Jacob K. Javits Lecture Center Explained

Jacob K. Javits Lecture Center
Established:c. 1969
City:Stony Brook
State:New York

The Jacob K. Javits Lecture Center also known as Javits Center or Javits for short is the main lecture center at Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, New York. It is located in west campus south of the main Academic Mall. It houses many of the lecture halls in campus and most of the general first-year courses are lectured here. Javits 100 is the largest lecture hall on campus, with 570 seats including a balcony. Other lecture halls include four 103-seat ones and two 218-seat ones.[1]

Javits also houses the primary audio visual services support office.[2]

The Javits Lecture Center underwent major renovation in 2022-2023.[3] The structural engineers that are taking on this project is Leslie E. Robertson Associates.

The building notably has zero right angles aside from the doors.[4] [5]

40.9132°N -73.1221°W

Notes and References

  1. http://classroomfinder.sinc.stonybrook.edu/Default.aspx Classroom Finder
  2. http://it.stonybrook.edu/services/audio-visual-services Audio Visual Services
  3. https://www.stonybrook.edu/commcms/javits/ Javits Center Renovation Project
  4. Web site: Suknanan . Jasmin . 2016-08-01 . 20 Things Every Stony Brook Student Should Know . 2024-01-18 . Society19 . en-US.
  5. Web site: 2024-01-12 . Javits Renovations Increase Accessibility, Technology and Collaboration . 2024-01-18 . en-US.