John Mousley Explained

John Mousley (26 January 1772 – 31 August 1819) was an Anglican priest in India in the early 19th century, most notably the inaugural Archdeacon of Madras.[1]

Mousley was born in Warwickshire and educated at Trinity College, Oxford, matriculating in 1793, and graduating B.A. in 1800. He was a fellow of Balliol College, Oxford, from 1802 to 1816.[2]

Notes and References

  1. "A Practical Analysis of the several Letters Patent forming the Episcopal Charter of the See and Diocese of Calcutta, and the laws and canons applicable thereto- with an appendix of documents." Abbot, W.H. p85: Calcutta, Bishops College Press, 1828
  2. Details of Priests, Chaplains, Missionaries in Madras