Jedaiah ben Abraham Bedersi (c. 1270 - c. 1340) (he|ידעיה הבדרשי) was a Jewish poet, physician, and philosopher; born at Béziers (hence his surname Bedersi). His Occitan name was En Bonet, which probably corresponds to the Hebrew name Tobiah;[1] and, according to the practices of Hachmei Provence, he occasionally joined to his name that of his father, Abraham Bedersi.
In his poems he assumed the appellation "Penini" (Hebrew: {{Script/Hebrew|הפניני, "Dispenser of Pearls"), and because of this appellation the ethical work Mibḥar haPeninim of Solomon ibn Gabirol has been erroneously ascribed to Bedersi.
Bedersi was a precocious child. He was scarcely fifteen years old when he published his work Baḳḳashat ha-Memin (The Mem Prayer), a hymn of 1000 words, each of which begins with the letter mem (translated into Latin and German). Bedersi's father, very much pleased with those evidences of his child's precocity, expressed his approbation in a short poem which in many editions is given at the end of the hymn. The work contains only mere quibbles on Biblical passages, and is often very obscure; but, considering the age of the author, the facility with which he handles the Hebrew vocabulary is astonishing.
Bedersi's Talmudical knowledge must have been equally extensive; for, as may be seen in the introduction to his commentary on the Aggadah of the Talmud, he was but fifteen years old when he entered the Talmudical school of R. Meshullam. At the age of seventeen he produced his ethical work Sefer ha-Pardes (The Book of the Garden). This treatise, first published at Constantinople in 1515 (?) and reproduced by Joseph Luzzatto in Ozar ha-Ṣifrut, iii., is divided into eight chapters:
At eighteen he published a work in defense of women, entitled Ẓilẓal Kenafayim (The Rustling of Wings) or Oheb Nashim (The Women-Lover). In the short introduction to this treatise, Bedersi says that he wrote it against Judah ibn Shabbethai's Sone ha-Nashim (The Woman-Hater). The young poet dedicated this composition to his two friends, Meïr and Judah, sons of Don Solomon Dels-Enfanz of Arles. It was written in rhymed prose, and has been edited by Neubauer in the Zunz Jubelschrift, 1884.
These poetical productions of Bedersi's youth were followed by a number of works of a more serious character, among which were:
Beḥinat ha-'Olam (The Examination of the World), called also by its first words, "Shamayim la-Rom" (Heaven's Height), a didactic poem written after the 1306 expulsion of Jews from France, to which event reference is made in the eleventh chapter (compare Renan-Neubauer, Les Ecrivains Juifs Français, p. 37). This poem is divided into 37 short chapters, and may be summarized as follows:
Bedersi concludes his poem by expressing his admiration for Maimonides:
According to Husik, Bedersi as the author of this poem is the "wise man" quoted by Joseph Albo in Sefer Ikkarim (II:30) on the unknowability of God:
This poem enjoyed the greatest success. Published first at Mantua by Estellina, wife of Abraham Conat, between 1476 and 1480, it was republished 67 times (compare Bibliotheca Friedlandiana, ii. 139), with many commentaries, among which are those written by Moshe ibn Habib, Jacob Frances, and Yom-Tov Lipmann Heller. Four commentaries written by Isaac Monçon, Jacob (of Fano?), Leon of Mantua, and Immanuel of Lattes the Younger are still extant in manuscript (MSS. at St. Petersburg and at the Bodleian Library, Oxford, Nos. 502 and 1404). The poem was translated into Latin by Uchtman; into German by Isaac Auerbach, Hirsch ben Meïr, Joel ben Joseph Faust or Wust, Simson Hamburger, Auerbach (who made use of a translation of parts iv. and v. by Mendelssohn), J. Levy, Joseph Hirschfeld, and (in verse) by Stern, preceded by an interesting Hebrew introduction by Weiss; into French by Philippe Aquinas and Michel Beer; into Italian in Antologia Israelitica, 1880,pp. 334 et seq.; into English by Tobias Goodman; into Polish by J. Tugendhold.
According to Luzzatto (Ḥotam Toknit, Appendix, p. 5), Bedersi was also the author of the poem Baḳḳashat ha-Lamedin (The Lamed Prayer), or Bet El (House of God), or Batte Nefesh (Tablets), a prayer composed of 412 words in which only the letters from "alef" to "lamed" occur. This composition is commonly attributed to his father, Abraham Bedersi. Another poem, entitled Elef Alfin (Thousand Alephs), composed of 1000 words, each of which begins with the letter aleph, also attributed to Abraham Bedersi, seems to have been written by Jedaiah. In this poem the author bewails the sufferings and the exile of the Jews, which can only refer to the banishment of the Jews from France in 1306 (compare Luzzatto, l.c.; Shem haGedolim, of Chaim Yosef David Azulai ii. s.v.; Heinrich Graetz, Gesch. der Juden, vii. 206).
Bedersi also wrote a large number of treatises on philosophy, several of which are quoted by Moses ibn Ḥabib in the introduction to his commentary on the Beḥinat ha-'Olam. Seven of these works are still extant in manuscript: