Joshua Parens Explained

Joshua S. Parens
Alma Mater:St. John's College (BA)University of Chicago (PhD)
Era:21st century Philosophy
Region:Western philosophy
School Tradition:Medieval Philosophy
Institutions:University of Dallas
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Influences:Farabi, Maimonides, Spinoza, Leo Strauss

Joshua S. Parens is an American philosopher and Professor of Philosophy at the University of Dallas. He is the dean of Braniff Graduate School of Liberal Arts.[1] Parens is known for his expertise on Islamic and Jewish medieval philosophy.[2] [3]


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Notes and References

  1. Web site: New Dean of Braniff Graduate School: Dr. Joshua Parens. University of Dallas. 22 April 2018. en.
  2. Hozien. Muhammad. Joshua Parens, An Islamic Philosophy of Virtuous Religions: Introducing Alfarabi. Journal of Islamic Philosophy. 2006. 2. 207–208. 10.5840/islamicphil20062114. 22 April 2018.
  3. Galston. Miriam. Parens on Strauss's Recovery of Medieval Political Philosophy - Joshua Parens : Leo Strauss and the Recovery of Medieval Political Philosophy. Rochester Studies in Medieval Political Thought. (Rochester, NY: University of Rochester Press, 2016. Pp. xvi, 191.). The Review of Politics. Summer 2017. 79. 3. 478–481. 10.1017/S003467051700033X. 148819898 . 22 April 2018. en. 0034-6705.