Jüri Ratas's second cabinet explained

Cabinet Name:Jüri Ratas' second cabinet
Cabinet Number:50th
Flag Border:true
Date Formed:29 April 2019
Date Dissolved:14 January 2021
Government Head:Jüri Ratas
State Head:Kersti Kaljulaid
Current Number:15
Former Members Number:8
Total Number:23
Political Parties:Centre Party
Conservative People's Party
Election:2019 election
Opposition Parties:Reform Party
Social Democrats
Previous:Jüri Ratas's first cabinet
Successor:Kaja Kallas's first cabinet

Jüri Ratas's second cabinet was the 50th cabinet of Estonia, in office from 29 April 2019 to 14 January 2021.[1] It was a centre-right coalition cabinet of the Centre Party, right-wing populist Conservative People's Party (EKRE) and conservative Isamaa.[2] [3]


Following the defeat for the sitting Ratas's first cabinet at the 2019 elections and the loss of majority in the parliament Centre Party initiated coalition talks with the third largest Conservative People's Party and fourth largest Isamaa.[4] Although the election-winning Reform Party offered to form a coalition with Jüri Ratas's Centre Party, Ratas turned down the offer. This left the winners of the elections, Reform Party, with no chance to form a majority cabinet. Reform Party leader Kaja Kallas, however went on to propose a minority cabinet formed by Reform and the Social Democrats, but it did not gain the necessary number of votes in the parliament.[5] The coalition partners nonetheless faced three rebel MPs with Centre MP Raimond Kaljulaid quitting the Centre Party in protest against the inclusion of EKRE in the coalition.[6]

On 17 April 2019, the new cabinet got approval of Riigikogu with the support of 55 out of 101 MPs with one Isamaa rebel MP and former Centre MP Kaljulaid voting against with the opposition.[2]

Ratas resigned as prime minister on the evening of 12 January 2021, in the wake of the Porto Franco corruption scandal and the comments by his coalition partners about the validity of the 2020 US elections, with the government as a whole resigning two days later. The cabinet continued to act as a caretaker government until the Kaja Kallas's first cabinet was sworn in on 26 January.[7] [8] The party leaders of EKRE accused the "deep state" of orchestrating the government's fall to reverse the party's goals, specifically a planned marriage referendum, using the corruption scandal as a front.[9] [10] [11] [12]


The coalition agreement declared as its highest goal to secure the existence of Estonian people and an Estonia that is fortified and well-defended.[13] Among the priorities of the government were reducing inequality between cities and countryside while moving closer to direct democracy.[14]

The government adopted a controversial pension reform that turned the second pillar into a voluntary system, intending to give participants more control over their savings while creating a more competitive market to improve returns and cut fees.[15] The formerly mandatory second pillar had been criticized by some of its opponents as essentially turning Estonians into slaves to an international banking system and the reform was compared to abolition of serfdom in the 19th century.[16] [17] On the other hand, Kaja Kallas called the pension reform a "crime against the future" and called upon people to protest against it.[18] Under Minister of Finance Helme, Estonia also emitted sovereign bonds for the first time after 18 years to finance the government programs.[19]

Another priority for the government was adoption of family-friendly policies with an objective to increase birth rates of ethnic Estonians. Government spokespeople presented this as an alternative to immigration that allows the percentage of ethnic Estonians to rise.[20] Emphasis was put on a program to facilitate the return of Estonians from Finland.[21] The government agreed on a referendum that would have defined marriage as being a union between a man and a woman, which would have created a constitutional prohibition against same-sex marriage. The referendum would have taken place in October 2021.[22]

The government attempted to restrict both legal and illegal migration into Estonia. Many restrictions were targeted against foreigners coming to work and study in Estonia, especially those from outside the European Union.[23] During the COVID-19 crisis, the government temporarily banned entrance of cheap labor force into Estonia, a move that was often seen as relating more to migration policy than the quarantine.[24] The Estonian Border Guard was restored as a separate structure under the Police and Border Guard Board.

In foreign policy, Estonia moved closer to the Visegrád Group. Together with Hungary, Estonia declared the Global Compact for Migration a "dangerous document" and cooperated against its implementation while also working together to halt the European migrant crisis.[25] In 2020, Estonia hosted a summit of the Three Seas Initiative. The government also implemented a new foreign policy strategy that gave additional focus to what it defines as "Estonian national and cultural interests", giving attention to Estonian diaspora and turning more awareness to indigenous rights.[26] Estonia's defence budget was raised. It included increasing the armament of the Estonian Navy by introducing anti-ship missiles and naval mines[27] while also making plans for procuring mid-range surface-to-air missiles.[28]

The government launched an ambitious program of highway construction, planning to reconstruct national roads 1, 2 and 4 into first-class dual carriageways while paving every single local road with a daily traffic of 50 or more cars.[29] They also invested heavily into regional rail transport, initiating the restoration of Haapsalu railway (closed to passenger traffic in 1995 and demolished afterwards)[30] and were aiming to convert the whole of the Estonian passenger rail network into electric railways by 2028.[31] Meanwhile the project of Rail Baltica caused controversy within government, with EKRE opposing it on the grounds of environmental protection and supposed economic inefficiency.[32]

The government, especially Minister of Finance Martin Helme, attempted to open an investigation into the Danske Bank money laundering scandal, hiring American lawyer and former FBI director Louis Freeh to investigate it.[33] Helme has implicated previous Estonian political elite in allowing the money laundering to continue.[34] The government also launched a new investigation into the sinking of the MS Estonia in 1994, alluding to conspiracy theories according to which the ship sank as a result of an explosion or collision with a military submarine.[35]

The government financed from state budget reconstruction of many churches while also giving money to protect pagan sacred groves.[36] A decision to finance an anti-abortion NGO with €171,000 after a proposal by EKRE caused controversy.[37] [38] They also planned to finance erection of a statue of Roman von Ungern-Sternberg, although the initiators of the monument declined public funding.[39]

Incidents and controversies

Coalition formation

Ratas had previously ruled out forming a coalition with EKRE during the election campaign because of differences between their views.[40]

The subsequent reversal of his stance and the inclusion of EKRE by Ratas in coalition talks after the elections was met with local and international criticism. In a poll conducted after the start of the coalition talks, Ratas's Centre Party further lost support.[41] [42]

Gender equality

The cabinet faced criticism for having only two women, Centre MP Mailis Reps and Isamaa MP Riina Solman, with EKRE fielding a full male line-up for their portfolios.[43] [44] The party later named a female minister, Kert Kingo, after the resignation of Marti Kuusik.

EKRE party leader and Minister of the Interior Mart Helme faced criticism for calling president Kersti Kaljulaid an "emotionally heated woman".[45] [46]

Freedom of speech

A public debate on freedom of speech started after controversial actions by the new cabinet parties. On 28 March 2019, EKRE's proposed new Minister of Finance, Martin Helme, demanded that Estonian Public Broadcasting (ERR) would ban and punish journalists who had criticised his party.[47] On 22 April, journalist Vilja Kiisler left Postimees, one of the biggest newspapers in Estonia, due to differences with the paper's newly appointed editor-in-chief[48] on her op-ed about the policies of EKRE. The editor-in-chief Peeter Helme is the nephew of the leader of the Conservative People's Party Mart Helme and the newspaper is owned by a member and financier of the third government party Pro Partia.[49] On 26 April, journalist Ahto Lobjakas announced that he was quitting the ERR where, he said, he was given a choice between self-censorship and leaving.[50] On the swearing-in of the new cabinet president Kersti Kaljulaid wore a sweatshirt emblazoned with the slogan Sõna on vaba (the word/speech is free) as a statement of the importance of the freedom of speech.[51]

On 14 May 2019, Minister of the Interior Mart Helme accused ERR's United States correspondent Maria-Ann Rohemäe of deceiving and lying.[52] ERR responded with public statement in support of their journalist and condemning attacks against journalists.[53]

"OK" hand gesture

EKRE party chairman and Minister of the Interior Mart Helme, and his son, Minister of Finance Martin Helme caused some controversy by publicly flashing the "OK" hand gesture which has been come to be seen as a white supremacist symbol.[54] [55] MP Jaak Madison commented afterwards that the symbols were used as "pure trolling" in order to rile the media and the party’s opponents.[56]

In May 2019, when Marine Le Pen was visiting Estonia for discussions with EKRE, MP Ruuben Kaalep and Le Pen took a selfie together with both flashing the same gesture.[57]

Resignation of Marti Kuusik

The following morning after the elections, EKRE's proposed new Minister of Foreign Trade and Information Technology, Marti Kuusik was caught by the police speeding (74 km/h in 50 km/h zone) and driving under the influence.[58] Both prime minister Jüri Ratas, and EKRE stated that they do not see this as a reason to replace Kuusik.[59]

On 29 April 2019, reports emerged of alleged history of Kuusik's domestic violence including breaking his wife's arm bone twice.[60] Kuusik denied the accusations.[61] Following the emergency meeting with Kuusik and EKRE's delegation, Ratas decided that there is no need to replace Kuusik and that he can take the oath of office.[62] Before Kuusik took the oath, president Kaljulaid left the room, leaving Kuusik to bow for the empty seat. Kaljulaid promised to be the first to apologize to Kuusik should the accusations not be true.[63]

On the same day, a criminal investigation was launched to determine whether the accusations were true.[64] On 30 April 2019 the Director General of the Police and the Prosecutor General gave Ratas an overview of the collected evidence after which Ratas handed over Kuusk's letter of resignation to the President. Kuusk denied all the accusations, reasoning that he only resigned to ensure the stability of the government and to protect his family while focusing on disproving the accusations.[65] EKRE party chairman Mart Helme heavily criticized the ousting of Kuusik, calling it a "witch hunt".[66]

Afterwards, EKRE struggled to find a nominee, with a number of people declining the offer.[67] Finally, two weeks after Kuusik's resignation. Kert Kingo was appointed as a replacement for Kuusik.[68]

Resignation of Kert Kingo

On 25 October 2019, Minister of Foreign Trade and IT Kert Kingo resigned after being caught lying in front of the Riigikogu about the appointment of her new adviser who had posted sexually offensive remarks on Facebook.[69] On 2 November, Kaimar Karu was appointed as Kingo's successor.[70]

Dismissal of Mart Järvik

On 25 November 2019, Prime Minister Jüri Ratas proposed the dismissal of the Minister of Rural Affairs Mart Järvik after a commission of inquiry led by the Secretary of State Taimar Peterkop had found that Järvik had exceeded his authority and made inconsistent statements regarding findings of Listeria bacteria at a fish packing plant.[71] After Järvik's dismissal by the President, he was followed in the position by Arvo Aller.[72]

Recalling of Kaimar Karu

On the morning of 17 April 2020, Minister of Foreign Trade and Information Technology Kaimar Karu announced on social media that EKRE chairman Mart Helme has recalled him from the government. Helme accused Karu for not respecting party values, including their anti-immigration views. Karu had been under strain for not supporting changes made to the Aliens Act.[73] Raul Siem was appointed as a replacement for Karu.[74]

Resignation of Rene Kokk

On 4 November 2020, Minister of the Environment Rene Kokk resigned for health reasons, with both Jüri Ratas and Martin Helme stressed that his resignation had nothing to do with the unfinished forestry development plan.[75] On 12 November, Rain Epler was confirmed as the new minister.[76] Epler does not believe that the global warming is primarily caused by human activity and supports nuclear power.[77]

Resignation of Mart Helme

On 9 November 2020, Minister of the Interior Mart Helme, a supporter of Donald Trump, resigned due to political pressure after he and his son, Minister of Finance, Martin Helme had in their weekly radio show called 2020 United States presidential elections fraudulent, rigged by the "deep state" and US president elect Joe Biden a corrupt character.[78] On 18 November 2020, Alar Laneman was confirmed as the new minister.[79]

Resignation of Mailis Reps

On 20 November 2020, Minister of Education and Research Mailis Reps resigned due to the media criticism on her usage of the official ministerial vehicles for her personal purposes.[80] She was replaced by Minister of Public Administration Jaak Aab, with Anneli Ott inheriting Aab's former post.[81]


The coalition agreed to continue with fifteen portfolios equally allocated between the parties with each party holding five.[82]

External links

Notes and References

  1. Web site: Ratas' second government sworn in Monday afternoon . 29 April 2019 . ERR . 29 April 2019.
  2. Web site: Riigikogu backs Centre-EKRE-Isamaa coalition, Ratas to remain PM . 17 April 2019 . ERR . 17 April 2019.
  3. Web site: News Estonia: Far right set to enter government for first time . . 29 April 2019.
  4. News: Estonian PM invites far-right to join cabinet . 11 March 2019 . . 17 April 2019.
  5. Web site: Kaja Kallas not granted authority to form government . 15 April 2019 . ERR . 17 April 2019.
  6. Web site: Raimond Kaljulaid quits Centre Party . 5 April 2019 . . 16 April 2019.
  7. Web site: Reform Party, Center Party to start coalition negotiations . 14 January 2021 . ERR . 14 January 2021.
  8. Web site: Gallery: President appoints new government . 26 January 2021 . ERR News . 26 January 2021.
  9. Web site: 2021-01-17 . "RÄÄGIME ASJAST": Miks kukkus valitsus tegelikult ja mis saab Eestist edasi? . 2022-06-12 . Uued Uudised . et.
  10. Web site: ERR . Jaak Valge, riigikogu liige (EKRE) . 2021-01-18 . Jaak Valge: võimupööre või riigipööre? . 2022-06-12 . ERR . et.
  11. Web site: 2021-01-21 . JUHTKIRI ⟩ Prokuratuuril ja kaitsepolitseil on aeg selgitusi jagada . 2022-06-12 . Objektiiv . et.
  12. Web site: 2021-02-12 . GALERII Pikett kaitsepolitsei ja prokuratuuri ees . 2022-06-12 . Uued Uudised . et.
  13. Web site: Jüri Ratase II valitsuse aluspõhimõtted aastaiks 2019–2023 Eesti Vabariigi Valitsus . 2022-06-12 . www.valitsus.ee.
  14. Web site: BLOGI JA FOTOD Koalitsioonileping sai allkirjad. Ratas: ühtegi valget paberit või Exceli tabelit rahaliste katteallikate kohta ei ole . 2022-06-12 . Delfi.
  15. Web site: Controversial Estonian pension reforms cross the finishing line.
  16. Web site: 2019-08-23 . Neivelt eksib – pärisorjus tuleb tagasi - Arvamus - Arhiiv - Majandus . 2022-06-12 . Arvamus . et.
  17. Web site: 2019-08-23 . Neivelt pensionisamba reformist: see on justkui pärisorjuse kaotamine . 2022-06-12 . Majandus . et.
  18. Web site: GALERII Kaja Kallas: pensionireform on kuritegu meie tuleviku suhtes . 2022-06-12 . www.ohtuleht.ee . et.
  19. Web site: 2020-06-03 . Eesti laenab võlakirjadega koguni 1,5 miljardit . 2022-06-12 . Majandus . et.
  20. https://www.siseministeerium.ee/et/uudised/rahvastikuminister-riina-solman-ja-pere-sihtkapital-asuvad-kujundama-sundimust-toetavat Siseministeerium
  21. https://www.siseministeerium.ee/et/uudised/eksperdid-tutvustavad-soomest-eestisse-tagasipoordumise-suundumusi-ja-naasmist-toetavaid Siseministeerium
  22. Web site: ERR . 2020-06-09 . Ettevalmistused rahvahääletuseks koos valimistega peavad algama juba suvel . 2022-06-12 . ERR . et.
  23. Web site: ERR . 2020-07-23 . Helme esitas uue ettepaneku välismaalaste seaduse muutmiseks . 2022-06-12 . ERR . et.
  24. Web site: 2020-06-21 . Helme: Ukraina renditööjõudu, nagu seni on olnud, ei ole ega tule . 2022-06-12 . Majandus . et.
  25. Web site: 2019-11-18 . Szijjártó: Estonia, Hungary Find UN Migration Pack ‘Dangerous’ . 2022-06-12 . Hungary Today . en.
  26. https://vm.ee/sites/default/files/content-editors/valispoliitika_arengukava_08.08.2019.pdf Välispoliitika arengukava
  27. https://kaitseministeerium.ee/et/uudised/luik-lisaraha-voimaldab-jatkata-riigikaitse-arendamist Kaitseministeerium
  28. Web site: ERR . Vahur Lauri . 2020-10-19 . Enne kolme aastat Eesti toimivat rannakaitsesüsteemi ilmselt ei saa . 2022-06-12 . ERR . et.
  29. https://www.mkm.ee/et/uudised/valitsus-uuendas-riigiteede-pika-plaani mkm.ee
  30. https://www.err.ee/1132957/aas-haapsalu-raudtee-rohukulani-voiks-valmida-aastaks-2026 ERR
  31. Web site: ERR . Mart Linnart . 2019-11-04 . Riik kavatseb raudteevõrgu elektrifitseerida aastaks 2028 . 2022-06-12 . ERR . et.
  32. Web site: Ratas küsis Helmelt, kas EKRE tahab Rail Balticu pärast koalitsioonilepet ümber teha . 2022-06-12 . www.ohtuleht.ee . et.
  33. Web site: Helme: mineviku rahapesujuhtumite uurimine peab tooma selguse Rahandusministeerium . 2022-06-12 . www.rahandusministeerium.ee . et.
  34. Web site: 2020-09-16 . Martin Helme: Suuremahuline rahapesu toimus Eestis ajal, mil ministrid olid reformierakondlased ja sotsid . 2022-06-12 . Uued Uudised . et.
  35. Web site: ESTONIA HUKU KINNIMÄTSIMINE? Helme nõuab: Mart Laaril on aeg rääkida, mis ta teab . 2022-06-12 . www.ohtuleht.ee . et.
  36. Web site: 2020-12-01 . Selline on riigikogu nn katuserahade jaotus - vaata tabelist, kes ja kui palju saab! . 2022-06-12 . Lõunaeestlane . en.
  37. https://www.postimees.ee/7124098/martin-helme-kinnitas-et-141-000-eurot-elu-marsile-oli-ekre-ettepanek Postimees
  38. https://www.ohtuleht.ee/1019292/miks-saab-abordivastane-elu-marss-suurima-katuseraha-141-000-eurot-rahanduskomisjoni-esimees-aivar-kokk-ma-ei-tea Õhtuleht
  39. Web site: ERR . 2020-12-01 . EKRE noorte MTÜ loobub koalitsiooni eraldatud katuserahast . 2022-06-12 . ERR . et.
  40. Web site: Ratas peab koalitsiooni EKRE-ga võimatuks. ERR. 22 November 2018. ERR. 16 March 2019.
  41. Web site: Kõlvart: erakonna püsimine on tähtsam kui olemine opositsioonis. 13 March 2019. Poliitika. 16 March 2019.
  42. Web site: Uuring: valijad eelistavad kõike muud kui Keskerakonna-EKRE-Isamaa liitu. 14 March 2019. Poliitika. 16 March 2019.
  43. Web site: Ossinovski hinnangul ei väärtusta loodav valitsus naiste rolli . 6 April 2019 . ERR . 29 April 2019 . et.
  44. Web site: Võimuliidu ettekujutuses kõlbavad valitsema paremini mehed . . 29 April 2019 . et.
  45. Web site: Estonia minister calls first female president 'emotionally heated woman' . . 3 May 2019 . 16 May 2019.
  46. Web site: Estonia Minister Calls President 'Emotionally Heated Woman' . . 16 May 2019.
  47. Web site: Martin Helme nõuab ERR-ilt EKRE suhtes kriitiliste ajakirjanike karistamist ja eetrist mahavõtmist . Delfi . 29 April 2019.
  48. Web site: Postimehe peatoimetajaks saab Peeter Helme . Delfi . 29 April 2019 . et.
  49. Web site: UPDATED: The first Estonian journalist leaves a major newspaper over her views . 23 April 2019 . Estonian World . 29 April 2019.
  50. Web site: Journalist: I was given a choice between self-censorship and leaving . 27 April 2019 . Postimees . 29 April 2019.
  51. Web site: President attends Riigikogu oath ceremony wearing 'speech is free' slogan . 29 April 2019 . ERR . 29 April 2019.
  52. Web site: Mart Helmele jäi ette järjekordne ERRi ajakirjanik, AK astus kolleegi kaitseks välja . 15 May 2019 . Postimees . 16 May 2019 . et.
  53. Web site: Public response to Mart Helme accusations regarding ERR US correspondent . 15 May 2019 . ERR . 16 May 2019.
  54. Web site: New Estonian government ministers fuel concerns over sexism, white supremacy. www.cbsnews.com.
  55. News: Estonia's far-right ministers face rocky start. BBC News. 1 May 2019.
  56. Web site: Marine Le Pen makes 'OK' hand gesture used by white supremacists. Shaun Walker. Central. east European. correspondent. 15 May 2019. www.theguardian.com.
  57. Web site: Marine Le Pen asks EKRE MP to delete 'selfie' from social media page. 15 May 2019. ERR.
  58. Web site: Incoming IT minister caught driving both speeding and with trace alcohol . 23 April 2019 . ERR . 29 April 2019.
  59. Web site: Ratas ei nõua EKRE-lt Kuusiku väljavahetamist . 23 April 2019 . ERR . 29 April 2019 . et.
  60. Web site: Marti Kuusiku suur saladus: peretuttavad räägivad, et uus minister on väga vägivaldne ja on kahel korral purustanud oma naise käeluu . . 29 April 2019 . et.
  61. Web site: VIDEO Peaminister kahtlustas minister Marti Kuusikut lähisuhtevägivallas. Kas Kuusik murdis oma naise käeluu? Mees eitab kõike . Delfi . 29 April 2019 . et.
  62. Web site: Ratas: ma ei ole nõudnud Kuusiku väljavahetamist . 29 April 2019 . ERR . 29 April 2019 . et.
  63. Web site: VIDEO President Kaljulaid lahkus Marti Kuusiku ametivande andmise ajal saalist . Delfi . 29 April 2019 . et.
  64. Web site: Allegations of domestic abuse against new minister . 30 April 2019 . Postimees . 30 April 2019.
  65. Web site: Kuusik teatas, et astub ministriametist tagasi . 30 April 2019. ERR . 30 April 2019 . et.
  66. Web site: Kuusik saga unconstitutional witch hunt, says EKRE chief Mart Helme. ERR . 2 May 2019 . 3 May 2019.
  67. Web site: Kellest saab uus minister? Kuusikule mantlipärija leidmine kujunes oodatust raskemaks . Delfi . 16 May 2019 . et.
  68. Web site: Galerii: president nimetas Kert Kingo ministriametisse . 16 May 2019 . ERR . 16 May 2019 . et.
  69. Web site: IT and foreign trade minister Kert Kingo submits resignation . 23 October 2019 . ERR . 2 November 2019.
  70. Web site: Kaimar Karu named new foreign trade and IT minister . November 2019 . ERR . 2 November 2019.
  71. Web site: Prime minister calls for Mart Järvik dismissal. ERR . 25 November 2019 . 25 November 2019.
  72. Web site: Gallery: President appoints Arvo Aller next rural affairs minister. ERR . 10 December 2019 . 30 December 2019.
  73. Web site: Mart Helme recalls foreign trade, IT minister from government . 17 April 2020 . ERR.
  74. Web site: Gallery: President appoints Raul Siem minister of IT, foreign trade . 20 April 2020 . ERR.
  75. Web site: Environment minister Rene Kokk to step down . 4 November 2020 . ERR . 24 November 2020.
  76. Web site: Rain Epler confirmed as new environment minister . 7 November 2020 . ERR . 24 November 2020.
  77. Web site: Environment minister: I'm not convinced climate change is mainly man-made . 17 November 2020 . ERR . 24 November 2020.
  78. Web site: Minister of Interior Mart Helme resigns . 9 November 2020 . ERR . 25 November 2020.
  79. Web site: President Kersti Kaljulaid confirms Alar Laneman new interior minister . 18 November 2020 . ERR . 25 November 2020.
  80. Web site: Mailis Reps resigns as education minister . 20 November 2020 . 25 November 2020.
  81. Web site: Kaljulaid approves Aab as new minister of education . 25 November 2020 . 25 November 2020.
  82. Web site: Centre, EKRE, Isamaa board meets unveil coalition deal, proposed ministers . 6 April 2019 . . 17 April 2019.