Japan–Manchukuo Protocol Explained

The Japan–Manchukuo Protocol (; ja|日満議定書) was signed on 15 September 1932, between Japan and the state of Manchukuo. The Treaty confirmed the recognition by Japan of the Manchukuo state, following the Japanese invasion of Manchuria in 1931, and the establishment of a Manchurian state on 1 March 1932. The treaty also defined a mutual defence agreement, allowing Japanese troops to station in Manchukuo, and thereby effectively occupy the country.[1]

On the Japanese side, the protocol was signed by Ambassador Nobuyoshi Mutō, and on the Manchu side by Prime Minister Zheng Xiaoxu.


Original Japanese:




一 滿洲國ハ將來日滿兩國間ニ別段ノ約定ヲ締結セザル限リ滿洲國領域内ニ於テ日本國又ハ日本國臣民ガ從來ノ日支間ノ條約協定其ノ他ノ取極及公私ノ契約ニ依リ有スル一切ノ權利利益ヲ確認尊重スベシ

二 日本國及滿洲國ハ締約國ノ一方ノ領土及治安ニ對スル一切ノ脅威ハ同時ニ締約國ノ他方ノ安寧及存立ニ對スル脅威タルノ事實ヲ確認シ兩國共同シテ國家ノ防衞ニ當ルベキコトヲ約ス之ガ爲所要ノ日本國軍ハ滿洲國内ニ駐屯スルモノトス





日本帝國特命全權大使 武藤信義

滿洲國國務總理    鄭孝胥

English translation:

Notes and References

  1. "The protocol specified a mutual defence arrangement between Japan and Manchukuo and an unconditional stationing of Japanese troops, thereby justifying Japan's occupation of Manchuria and Japan's expanding aggression." in Continent, coast, ocean: dynamics of regionalism in Eastern Asia by Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. Institut Alam dan Tamadun Melayu,Institute of Southeast Asian Studies p.20