Jiang Yan (poet) explained

Jiang Yan
Birth Date:444
Birth Place:Kaocheng
Death Date:505
Period:Liu Song dynasty
Southern Qi
Liang dynasty

Jiang Yan (; 444 – 505[1]), courtesy name Wentong (文通)[2], was a poet and fu writer during the Northern and Southern dynasties[3] known for his imitation poetry, a prominent genre of the Six Dynasties era.

Jiang Yan stated that he loved the strange and different, and therefore sought new social trends and literary habits. This affected his friendships and writing style.

There was a legend saying that Jiang once dreamt of returning his magic brush to Guo Pu and lost his talent in writing ever since[4] . The idiom "Chinese: {{linktext|江郎才盡" is therefore used for describing the situation when a creator is experiencing writer's block after using up all his/her talent.

See also

Notes and References

  1. ([天监]四年卒,时年六十二。) Nan Qi Shu, vol.14. Note that Book of Qi is considered a primary source on Jiang Yan's life as it was compiled within living memory of Jiang Yan's death.
  2. (江淹字文通,...) Nan Shi, vol.59
  3. Specifically, Jiang was born during the Liu Song dynasty, lived through Southern Qi, and died in the early years of the Liang dynasty.
  4. (又尝宿于冶亭,梦一丈夫自称郭璞,谓淹曰:“吾有笔在卿处多年,可以见还。”淹乃探怀中得五色笔一以授之。尔后为诗绝无美句,时人谓之才尽。) Nan Shi, vol.59. Besides Guo Pu, Jiang Yan's talent was also linked to Eastern Jin scholar Zhang Xie (courtesy name Jingyang). (淹少以文章显,晚节才思微退,云为宣城太守时罢归,始泊禅灵寺渚,夜梦一人自称张景阳,谓曰:“前以一匹锦相寄,今可见还。”淹探怀中得数尺与之,此人大恚曰:“那得割截都尽。”顾见丘迟谓曰:“馀此数尺既无所用,以遗君。”自尔淹文章踬矣。) Nan Shi, vol.59.