Jnana Deepa, Institute of Philosophy and Theology explained

Pontifical Athenaeum
Jnana Deepa, Institute of Philosophy and Theology
Motto:"The seer sees the Self through his/her own self"
Vice Chancellor:Fr. Stany D'Souza, SJ
President:Fr. Francis Gonsalves, SJ
Affiliation:Roman Catholic, Jesuit
Campus:Urban: Ramwadi, Pune

Jnana Deepa (JD), Institute for Philosophy and Theology (Pontifical Athenaeum) is located at Pune, India. It is the academic component of Papal Seminary, Pontificium Athenaeum Kandiensis seu Pooniensis. Founded by the Pope Leo XIII with the motto “Filii tui India administri tibi salutis” in Kandy (Sri Lanka) in 1893, it was transferred to Pune (India) in 1955. Catering primarily to the formation of diocesan priests but open to Catholic faithful and other religious orders, especially candidates to the Catholic priesthood[2] it is entrusted by the Holy See to the Society of Jesus for training future Catholic leaders.


JD is the Athenaeum of the Papal Seminary which was founded in 1893 at Kandy, Sri Lanka. The seminary was founded by the Apostolic Delegate to India, Mgr Lasdislaus Zaleski and the Belgian Jesuits (Fr Sylvain Grosjean) in response to the letter Ad extremas of Pope Leo XIII calling for the establishment of institutes for the training of the local clergy. Sri Lanka, with India and Burma was then part of the British Empire. After Indian Independence, it became increasingly difficult for Indian citizens to go to Sri Lanka for studies. In 1955, the Papal Seminary along with its Athenaeum moved to Pune, Maharashtra (India), near the already existing Jesuit Formation House 'De Nobili College'.

The Athenaeum of the Papal Seminary adopted the Indian name 'Jnana Deepa' in 1972. In 2015 it celebrated its diamond jubilee of transfer to Pune. It continues to offer philosophy and theology courses for those studying for the Catholic priesthood. It also serves as an intellectual centre for the Catholic Church in India, having taken a leading role in promoting inculturation since the 1970s. Its "Department of Indian Studies" brings "Indian" insights to the Christian faith.


In the 1970s and 1980s JD was the driving force for inculturation, inter-religious dialog, and "liberation theology" for the Indian church. Personalities like Richard De Smet,[3] George Lobo,[4] and George-Soares Prabhu[5] enabled JD to lead a Catholic movement toward the concerns of the poor and marginalised in Indian society. Sara Grant taught philosophy and theology at the institute.[6]

JD has continued in its pioneering activities in the Indian catholic church, for more than a decade pursuing dialog between science and religion. It offers a Licentiate in Science and Religion (MSPR). More practical, contextual studies in sacred scripture have seen a revival, with the addition of a Licentiate programs in contextual spirituality. Diploma and Licentiate Programme in Ignatian Spirituality began in the academic year 2016–17. Also, a pastoral management course was instituted for the administrative and service sector. It publishes an interdisciplinary quarterly, Jnanadeepa: Pune Journal of Religious Studies.

Eminent faculty

See also

External links

Notes and References

  1. Handbook, Jnana Deepa, Institute of Philosophy and Theology, Pune.
  2. Directory, New Delhi: Jesuit Conference of South Asia, 2010, p.35.
  3. De Smet, Richard, and Bradley J. Malkovsky. New Perspectives on Advaita VedaAnta: Essays in Commemoration of Professor Richard De Smet. Numen Book Series, Studies in the History of Religions. Leiden; Boston: Brill Publishers, 2000. Print.
  4. Lobo, George V. Church and Social Justice. Jesuit Theological Forum Reflections. Anand, Gujarat, India: Gujarat Sahitya Prakash, 1993. Print.
  5. Soares-Prabhu, George, and Francis X. D'Sa. Theology of Liberation: An Indian Biblical Perspective. Pune, India: Jnana Deepa, Institute of Philosophy and Theology, 2001. Print.
  6. http://www.monasticdialog.com/bulletins/69/grant.htm "Sara Grant - In Memoriam"