDiscussion of False Doctrines1858


Book titleYearInformation
Social Life of the Chinese (2 vols.)1865This consists chiefly of the republication of a long series of articles by Doolittle, containing a vast amount of original information, on subjects connected with China, most of which were published in the China Mail, under the title "Jottings on the Chinese."
A Vocabulary and Hand-book of the Chinese Language1872Romanized in Mandarin Chinese



  1. (Volume 1 and 2)
  2. Web site: 22. Collector: Justus Doolittle (1824-1880). August 2017.
  3. Web site: Early photographs of China make treble estimate at Sotheby's.
  4. Web site: CONTENTdm.

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