Jan Zalasiewicz Explained

Jan Zalasiewicz (born 1954 in Manchester[1]) is a British-Polish geologist and palaeontologist,[2] emeritus professor at the University of Leicester,[3] and Ig Nobel laureate.


His parents escaped from Siberia with the Anders' Army.[4] He was the head of the Anthropocene Working Group from 2009 to 2020.[5]


External links

Notes and References

  1. https://zkm.de/en/person/jan-zalasiewicz Jan Zalasiewicz
  2. https://theconversation.com/profiles/jan-zalasiewicz-153171 The Conversation Profile
  3. https://le.ac.uk/gge/people/emeritus-honorary University of Leicester staff page
  4. http://wyborcza.pl/magazyn/7,124059,22839876,wiec-chodz-zafoliuj-mi-swiat-antropocen-era-czlowieka-era.html Więc chodź, zafoliuj mi świat. Antropocen, epoka człowieka, epoka plastiku
  5. Web site: Anthropocene Curriculum . 2023-09-17 . www.anthropocene-curriculum.org.