Ixora laxiflora is a shrub or small tree with fragrant white colored flowers belonging to the family Rubiaceae.[1]
Ixora laxiflora is a shurb or small tree that sometimes grows up to a maximum height of 15m (49feet).[2] Leaves are elliptic to obovate in shape, margins entire, the longest reaches up to 20cm (10inches) long and 8cm (03inches) wide, the apex is acuminate while base tend to be wedged shaped. Inflorescence is a terminal branched corymbose, axis is reddish with leafy bracts growing at base of the inflorescence; flowers are white or pink, corolla tube is slender up to 2- long.
Occurs in West Africa, from Guinea Bissau westwards to Ghana. Found in moist and gallery forests and along streams.
Extracts is used in ethnomedicine for pain management.[3]