Joseph Gabel Explained
Joseph Gabel (12 July 1912 in Budapest – 15 June 2004 in Paris)[1] was a French Hungarian-born sociologist and philosopher. His work was always strongly influenced by Marxism; he was against Stalinism and critical of the work of Louis Althusser.
He left Hungary because of a Numerus Clausus for Jewish citizens[1] and first studied Psychopathology with Eugène Minkowski,[2] then he turned to Sociology (he was mainly influenced by Karl Mannheim and Georg Lukács). He taught at the Mohammed-V University of Rabat from 1965 to 1971, and at Amiens University from 1971 to 1980.
In 1962, he published his most important work: False Consciousness: An Essay on Reification. From the standpoint of psychopathology, this study works to synthesize Marxist notions of "false consciousness" and reification with the study of schizophrenia.[2] In the following years, Gabel's works stressed the analysis of ideologies and marxist theory of alienation (The Sociology of Alienation, 1971; Idéologies 1974 - 1978; Alienation Today, 1974). Gabel also wrote the articles "Utopia" and "Ideology" in the Encyclopedia Universalis and he was one of the only French specialists on Karl Mannheim.
Publications in French
- Génie et folie chez Guy de Maupassant, Paris, Jouve, 1940 (Thesis, Paris. Doctorat d'Université. 1940, no 117)
- La Fausse Conscience : essai sur la réification, Paris, Éditions de Minuit, « Arguments », 1962.
- Sociologie de l'aliénation, Paris, PUF, « Bibliothèque de sociologie contemporaine », 1971.
- L'Aliénation aujourd'hui, Paris, Anthropos, 1974.
- Idéologies 1 (Articles, 1948–1972), Paris, Éditions Anthropos, 1974.
- Idéologies. 2, Althussérisme et stalinisme, (Articles and conferences), Paris, Éditions Anthropos, 1978.
- (dir.), with Bernard Rousset, Trinh Van Thao and al., Actualité de la dialectique, Colloque du Centre universitaire de recherche sociologique d'Amiens, Chantilly, septembre 1977; Paris, Éditions Anthropos, 1980.
- Mannheim et le marxisme hongrois, Paris, Méridiens-Klincksieck, « Sociétés », 1987.
- Réflexions sur l'avenir des juifs : racisme et aliénation, Paris, Méridiens-Klincksieck, 1987.
- Études dialectiques, Paris, Méridiens-Klincksieck, 1990.
- Mensonge et maladie mentale, Paris, Éditions Allia, 1995.
- "Communisme et dialectique". In: Revue Les Lettres Nouvelles, 6eme année, Avril 1958, n° 59.
- "La crise du marxisme et la psychologie". In: Revue Arguments. Revue trimestrielle, Les Editions de Minuit, n° 18, 1960 theme l'homme probleme: anthropologie, marxisme, psychanalyse.
- "Sur Marxisme, anarchisme, psychologie sociale". In: Revue Arguments. Revue trimestrielle, Les Editions de Minuit, numéro 25-26, 1er et 2e trimestres 1962, theme la question politique (I).
- "Valeur clinique du test de Szondi". Psyché (Paris), Revue Internationale des Sciences de l'Homme et de la Psychanalyse, 1951.
- "Racisme et Aliénation,” in Praxis International, Vol. II, No. 4, January, 1983.
Publications in English
- False consciousness : an essay on reification. Translated from the French by Margaret A. Thompson with the assistance of Kenneth A. Thompson; introduction by Kenneth A. Thompson. Oxford : Blackwell, 1975.
- Karl Mannheim and Hungarian Marxism. Translated by William M. Stein and James McCrate. New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Publishers, c1991.
- Ideologies and the corruption of thought (ed. & introd. by Alan Sica). New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers, 1997.
- "Hungarian Marxism." In: Telos, Number 25 (Fall 1975). Telos Press
- "Utopian and False Consciousness." In: Telos, Number 29 (Fall 1976). Telos Press
See also
External links
Notes and References
- Joseph Gabel (1912-2004) . Perspectives Psy . 2005 . 44 . 1 . 78 . Gachnochi . Georges . 10.1051/ppsy/2005441078 . free .
- See Notice biographique, fonds Joseph Gabel