Julodis viridipes explained

Julodis viridipes is a species of beetle belonging to the Buprestidae family.[1]


Julodis viridipes can reach a length of about 22-.[2] [3] The basic color is blue. Head, thorax and abdomen are covered with tufts of yellow hair. Legs are green (hence the Latin name viridipes of the species).[4]


This species can be found in South Africa and is associated with the woody shrub Didelta spinosa.[5]

Notes and References

  1. https://www.biolib.cz/en/taxon/id706034/ Biolib
  2. http://information-port.com/business_guidance/products/03_julodis%20viridipes/julodis%20viridipes.html Information Port
  3. http://wwb.skynetblogs.be/archive/2012/05/12/buprestidae-julodis-viridipes.html World Wide Beetles
  4. Francis de Castelnau, Hippolyte Louis Gory Histoire naturelle et iconographié des insectes coleoptères: Monographie
  5. http://www.living-jewels.com/julodis_hiritiventris_sanguinipi.htm Living Jewels