Japan Tourism Agency Explained

Agency Name:Japan Tourism Agency
Nativename R:Kankō-chō
Picture Width:250px
Picture Caption:Joint Government Building No.3
Budget:¥26,438 million JPY[3]
Chief1 Name:Secretary
Chief1 Position:Hiroshi Tabata
Chief2 Name:Deputy Secretary
Chief2 Position:Koichi Wada
Parent Agency:Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism

The, JTA, is an organization which was set up on October 1, 2008 as an agency of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism.[4]

Background of establishment

Japan Tourism Agency seated itself with intentions to stimulate local economies and to further international mutual understanding,[5] following legislation of Basic Act on Promotion of Tourism Nation (in December 2006, to wholly revise Tourism Basic Act),[6] [7] committee resolutions in both Houses of the Diet in the legislation process,[8] [9] and decision at a Cabinet meeting of Basic Plan (in June 2007)[10] [11] which was drawn as provided by the Basic Act. One legal basis of the Agency is Act for Establishment of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism.

The two committee resolutions (of almost the same contents) are made by the Committee on Land and Transport of each House of the Diet, to point out eight issues on which the government should take appropriate measures when it enforces the Basic Act. In the issue No. 8 it was stated that the government should make efforts to set up tourism agency or so.

In the Basic Plan, five fundamental targets are set, whose substances are, respectively, to increase the number of:

a. foreign tourists visiting Japan;

b. international meetings held in Japan;

c. nights for stay in accommodations per one Japanese during domestic sightseeing tours;

d. Japanese tourists to overseas;

e. expenditure in Japan on sightseeing tours.All the five targets each have numerical value. Many among the total of 25 various targets each have some numerical value.


See also

External links

Notes and References

  1. .
  2. http://www.bb.mof.go.jp/server/2018/dlpdf/DL201811001.pdf 国土交通省定員規則
  3. http://www.bb.mof.go.jp/hdocs/bxss010bh24.html 財務省
  4. http://law.e-gov.go.jp/htmldata/H11/H11HO100.html 国土交通省設置法
  5. http://www.mlit.go.jp/sogoseisaku/kanko/shinsetsu.pdf 「観光庁の新設(平成20年10月)について」
  6. http://law.e-gov.go.jp/htmldata/H18/H18HO117.html 観光立国推進基本法
  7. http://www.sangiin.go.jp/japanese/gianjoho/old_gian/165/16505165004.htm 議案審議情報
  8. http://www.shugiin.go.jp/itdb_kaigiroku.nsf/html/kaigiroku/009916520061206008.htm 会議録「第165回国会 国土交通委員会 第8号(平成18年12月6日(水曜日))」
  9. http://www.sangiin.go.jp/japanese/gianjoho/ketsugi/165/f072_121202.pdf 観光立国推進基本法案に対する附帯決議 平成十八年十二月十二日 参議院国土交通委員会
  10. http://www.mlit.go.jp/sogoseisaku/kanko/pdf/kihonkeikaku.pdf 「観光立国推進基本計画」
  11. http://www.mlit.go.jp/sogoseisaku/kanko/061220kihonkeikaku.html 観光立国推進基本計画