Joseph Berchtold Explained

Term Start:15 April 1926
Term End:1 March 1927
Leader:Adolf Hitler
Predecessor:Julius Schreck
Successor:Erhard Heiden
Birth Date:6 March 1897
Birth Place:Ingolstadt, Kingdom of Bavaria, German Empire
Death Place:Herrsching, Bavaria, West Germany
Party:Nazi Party (1920–1921, 1922–1945)
Otherparty:German Workers' Party (1920)
Battles:World War I

Joseph Berchtold (6 March 1897 – 23 August 1962) was an early senior Nazi Party member and a co-founder of both the German: [[Sturmabteilung]] (SA) and German: [[Schutzstaffel]] (SS).

Berchtold served in World War I and upon Germany's defeat joined the German Workers' Party (DAP), a small extremist organization at the time. He remained in the party after it became known as the National Socialist German Workers' Party (Nazi Party; NSDAP) and went on to become the second commander of the German: Schutzstaffel (SS) from April 1926 to March 1927.

After resigning as the SS leader, Berchtold spent much of his time writing for Nazi magazines and journals. He survived the war, but was arrested by the Allies. Berchtold was later released and died in 1962. He was the last surviving person to hold the rank of German: [[Reichsführer-SS]] and the only one to survive the Second World War.

Early life

Born on 6 March 1897 in Ingolstadt, Berchtold attended school in Munich from 1903 to 1915. He went on to serve in the Royal Bavarian Army during World War I (1914-18) and held the rank of second lieutenant at the end of the war. After the war, he studied economics at the University of Munich and gained employment as a journalist. In early 1920, he joined the small right-wing extremist group the German Workers' Party (DAP). He remained in the party after it became known as the National Socialist German Workers' Party (Nazi Party; NSDAP). Berchtold became the treasurer of the Nazi Party, until he resigned at the end of July 1921.

SA career

Upon re-joining the party in 1922, Berchtold became a member of the Sturmabteilung ("Storm Detachment"; SA), a paramilitary wing formed to protect its speakers at rallies, and to police Nazi meetings. Adolf Hitler, leader of the party since 1921, ordered the formation of a small separate bodyguard dedicated to his protection instead of less trustworthy ordinary party members in 1923. Originally the unit was composed of only eight men, commanded by Julius Schreck and Berchtold. It was initially designated the Stabswache ("Staff Guard"). Later that year, the unit was renamed Stoßtrupp-Hitler ("Shock Troop-Hitler").

On 9 November 1923 the Stoßtrupp, along with the SA and several other paramilitary units, took part in what would become known as the Beer Hall Putsch. The plan was to first take control of Munich, then Bavaria and then seize total power by marching on Berlin, much like how Mussolini and his Blackshirts had done in Italy. The coup d'état failed and resulted in the death of 16 Nazis, three police officers, and one bystander. In the aftermath of the putsch both Hitler and other Nazi leaders were incarcerated at Landsberg Prison. The Nazi Party and all associated formations, including the Stoßtrupp, were officially disbanded and outlawed. Berchtold ended up fleeing to Tirol, Austria. He was tried in absentia in Munich before the special People's Court in 1924 for his role in the Beer Hall Putsch and sentenced to a prison term. During his time in Austria, Berchtold continued to be involved with Nazi Party activities, even though it was illegal.

When Hitler was released from prison on 20 December 1924, Berchtold was District Director of the Nazi Party in Carinthia, Austria and was leader of the SA there. After the re-formation of the Nazi Party on 20 February 1925, he rejoined it, documented as member #964. In March 1926, Berchtold returned to Munich from Austria. He became chief of the SA in Munich not long after.

SS career

On 15 April 1926, Berchtold became the successor to Schreck as chief of the Schutzstaffel ("Protection Squadron"; SS), a special elite branch of the party under the control of the SA. Berchtold changed the title of the office position which became known as the Reichsführer-SS. He issued new rules to establish the position of the SS. The rules stated the unit was "...neither a military organisation nor a group of hangers-on, but a small squad of men that our movement and our Führer can rely on." He further stressed that the men must follow "only party discipline". He was considered to be more dynamic than his predecessor, but was still unable to keep the party organizers at bay. He was frustrated in his efforts to have a more independent unit and became disillusioned by the SA's authority over the SS. On 1 March 1927, he handed over leadership of the SS to his deputy Erhard Heiden.

After the SS

In 1927, he became a lead writer for Völkischer Beobachter, the Nazi Party newspaper. From 1928 to 1945, Berchtold was an SA leader, serving on the staff of the Supreme SA leadership (OSAF). In 1934, he became the permanent deputy editor-in-chief of the Völkischer Beobachter. In the following years, he was primarily a Nazi Party journalist and propagandist. In 1928, Berchtold founded the newspaper SA-Mann ("SA Man"), which was published by the OSAF. Until January 1938, he was its main writer. Berchtold was also the author of various Nazi publications and on the staff of additional magazines.

Additional posts in Nazi Germany were of secondary importance to Berchtold. From March 1934 to the end of the war, Berchtold served on the town council in Munich. On 15 November 1935, Berchtold was appointed Reich Culture Senator. In addition, he belonged to the "Cultural Circle of the SA" since 6 March 1936, and to the Reichstag from 29 March 1936. From 29 April 1940, Berchtold served as a captain of the reserve on a temporary basis in the Wehrmacht.


After World War II in Europe ended, Berchtold was arrested in 1945 and interned at Oberpfaffenhofen. He died on 23 August 1962, in Herrsching am Ammersee, near Munich.


Berchtold's Ranks
1 November 1926Reichsführer-SS
1 January 1933SA-Oberführer
9 November 1934SA-Brigadeführer
1 May 1937SA-Gruppenführer
29 April 1940Hauptmann der Reserve
30 January 1942SA-Obergruppenführer

Awards and decorations



. Bernd Wegner . The Waffen-SS: Organization, Ideology and Function . Blackwell . 1990 . 0-631-14073-5 .