Justin Barrett Explained

Justin Barrett
Blank1:Other names
Data1:Justin Slevin[1] [2] [3]
Office:Leader of the National Party (disputed)
Deputy:James Reynolds
Term Start:16 November 2016
Birth Date:13 April 1971[4]
Birth Place:Cork, Ireland
Alma Mater:Athlone Regional Technical College
Office3:Leader of Youth Defence
Term Start3:2000
Spouse:Rebecca Barrett
Bernadette Barrett (div.)

Justin Barrett (born 13 April 1971) is an Irish far-right politician, conspiracy theorist[5] and anti-abortion activist. As of April 2024, he was the leader of a group called Clann Éireann.[6] He was leader of the National Party from 2016 until a leadership rift in July 2023 with his former deputy leader James Reynolds led to a dispute with both men claiming to be leader of the party.

Barrett's activism began in the 1990s, with the anti-abortion campaign group Youth Defence. He campaigned against the Treaty of Nice in 2002 and founded the National Party in 2016. Barrett and the National Party campaigned for a No vote in the 2018 abortion referendum through the Abortion Never campaign,[7] which functioned as "an Irish nationalist anti-abortion campaign".[8] Barrett has never held or been elected to any public office. He contested the 2004 European Election as an independent, receiving 2.4% of the vote in the East constituency and failing to be elected. Barrett also contested the 2021 Dublin Bay South by-election for the National Party, receiving 183 first-preference votes (0.68%), thus failing to be elected.

His early activism focused mostly on campaigning in Irish referenda from a Eurosceptic, anti-abortion, anti-immigration, and social conservative perspective. He subsequently however moved towards far-right politics with his involvement in the National Party.[9] [10] Barrett has attracted controversy for his involvement with neo-Nazi groups and for making racist and homophobic remarks.[11] In September 2019, he controversially implied that, if in power, he would strip the Irish citizenship rights of local government politician Hazel Chu, in spite of the fact she had been born in Ireland and lived there for her entire life.[12]

Since 2022, Barrett had publicly quoted Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf, performed Nazi salutes, engaged in Holocaust denial,[5] spread antisemitic conspiracy theories and,[5] in 2023, appeared at an anti-immigration protest wearing a Nazi uniform. A statement on the National Party's website in July 2023 stated he had been removed as leader and was replaced by James Reynolds. He denies being ousted from the National Party.[13]

Early life

Barrett was born in Cork city in 1971 and was adopted when he was five years old by a family in Borrisokane, County Tipperary. Slevin was his adopted parents' name. He identified as Justin Slevin for a period but eventually settled on Barrett, his biological parents' name. Barrett is a graduate in Business Studies from Athlone RTC. In 1991, he appeared before a district court for shoplifting a pair of shoes from Dunnes Stores in Athlone.[14]

Political activism

Early activism (1987–1991)

In 1991, he was involved in Young Fine Gael[15] but left because of what he called the cynicism of the party.[1]

Youth Defence (1992–2004)

From 1992 he became actively involved in the Irish anti-abortion movement, becoming the leader of Youth Defence.[16] [17] [18] [19] As a student in Athlone RTC he unsuccessfully contested the election for the Presidency of Union of Students in Ireland. During the 1995 divorce referendum, he was spokesman for the Youth Against Divorce campaign. In later years, Barrett himself sought a divorce in 2016.[20]

In April 1999, Barrett and seven other Youth Defence members were convicted of public order offences for a protest described at the time as a "mini-riot" outside the Adelaide Hospital that had taken place on 16 May 1998. Despite requests from hospital staff, the son of a dying woman and Gardaí to be quiet, a Youth Defence protest outside the hospital got louder and lead to "pandemonium" when Gardaí intervened.[21] Some of the convictions were successfully appealed, two years later, and while Barret's appeal was disallowed, he was given the benefit of the Probation Act, meaning no criminal conviction was recorded against him.[22]

He was also involved in the campaign against the 2002 abortion referendum. He left Youth Defence in 2004 because he thought their methods of campaigning and interacting with people were becoming increasingly extreme and counterproductive.[23] By 2016, Youth Defence were claiming to have never heard of Justin Barrett, or ever to have had any dealing with him.[24]

No to Nice Campaign

In 2001, a referendum was held in Ireland to approve the Treaty of Nice. However the Treaty of Nice was rejected by 54% of the Irish people in what is known as the Nice I referendum. The following year a second referendum was held on the Treaty of Nice, known as the Nice II referendum. Justin Barrett campaigned against the Nice Treaty in both referendums. Barrett, then 31 years-old, established the No to Nice campaign with Rory O'Hanlon, a retired High Court judge.[25] [26]

During the second Nice campaign, Barrett became the centre of a controversy over his participation in neo-fascist events in Germany and Italy. Barrett initially denied, and subsequently admitted that he had spoken at an event organised by the NPD,[27] [28] a far right, ultranationalist political party. Justin Barrett has always claimed that he spoke at these events in an anti-abortion capacity on behalf on the Youth Defence Organisation.

2004 European Parliament election

In 2004 Barrett announced his independent candidacy for the European Parliament election of the same year for the East constituency. He set up his headquarters in Drogheda, an area which had experienced a large influx of non-nationals.[29] Gerry McGeough, a former Provisional IRA volunteer and Sinn Féin national executive member, defected to Barrett's campaign.[30] Barrett also supported the Citizenship referendum which was held on the same day as the European Parliament election.[31]

Barrett's campaign focused on immigration, Euroscepticism and abortion. Barrett employed nationalist rhetoric during his campaign and stated his intention to "put Ireland first" in the European Parliament.[32] Barrett campaigned alongside his wife at the time Bernadette and their son Michael.[33]

He achieved 10,997 first preference votes or 2.4% of the total vote in the East constituency and failed to be elected.

Later that year, while attending an immigration debate at University College Dublin's Literary & Historical Society, Barrett was assaulted by attendees allegedly belonging to an Irish anti-fascist group. The debate was chaired by popular RTÉ radio presenter Joe Duffy, and featured Áine Ní Chonaill of Immigration Control Platform.[34] [35]

National Party (2016–2023)

In a press release in November 2016, Justin Barrett announced that he was President of the newly founded National Party, a political party that would oppose multi-culturalism and abortion. While Barrett had previously promoted the idea of a "Catholic republic", the National Party states that it is a secular party. The party was due to be publicly launched in a press event on 17 November 2016 at the Merrion Hotel in Dublin. However, after a public backlash, the hotel cancelled the event.[36] [37] [38] [39] Barrett called for a complete ban on Muslims entering Ireland and for the introduction of racial profiling.[40] The party formally registered in early April 2019.[41] Barrett has stated that the party is "only for straight Irish people".

While a Eurosceptic, Barrett does not advocate leaving the European Union ("Irexit"). Quoted in August 2019, Barrett reputedly believes that Ireland could have entered bilateral negotiations with the United Kingdom immediately after the Brexit referendum in 2016 and agreed to a separate deal with the British and then to have the EU accept that deal as part of their own negotiations with the British government. He criticised the Irish government and by extension the European Union's handling of Brexit.[42] [43] In September 2019, Barrett was milkshaked in Galway at a National Party protest.[44] [45] [46] In October 2019 he addressed a community meeting in his hometown of Borrisokane on plans to open up a direct provision centre for 80 asylum seekers. An edited, audio-only version of his speech was played on the Claire Byrne Live show on RTÉ One.[47] [48] [49] [50]

As leader of the party, Barrett led the National Party to a total of 4,773 votes (0.2%) in the 2020 Irish general election, failing to win any seats.

In mid-July 2023, the National Party reportedly issued a statement saying Barrett had been removed as president of the party. Barrett disputed this and claims to still lead the party. Following his purported removal, he reported two senior members to the Gardaí for allegedly removing €400,000 worth of gold owned by the party from a vault in Dublin 4.[51]

In late September 2023, James Reynolds, who also claims the leadership of the party, released a statement via the official party website outlining reasons for Barrett's alleged dismissal, which highlighted his "immense character flaws, outrageous decisions, and lack of interest in serious political activities" as well as having "no medium or long-term vision apart from a fanciful belief in an impending economic Armageddon which would inexplicably propel the National Party to power".[52]

2018 Irish abortion referendum

Barrett founded Abortion Never as a No campaign in March 2018 to contest the Irish abortion referendum, 2018.[53] Abortion Never presents itself as "an Irish nationalist anti-abortion campaign".[54] At the launch of the campaign, Barrett stated that if the abortion referendum passed, it would lead to euthanasia for the elderly; "It doesn’t just begin with abortion and stop there. It ends in euthanasia, because they already have a plan. You see discussions in the newspapers sometimes, ‘What are we going to do about the pensions crisis?’".[55] At the same event, he called for the abortion referendum campaign to be "as divisive as possible".[56] Ultimately, the referendum was approved by 66.4% of voters, with a 64.1% turnout.[57]

In April 2018, Jim Jefferies featured Barrett on a segment of The Jim Jefferies Show. Jefferies had Barrett travel to London for an interview on abortion (despite already being in Ireland to interview Tara Flynn), "so he could endure the same kind of bullshit every Irish woman has to go through if they want an abortion".[58]

2021 Dublin Bay South by-election

In June 2021, he announced he would be running for public office for the first time as leader of the National Party, in the 2021 Dublin Bay South by-election, caused by the resignation of Eoghan Murphy. Using the campaign slogan "Right So Far", he finished 11th of 15 candidates, gaining 0.68% of first-preferences, with 183 votes. He was eliminated on the third count.[59] The seat went to Ivana Bacik of the Labour Party.[60]

2024 European Parliament election

Barrett was a National Party candidate for the Midlands–North-West constituency at the 2024 European Parliament election,[61] in which he received 4,086 (0.6%) first preference votes.[62] His wife Rebecca Barrett was a National Party candidate in the Dublin constituency.[63] Neither of them were elected.


Barrett self-published a book in 1998 in which he set out his political principles and advocated the creation of a "Catholic Republic".[64] [65] Entitled The National Way Forward!, in its text he described immigration as "genocidal", and cited Hilaire Belloc, G. K. Chesterton and Arthur Penty as having been influential figures in his philosophical development.[66] [67] He also promoted the work of Father Denis Fahey.[67] During the 2002 Nice Treaty referendum campaign, some of the ideologies in Barrett's 1998 book The National Way Forward! were queried by those advocating a "yes" vote,[68] and it was noted that the book had "mysteriously disappeared from bookshelves during the campaign".[69] Some commentators suggested that the "Barrett controversy" had shifted focus away from other issues and assisted the "yes" campaign.


Interactions with neo-Nazi and neo-fascist groups

National Democratic Party of Germany

Barrett spoke at events organised by the neo-Nazi National Democratic Party of Germany (NPD) several times, and was the guest of honour at a NPD rally in Passau, Germany in 2000, in which anti-semitic speeches, peppered with quotes from Adolf Hitler were given, alongside claims that "Germany was the biggest victim of the second World War", and at which hundreds of skinheads gave standing ovations to elderly Nazis.[70] [71] [72] [73] [74] The NPD confirmed that they had been in contact with Youth Defence for at least 6 years before.

He attended two conferences, in October 1999 and 2000, organised by the youth wing of the NPD, the Junge Nationalisten (JN), alongside American white nationalist William Luther Pierce. The JN has spoken about how Youth Defence were an important part of their network.[75]

The National Party and Barrett have stated that he addressed meetings all across Europe in his capacity as an anti-abortion speaker. He has stated that he regrets "not being more careful" regarding his attendance of events held by the NPD in Germany.[76]

Forza Nuova (Italy)

In June 2001, the website of neo-Fascist group Forza Nuova reported that Justin Barrett had attended a number of their events in Italy (in Milan, and Bologna).[77] He attended and spoke at a Forza Nuova meeting in Milan in November 2002. Barrett shared a platform with Roberto Fiore at a rally of Italian fascists at the Hotel Miramar on 20 and 21 July 2001, in the Italian city of Civitanova Marche. At the rally, Barrett was joined by Mario Di Giovanni, Youth Defence's representative in Italy. A group of Forza Nuova students, led by the then 25-year-old Marco Gladi, visited Ireland in 2001 to "study" with Youth Defence. In an editorial on the Forza Nuova website, the movement calls itself a "friend" of Mr Barrett and praises his efforts to defeat the Nice Treaty.[78] [79] [80] [81]

Homophobic remarks and activities

In 2017, during the party's first ard-fheis held at the Trump International Golf Links and Hotel Ireland, Barrett stated that the National Party was "only for straight Irish people" and defended perceived homophobic comments made by James Reynolds, causing guest speaker John Wilson to walk out of the event in protest.

In 2020, Barrett was involved in the organisation of protests against the Minister for Children, Roderic O'Gorman, and attended these protests alongside members of the National Party. O'Gorman had been attacked by members of the Irish far-right on social media after his appointment as Minister for Children, due to tweeting a photo of himself with Peter Tatchell at a Dublin Pride parade in 2018. Tatchell had previously attracted controversy for statements made in 1997 regarding the age of consent laws in Britain. Tatchell later clarified these remarks, saying sex with children was impossible to condone. "This means I condemn it - I oppose adults having sex with children."[82] During a protest, Barrett riled up the crowd against a group of anti-homophobia counter-protestors, causing attendees to rush at the smaller group of counter-protestors and resulting in Garda intervention.[83]

O'Gorman said that he was unaware of the views expressed by Tatchell 20 years previously, stating he "probably would have re-considered taking a photo with him" had he read the 1997 letter before the march. He continued, "I would have seen him primarily as an advocate for LGBT rights in the UK in the 1990s and 2002 but more recently particularly vocal on treatment of LGBT people in Russia and Chechnya."[84] While Barrett alleged that O'Gorman was a "paedophile apologist", O'Gorman has publicly stated his condemnation of paedophilia and stated that the accusations made against him were "rooted in homophobia".

Racist remarks

In a September 2019 video, Barrett stated that if his party were to gain power he would revoke the Irish citizenship of Green Party councillor and later Lord Mayor of Dublin, Hazel Chu. Chu was born in Dublin and lived in Ireland since birth. Barrett stated, "She is an Irish citizen, I accept that, that is the law until we get the law in our own hands".[85] [86] Later, a Twitter account operated by Barrett's wife made disparaging and racist comments towards Chu. Chu, in response, stated that she refused to be intimidated by such tactics.[12] [87]

Garda investigation

In January 2021, a car being driven by Barrett was seized by Gardaí after it emerged it had not been taxed since November 2019. Barrett was investigated by Gardaí for alleged road traffic offences and breach of COVID-19 pandemic travel restrictions.[88] In October 2021, in an appearance before Longford District Court, he was charged with driving without a licence or insurance, and with failing to produce both documents and an NCT certificate within ten days.[89] Arising from the same incident, which occurred in Clonfin, County Longford, he was also accused of engaging in threatening and abusive behaviour contrary to the Public Order Act.[89] He remained silent at the hearing and his solicitor said that he was reserving his position and made a motion for the disclosure of prosecution evidence.[89] The judge granted the order and remanded Barrett on bail until a sitting of Longford District Court on 23 November 2021.[89]

Pro-Hitler and pro-Nazi activities

In 2022, Barrett posted a quote from Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf on his Telegram page.[90] His open admiration for Hitler led rival far-right leader Hermann Kelly to comment "Justin Barrett is a completely different animal, where the vast majority of people in the National Party had no interest in national socialism or a fetish about Adolf Hitler but Justin did and Justin Barrett was the one who was quoting Mein Kampf, which is very damaging.”[91] He has also given Nazi salutes, for which he was condemned by James Reynolds.[92]

On 9 November 2023, Barrett appeared at an anti-immigration protest outside Leinster House wearing a Nazi SS uniform.[93] When he attempted to give a speech, he was jeered. The Examiner described it as "a not particularly well received speech".[94] He was denounced in a statement published by the National Party for engaging in a "pathetic publicity stunt" described as "an effort to discredit the protest and grab a headline for himself."[95]

On Holocaust Remembrance Day 2024, Barrett posted a short clip on his personal telegram channel of an AI-generated image of Taylor Swift in an SS uniform, with a Swift song in the background, to the caption: "Never Again is Now 27th January 2024, #HappyHolocaustRemembranceDay."[96]

2023 Dublin riot

See main article: 2023 Dublin riot. On 23 November he posted messages to Telegram saying "1000 people are already at the spire. All hands on deck. Defend our kids." and "I want the storm to break loose!"[97]

Personal life

In 2004, Justin Barrett was married to Bernadette Barrett (née Carroll).[98] [99] [100] Barrett divorced his first wife in 2017.[20] Having previously campaigned against the legalisation of divorce, Barrett denied that he was being hypocritical, stating that he had "changed his mind" on divorce.[20] Barrett later married Rebecca, a primary school teacher from Limerick, and they had five children .[101] She has also been involved in the National Party and was a candidate in the 2020 Irish general election for the Limerick City constituency. She received 345 (0.7%) first preference votes and was eliminated on the second count.[102] In November 2020, she responded to a tweet by then-Lord Mayor of Dublin Hazel Chu, placing a fake order for Chinese takeaway food with "no bat". The tweet was widely condemned as racist and subsequently removed by Twitter for violating the platform's rules.[103]

See also

Notes and References

  1. News: 41. The Irish Times. Taking on the big boys. 5 October 2002. Deaglán. de Bréadún. He was born in Cork city in 1971, fostered when he was two and adopted at the age of five by a family in Borrisokane, Co Tipperary. Barrett was his mother's family name and the one on his birth certificate, but his adoptive family's name was Slevin, so for years he was known as "Barrett Slevin", as though Barrett were a Christian name. He eventually opted for Barrett, and dropped the Slevin..
  2. News: 31. 12 October 2002. Irish Independent. who changed his name from a few years ago from Justin Slevin. The Persuaders.
  3. News: Sunday Mirror . 29 September 2002 . Fascist Link of 'No to Nice' Chief . Francis . O'Donnell . live . https://archive.today/20161119184907/http://www.geocities.ws/irishafa/news.html . 19 November 2016 . 19 November 2016 . People first became aware of Barrett's nasty views when he ran for a Union of Students in Ireland election in 1992 as a candidate from Athlone RTC. Barrett at this time was called Justin Slevin; he changed his name some years later .
  4. News: Coyle. Colin. Justin Barrett By: Brexit and Trump. Sunday Times. 20 November 2016.
  5. Web site: Justin Barrett Lays Down The Law . 2024-05-02 . . thephoenix.ie . en-IE.
  6. Web site: Clann Eireann – Latest . clanneireann.ie . https://web.archive.org/web/20240421214437/https://clanneireann.ie/latest-blog/ . 21 April 2024 . en-IE.
  7. News: You're next if abortion law repealed, far-right tells elderly. Coyne. Ellen. 21 March 2018. The Times (Ireland edition).
  8. Web site: Abortion Never. AbortionNever.ie. 11 April 2018.
  9. News: Irish far right groups remain on the margins of political life. Millar. Scott. 12 January 2010. Irish Examiner. ...former Youth Defence leader, Justin Barrett..
  10. Gable. Gerry. November 2009. Jim Dowson

    How a militant anti-abortionist took over the BNP. Part 1 of a three part investigation.

    . Searchlight. His luck changed when he formed an alliance with Justin Barrett, a far-right Catholic lawyer and leader of the notorious Irish anti-abortion group Youth Defence, which had previously stormed buildings in Dublin in their crusade against a woman's right to choose..
  11. News: McCarthy. Justine. National Party walkout over Varadkar gay slur. The Times. en. 9 June 2021. 0140-0460.
  12. Web site: O'Connor. Rachael. Mayor of Dublin Hazel Chu hits back at racist harassment on social media. 5 November 2020 . 13 November 2020. .
  13. News: Justin Barrett denies being ousted as National Party leader . 17 September 2023 . The Irish Times . en.
  14. News: 24 May 1991 . Shoplifting charge struck out . Westmeath Independent.
  15. News: Nenagh Guardian. 16 March 1991. 2. Borrisokane Branch Young Fine Gael. The following officers were then elected for the coming year ... P.R.O.: Justin Slevin, Gortnagraun, Borrisokane.
  16. News: Irish far right groups remain on the margins of political life . Millar . Scott . 12 January 2010 . Irish Examiner . ...former Youth Defence leader, Justin Barrett..
  17. News: The man wired to fight abortion . Killilea . Gayle . 7 October 2001 . Independent.ie . ...Justin Barrett, Youth Defence's chief spokesman and mastermind..
  18. News: Sunday Independent. 16 May 2004. 117. Confessions of a Polcorr. Fianna Fail researchers also dug up information about the Youth Defence leader Justin Barrett's trips to neo-Nazi events in Germany. Katie. Hannon.
  19. News: Irish Independent. 21 August 2009. 12. Aideen. Sheehan. Treaty opponent no stranger to politics. Mr Reynolds has also strongly backed the pro-life cause, and he was closely associated with Youth Defence leader Justin Barrett.
  20. News: Barrett denies hypocrisy over divorce U-turn. Colin. Coyle. The Sunday Times. 7 May 2017.
  21. News: Youth Defence unrepentant as eight convicted. Healy. Tim. Irish Independent. 15 April 1999. 14 October 2019.
  22. News: Abortion demo six overturn convictions. Managh. Ray. Irish Independent. 11 July 2000. 23 November 2020.
  23. Web site: Frequently Asked Questions. The National Party. 30 November 2016. dead. https://web.archive.org/web/20161130202913/http://www.nationalparty.ie/faq/. 30 November 2016.
  24. News: Dublin hotel cancels launch of new extreme right-wing party which had been planned for tomorrow. TheJournal.ie. a call was placed to pro-life organisation Youth Defence with whom he had previously worked. However the spokesperson who replied said they had never heard of Barrett, nor had had any dealings with him.. 16 November 2016. 7 February 2017.
  25. News: The Persuaders. 12 October 2002. 10 October 2017. Irish Independent.
  26. News: The man wired to fight abortion. Irish Independent. 7 October 2001. 19 October 2016.
  27. News: Barrett admits attending far-right party meetings in Italy, Germany. Irish Times. 12 October 2002. Deaglan. De Breadun. The chief spokesman of the No to Nice Campaign, Mr Justin Barrett, has admitted speaking at a meeting of the far-right Forza Nuova party in Milan but says he did not know it was widely regarded as a neo-fascist organisation.. 1.
  28. News: Campaigners on both sides of treaty lash out at Barrett. Irish Independent. Donaghy. Kathy. 12 October 2002. 13 December 2012.
  29. News: Politicians united in oppositionto Barrett. 14 May 2004. 10 October 2017.
  30. News: IRA man defects from SF to Euro hopeful Barrett. Williams. Eoghan. 23 May 2004. 10 October 2017. Irish Independent.
  31. News: Barrett confirms he intends to run for Europe. The Irish Times. 29 April 2004. 11 October 2017.
  32. News: Justin Barrett (Independent). 22 May 2004. 10 October 2017. Irish Independent.
  33. News: Rumours of Avril's demise were a little premature. Sheehan. Aideen. 15 June 2004. 10 October 2017.
  34. Web site: Justin Barrett 'Attacked' while attending UCD debate. Indymedia Ireland. 14 October 2004. 16 November 2016.
  35. News: Barrett to decide action over assault at UCD. Holland. Kitty. The Irish Times. 15 October 2004. 9 May 2017.
  36. News: An extreme right-wing party is planning to launch itself in Dublin tomorrow. TheJournal.ie. Cianan. Brennan. 16 November 2016.
  37. News: D'Arcy. Ciarán. Merrion Hotel cancels launch of anti-immigration political party. 17 November 2016. Irish Times. 17 November 2016. The Merrion Hotel in Dublin has cancelled an "information meeting" on an anti-immigration and anti-abortion political party for Ireland which was due to be staged there. The National Party had circulated a short press release earlier this week informing the media of an event due to take place at the five-star hotel.
  38. News: Leahy. Pat. National Party leader espouses creation of 'Catholic republic'. 17 November 2016. The Irish Times. 17 November 2016. A former activist with the militant anti-abortion group Youth Defence, Justin Barrett … He is described as the president of the National Party, whose nine principles espouse a nationalist, anti-abortion, anti-EU, anti-immigration platform..
  39. News: Larkin. Laura. Far-right party's launch is cancelled. 17 November 2016. Irish Independent. 17 November 2016. The new National Party were due to unveil their party to the media in the Merrion Hotel. However, following a public outcry online, the hotel postponed the event..
  40. News: Ireland's National Party in favour of racial profiling, says leader. Clarke. Vivienne. 18 November 2016. The Irish Times. Justin Barrett says there needs to be complete ban on Muslims coming into the country.
  41. Web site: Iris Oifigiúil - Number 28 - Friday, 5th April, 2019. 5 April 2019. irisoifigiuil.ie. Government Publications Office. I propose to approve the application for registration in the Register of Political Parties of 'The National Party – An Páirtí Náisiúnta' [.signed.] Registrar of Political Parties 5 April 2019.
  42. News: Irish Party Says Bilateral Talks With UK Could Have Averted Major Brexit Shocks. Jamshaid. Umer. 9 August 2019. UrduPoint. 3 October 2019.
  43. News: EU Attempt To Push No-Deal Brexit Makes Ireland 'Collateral Damage' - Irish Party. Hashmi. Faizan. 9 August 2019. UrduPoint. 3 October 2019.
  44. ash . StevieNicksTD . 1177665460449484800 . 27 September 2019 . Start your weekend off right with this video of Justin Barrett covered in milkshake. Fascist scum off our streets ✊ https://t.co/IcGz8P0mM6 . en . 30 August 2021 .
  45. News: Irish far-right National Party leader doused with milkshake during event in Galway. O'Connor. Rachael. Irish Post. 30 September 2019. 21 October 2019.
  46. News: Threats against student who threw milkshake at far-right leader . The Times . 1 October 2019 . 1 February 2020 . Haugh . Ben .
  47. Web site: Justin Barrett aired on Claire Byrne Live - Direct Provision Discussion (04Nov19) . . 14 December 2019.
  48. Web site: Byrne . Claire . Have we forgotten how the Irish used to be treated abroad? . rte.ie . 2 November 2019 . RTÉ News . 14 December 2019.
  49. News: O'Connell . Jennifer . The Tipperary town that changed its mind on asylum seekers . 14 December 2019 . The Irish Times . 25 October 2019.
  50. 18 October 2019 . Justin Barrett - "Can the people of Borrisokane say No?" . The National Party — An Páirtí Náisiúnta . . 30 August 2021 . https://web.archive.org/web/20210111231914/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MNlpcrAjLLo . 11 January 2021 . live.
  51. Web site: Hosford . Paul . 31 July 2023 . National Party: Justin Barrett removed as president before movement of gold . 2 August 2023 . Irish Examiner . en.
  52. Web site: Reynolds . James . 28 September 2023 . Why the National Party needed New Leadership – James Reynolds. The National Party . en.
  53. News: Yes and No campaigners register as 'third parties' with watchdog. The Irish Times. 14 May 2018. en.
  54. Web site: Abortion Never - Abortion Never. Abortion Never. en-US. 14 May 2018.
  55. News: You're next if abortion law repealed, far-right tells elderly. Coyne. Ellen. 21 March 2018. The Times. 26 March 2018. en. 0140-0460.
  56. News: An Australian comedian made an Irish anti-abortion campaigner travel to the UK to interview him about abortion. O'Neill. Rachel. The Daily Edge. 14 May 2018. en.
  57. Web site: RTÉ News - Live results of the referendum to repeal the Eighth Amendment. rte.ie . en.
  58. News: An Australian comedian made an Irish anti-abortion campaigner travel to the UK to interview him about abortion. The Daily Edge. 25 April 2018. 27 May 2018.
  59. News: Dublin Bay South by-election. The Irish Times. 9 July 2021.
  60. News: By-Election: Dublin Bay South Results. The Irish Times. 9 July 2021. 10 July 2021.
  61. Web site: Nominations for European Election. 27 April 2024. Returning Officer for County Galway.
  62. Web site: European Elections: Midlands North-West. . 15 June 2024.
  63. Web site: Candidates for European Election . 22 April 2024 . Dublin County Returning Officer.
  64. Web site: Book rails against 'whole rotten cabal of the left'. The Irish Times. irishtimes.com. 17 May 2003. 18 June 2019. Mr Barrett printed The National Way Forward in 1998 and said he will sell it directly from his home in Co Longford for €12 a copy.
  65. Web site: Who is National Party leader Justin Barrett?. Journal Media. thejournal.ie. 18 November 2016. 19 June 2019. He also wrote a book called The National Way Forward, which advocated the creation of a "Catholic Republic" which would greatly restrict immigration and put a total ban on abortion.
  66. News: Way forward is a huge, hysterical step back. Sunday Business Post. 15 June 2003. https://web.archive.org/web/20031013013604/http://archives.tcm.ie/businesspost/2003/06/15/story755617905.asp. 13 October 2003. 16 November 2016. Martin. Mackin.
  67. News: Abortion fighter turns his sights on immigration. Scott. Millar. The Times. 18 May 2009. 14 May 2009.
  68. Web site: 14 October 2002 . Barrett backtracks over book controversy . 18 June 2019 . Independent News & Media.
  69. Web site: 13 October 2002 . Anti-Nice campaigner's dark secret boosts Ahern's chances . 18 June 2019 . . The revelations have shifted public focus away from the incompetence and corruption of Bertie Ahern's government [..and..] let them off the hook. [..] Dick Roche, the party's Minister of European Affairs, has challenged Barrett to produce a book he wrote called The National Way Forward, which mysteriously disappeared from bookshelves during the campaign. [..] Seizing on the Barrett controversy, Gerry Claffey, spokesman for the [Irish Green Party supporters'] group, said: 'We believe that foreign far-right groups view a No vote as an opportunity to damage democracy and international co-operation [..]' .
  70. News: Far-right rally had welcome for Irish No activist. The Irish Times. 11 October 2002. Derek. Scully. 11. Brown shirts and skinheads, elderly Nazi heroes with memories of the good old days... and Justin Barrett, honoured guest from Ireland. Derek Scally reports from Berlin on the German extreme right group and the No to Nice campaigner.
  71. News: The Irish Times. Barrett admits he attended far-right meeting. 12 October 2002. 9. Joe. Humphreys. Mr Barrett, who earlier this week declined to confirm or deny to The Irish Times his attendance at the meeting in the Bavarian city of Passau in May 2000, yesterday admitted he attended the conference, as well as an estimated two other events linked to the NPD..
  72. News: The Irish Times. Extreme-right group confirms Barrett link. 11 October 2002. 1. "Justin Barrett was an honorary guest at our event in Passau. I invited him. He sat with the delegates," said Mr Holger Apfel, the deputy leader of the NPD. "We have been in contact with his group since 1996. We are friendly with his Youth Defence organisation.". Derek. Scully.
  73. News: Irish Independent. 25 May 2004. Barrett campaign to go full term despite poll. 6. Mr Barrett (33) became caught up in controversy during the Nice Treaty campaign when it was revealed that he had close contact with an extreme right-wing party in Germany. Authorities there believed the party displayed "Nazi characteristics"".
  74. News: Irish 'no' spokesman tied to neo-Nazis. The Independent. 12 October 2002. David. McKittrick. Justin Barrett, who fronts the "No to Nice Campaign," was said to have attended a fascist-style rally mounted by a party that German authorities believe has "Nazi characteristics". .
  75. News: 'Neo-Nazis' affirm links with Youth Defence. Derek. Scully. 12 October 2002. The Irish Times. 9. A leading far-right politician in Germany has described the anti-abortion group Youth Defence as "an important part of our international network". Youth Defence is the backbone of the No to Nice Campaign, whose chief spokesman is Mr Justin Barrett..
  76. Web site: National Party Q&A. dead. https://web.archive.org/web/20161130202913/http://www.nationalparty.ie/faq/. 30 November 2016.
  77. Web site: Welcome to the official website of Forza Nuova. Benvenuti al sito ufficiale di Forzanuova. it. 18 June 2001. https://web.archive.org/web/20010618054430/http://www.forzanuova.org/. Justin Barret leader di Youth Defence, il movimento antiabortista irlandese, che e' stato presente di persona ripetutamente a convegni e manifestazioni di Forza Nuova (Milano, Bologna...)..
  78. News: Sunday Mirror . 29 September 2002 . Fascist Link of 'No to Nice' Chief . Francis . O'Donnell . live . https://archive.today/20161119185154/http://www.indymedia.ie/article/13470 . 19 November 2016 . 19 November 2016 .
  79. News: 31. 12 October 2002. Irish Independent. The Persuaders. The Sunday Mirror reported last month that Justin Barrett had attended rallies of ulta-nationalist organisations in Germany and Italy.
  80. News: The Irish Times. The story originally surfaced in a Sunday Mirror report drawn from left-wing and anti-fascist sources. Despite a threat of legal action from Mr Barrett's solicitors, The Irish Times succeeded in confirming, without any assistance or prompting from Fianna Fáil, that he had indeed attended meetings of the far-right National Democratic Party (NPD) in Germany and Forza Nuova in Italy.. Business, the parties, FitzGerald and forum all played key roles. 21 October 2002. 4. Deaglán. de Bréadún.
  81. Web site: F.N.: Bollettino 04.07.2001. 5 July 2001. it. Friday July 20 conference on The powers and freedoms of peoples at the Hotel D'Azeglio in Via Nazionale in Rome. Speakers Mario Di Giovanni, Gianni Correggiari, Giacinto Auriti, Roberto Fiore. Confirmed the participation of Justin Barrett, Secretary of the Irish Youth Defence and main promoter of the victorious initiatives for NO the referendum on the Nice Treaty. Beginning at 15:00. Saturday, July 21 at 17:30 at the Hotel Miramare Civitanova Marche (MC) held 'a lecture entitled "Survey on globalism and the powers that be. Speakers: Mario Di Giovanni, Justin Barrett (Youth Defence) Gianni Correggiari.
  82. News: Pollak. Sorcha. Minister for Children condemns 'homophobic' attacks from 'far-right'. 9 June 2021. The Irish Times. en.
  83. Web site: 13 July 2020. Scuffles outside Dail as far right campaigners protest against Roderic O'Gorman. 9 June 2021. GCN. en.
  84. Web site: Curran. Ian. 'The Infodemic': Ireland's weak far-right hopes to gain from online conspiracies and misinformation. 9 June 2021. TheJournal.ie. 19 September 2020 . en.
  85. 29 September 2019 . Drunk Justin Barrett on stripping Irish Citizens of their Citizenship . https://ghostarchive.org/varchive/youtube/20211212/kQpDWURTOTI. 12 December 2021. live. Irish wolfhound . . 30 August 2021.
  86. News: O'Connor . Rachel . 30 September 2019 . Irish far-right National Party leader doused with milkshake during event in Galway . Irish Post . 13 April 2021.
  87. News: Birdy . Estelle . Dublin Lord Mayor Hazel Chu Dealing With Racist Junk . 13 April 2021 . . 5 November 2020.
  88. Web site: Justin Barrett: Gardaí probing alleged breaches of Covid rules by National Party leader Justin Barrett. 25 June 2021. independent. 20 June 2021 . en. Justin Barrett [..] is facing criminal charges for allegedly breaching Covid regulations and road traffic offences .
  89. News: Head of National Party Justin Barrett charged with road traffic and public order offences. Cosgrove. Liam. 5 October 2021. 5 October 2021. Irish Examiner.
  90. News: The mystery of the far-right National Party's €400,000 gold: where could it have come from? . 17 September 2023 . The Irish Times . en.
  91. Web site: CHASING AFTER FOOL'S GOLD . 17 September 2023 . The Phoenix Magazine . en-GB.
  92. Web site: 20 October 2023. Justin Barrett is a 'tout' for going to gardai about gold bars, new party chief claims . 19 October 2023. SundayWorld.com . en.
  93. Web site: Nation . Affairs of the . NAZI REGALIA . 17 November 2023 . The Phoenix Magazine . en-GB.
  94. Web site: Brennan . Cianan . 9 November 2023 . Latest angry protest outside Dáil more bizarre than intimidating . https://archive.today/20231109234731/https://www.irishexaminer.com/news/arid-41266606.html . 9 November 2023 . 17 November 2023 . Irish Examiner . en.
  95. Web site: Facebook . 17 November 2023 . www.facebook.com.
  96. Web site: IRISH FAR-RIGHT FEARS . 11 February 2024 . The Phoenix Magazine . en.
  97. News: Dublin riots: How a mob in the capital turned to looting, arson and calls to kill . Ryan . Órla . 24 November 2023 . 27 November 2023 . . O'Connor . Niall . Raymond . Shane . Ryan . Nicky.
  98. Web site: Anti Divorce couple Justin Barrett and Bernadette Carroll outisde the Old Mill in Temple Bar Dublin . www.rollingnews.ie . Rolling News . 15 March 2023.
  99. News: 11. Runners name their stand-in choices. The Irish Times. 19 May 2004. In East, Mr Justin Barrett has chosen his wife, Bernadette, as his first replacement. Mark. Brennock.
  100. News: Barrett believes immigration will be key issue. said Ms Bernadette Barrett, wife of Mr Justin Barrett.. The Irish Times. 7 June 2004. Carol. Coulter. 6.
  101. Web site: 31 January 2020 . Limerick Leader Election Podcast with National Party's Rebecca Barrett . 29 July 2020 . limerickleader.ie . Limerick Leader.
  102. Web site: 9 February 2020 . Election 2020: Limerick City - Constituency Results . 29 July 2020 . independent.ie . Independent News & Media.
  103. Web site: Rabbitts . Nick . Twitter removes 'racist' tweet posted by unsuccessful Limerick election candidate . 20 October 2023 . www.limerickleader.ie . 5 November 2020 . en.