Ituzaingó Formation Explained

Ituzaingó Formation
Type:Geological formation
Age:Tortonian (Huayquerian)
Prilithology:Sandstone, mudstone
Namedby:De Alba
Year Ts:1953
Region:Corrientes, Santa Fe & Entre Ríos Provinces
Coordinates:-31.7°N -60.4°W
Paleocoordinates:-31.8°N -58.3°W
Subunits:Conglomerado Osifero Member
Underlies:Puerto Alvear, Hernandarías, Timbúes & Yupoí Formations
Overlies:Paraná & Rosario Formations
Thickness:Up to 150m (490feet)
Typically 10-
Extent:Paraná Basin

The Ituzaingó Formation (es|Formación Ituzaingó), in older literature also described as Entre Ríos or Entrerriana Formation, is an extensive geological formation of Late Miocene (Tortonian, or Huayquerian in the SALMA classification) age in the Paraná Basin of the Corrientes, Santa Fe and Entre Ríos Provinces in Mesopotamia, northeastern Argentina.[1] The formation comprises mudstones, cross-bedded sandstones and conglomerates deposited in a fluvio-deltaic environment and is renowned for the preservation of a rich fossil assemblage, including many mammals, birds, reptiles, fish, bivalves, foraminifera, ichnofossils and flora.


The Ituzaingó Formation was first described by De Alba in 1953 and later by Herbst in 1971.[2] The up to 150m (490feet), but in most areas between 10mand20mm (30feetand70feetm) thick formation is found in an area of 120000km2,[3] stretching from the Paraná River to 40km (30miles) east of Tostado.[4] The Ituzaingó Formation crops out in the northeasternmost part of Argentina (Mesopotamia), in the provinces of Corrientes, Santa Fe and Entre Ríos, among other locations along the banks of the Paraná River.[5]


The formation overlies the marine Paraná Formation and is unconformably overlain by the Puerto Alvear,[6] Hernandarías and Yupoí Formations of Early Pleistocene (Uquian and Ensenadan respectively) age.[5] [7] [8] At the shores of the Paraná River, the formation underlies the Timbúes Formation.[9] In certain places along the same river, the formation cuts into the underlying Rosario Formation.[10]

The formation contains a basal conglomeratic member "Conglomerado osífero" (bony conglomerate) with abundant vertebrate remains.[11] This conglomerate is overlain by almost unfossiliferous whitish to yellow brown sandstones and green mudstones. The Ituzaingó Formation (as Entre Ríos Formation) was correlated with the Puelches Formation of the subsurface of Buenos Aires Province. According to the mammals occurring in the conglomerate and the stratigraphic relationships, the age of the base of Ituzaingo Formation is almost exclusively Tortonian (Late Miocene) or Huayquerian in the SALMA classification.[12]

Depositional environment

The formation, as the Paraná and Puelches Formations, has been deposited in a vast Miocene tidal flat environment.[13] Both the terrestrial and freshwater fauna of the Ituzaingó Formation indicates a climate warmer than present. The freshwater vertebrate record suggests important basin connections with Amazonian basins.[11]

Alternatively, the Conglomerado Osífero Member has been interpreted as tide-dominated fluvial channels, pertaining to the marine Paraná Formation.[14]

Fossil content

The Ituzaingó Formation has provided a large variety of fossils, of various groups, from mammals to birds and reptiles to fish and flora. The terrestrial fauna is predominant while a few marine genera are also present.[15] The presence of typical Amazonian freshwater fish and absence of austral fauna in both the underlying Paraná and the Ituzaingó Formation suggests a connection with northern areas of South America. The faunas has been correlated to the older Miocene faunas of the Honda Group at La Venta in Colombia, the Urumaco Formation at Urumaco in Venezuela and the Pebas Formation of the Amazon region of Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Brazil.[16] Several ground sloth genera present in the Ituzaingó Formation are endemic from this unit, whereas other are also present in the Arroyo Chasicó Formation of Buenos Aires Province, the Andalhuala and Corral Quemado Formations of Catamarca Province, and the Toro Negro Formation of La Rioja Province.[17]


Taxa Species Presence Abundance Description Images Notes
AndalgalornisA. steulleti
DevincenziaD. pozzi
MacranhingaM. paranensis
M. ranzii
PalaelodusP. cf. ambiguus
RheaR. (Pterocnemia) mesopotamica
MegapaloelodusM. sp.



Taxa Species Presence Abundance Description Images Notes
EumysopsE. parodii
NotictisN. ortizi


Taxa Species Presence Abundance Description Images Notes
BrachytheriumB. cuspidatum
CulliniaC. sp.
DiadiaphorusD. paranensis
NeobrachytheriumN. ameghinoi
Rowspan =2OxyodontheriumO. piramydatusRowspan = 2
O. zeballosi
ParanaucheniaP. denticulata
PromacraucheniaP. antiqua
ProterotheriumP. cervioides
ScalabrinitheriumS. bravardi
S. rothii


Taxa Species Presence Abundance Description Images Notes
PhilanderP. entrerianus
ChironectesC. sp.
ZygolestesZ. paranensis


Taxa Species Presence Abundance Description Images Notes
ThylacosmilusT. atrox
StylocynusS. paranensis


Taxa Species Presence Abundance Description Images Notes
BriaromysB. trouessartianus
CardiatheriumC. paranense
CarlesiaC. pendolai
DiaphoromysD. compressidens
D. gamayensis
D. mesopotamicus
DoellomysD. parcus
EumegamysE. contortus
E. dubius
E. scalabrinianus
E. paranensis
EumegamysopsE. praependens
GyriabrusG. glutinatus
G. holmbergi
G. indivisus
G. rebagliattii
HaplostrophaH. sacabriniana
IsostylomysI. ameghinoi
I. laurillardi
LagostomopsisL. antiquus
L. pallidens
MyocastorM. obesus
M. paranensis
M. sinuata
NeoepiblemaN. ambrosettianus
N. horridula
OlenopsisO. typicus
ParadoxomysP. cancrivorus
PentastylodonP. racedi
PentastylomysP. seriei
PerimysP. scalabrinianus
PhoberomysP. burmeisteri
P. insolita
P. lozanoi
P. minima
P. praecursor
PhugatheriumP. cataclisticum
PotamarchusP. murinus
P. sigmodon
ProtabrocomaP. paranensis
ProtomegamysP. coligatus
PseudosigmomysP. paranensis
RusconiaR. crassidens
StrophostephanosS. jheringi
TelodontomysT. compressidens
TetrastylomysT. castellanosi
TetrastylusT. aguilari
T. diffusus
T. laevigatus
T. robustus
T. (Protelicomys) atavus
AnchimysopsA. sp.
Colpostemma sp.


Taxa Species Presence Abundance Description Images Notes
Adinotherium?A. paranense
?Berroia?B. sp.
DilobodonD. lutarius
DinotoxodonD. paranensis
EutomodusE. elautus
HaplodontheriumH. limun
PalaeotoxodonP. paranensis
?P. protoburmeisteri
?P. virgatus
StenotephanosS. plicidens
T. reverendum
XotodonX. doellojuradi
X. foricurvatus


Taxa Species Presence Abundance Description Images Notes
MunyiziaM. paranensis
ProtypotheriumP. antiquum
TrachytypotheriumT. sp.


Taxa Species Presence Abundance Description Images Notes
BerthawyleriaB. sp.
ChasicotatusC. spinozai
ChlamyphractusC. pressulus
ComaphorusC. concisusA dubious glyptodont.
DasypusD. neogarusRelatives of nine-banded armadillos.
EleutherocercusE. paranensis A glyptodont.
KraglievichiaK. paranense
MacroeuphractusM. retusus
PalaehoplophorusP. antiquus
ParaglyptodonP. paranensis
ParahoplophorusP. paranensis
PlohophorusP. paranensis
ProeuphractusP. limpidus
ProtoglyptodonP. primiformis
PseudoeuryurusP. lelongianus
ScirrotheriumS. carinatum
Trachycalyptus?T. cingulatus
UrotheriumU. interundatum
Zaedyus?Z. sp.
Ground sloths
Taxa Species Presence Abundance Description Images Notes
AmphiocnusA. paranense
EomegatheriumE. nanum
MegabradysM. darwini
MegalonychopsM. primigenius
MesopotamocnusM. brevirostrum
NeohapalopsN. rothi
OctomylodonO. aversus
OrtotheriumO. laticurvatum
O. robustum
O. schlosseri
O. scrofum
O. seneum
ParanabradysP. vucetichae
PliomegatheriumP. lelongi
PliomorphusP. ameghinoi
P. gracilis
P. mutilatus
P. robustus
ProlestodonP. antiquus
P. paranensis
PromegatheriumP. parvulum
P. smaltatum
PromylodonP. paranensis
PronothrotheriumP. mirabilis
ProtomegalonyxP. doellojuradoi
P. praecursor
PyramiodontheriumP. sp.
RanculcusR. scalabrinianus
SphenotherusS. paranensis
StrabosodonS. acuticavus
S. obtusicavus
TorcelliaT. paranense

Other Mammals


Taxa Species Presence Abundance Description Images Notes
Caiman C. australisRelative of Caiman
C. cf. yacare
C. latriostris
C. yacare
GryposuchusG. neogaeusA giant extinct gavialid crocodilian.
MourasuchusM. arendsi
ParanacaimanP. bravardi
Paranasuchus[18] P. gasparinae
TupinambisT. cf. merianae
ParahydraspisP. paranaensis
PhrynopsP. cf. geoffroanus
TestudoT. paranensis


Taxa Species Presence Abundance Description Images Notes
ColossomaC. macropomum
MegapiranhaM. paranensis
PotamotrygonP. motoro
SquatinaS. dumeril
PhractocephalusP. ivy


Taxa Species Presence Abundance Description Images Notes
ProtelphidiumP. tuberculatum
OstreaO. sp.


Taxa Species Presence Abundance Description Images Notes
AnadenantheroxylonA. villaurquicense
AstroniumxylonA. bonplandianum
A. parabalansae
CurtiembreoxylonC. poledrii
GleditsioxylonG. paramorphoides
GuaduaG. morronei
G. zuloagae
Laurinoxylon L. artabeae
MenendoxylonM. vasallensis
MicrolobiusxylonM. paranaensis
MaytenoxylonM. sp.
MimosoxylonM. sp.
PalmoxylonP. yuqueriense
ProsopisinoxylonP. americanum
PrumnopityoxylonP. gnaedingerae
RuprechtioxylonR. breae
ScalarixylonS. sp.
SchinopsixylonS. heckii
SoroceaxylonS. entrerriensis
SyagrusS. sp.
UruguaianoxylonU. striata


Huayquerian correlations

Huayquerian correlations in South America
Formation Ituzaingó Map
Basin align=center rowspan=17

Cardiatherium align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center
Lagostomus align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center
Macroeuphractus align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center
Proeuphractus align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center
Pronothrotherium align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center
Pseudotypotherium align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center
Thylacosmilus align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center
Xotodon align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center
align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center
align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center
Rodents align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center
Reptiles align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center
Birds align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center
Terror birds align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center
align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center align=center
Aeolian-fluvial Fluvio-deltaic Fluvial Fluvio-lacustrine Fluvial Fluvio-lacustrine Fluvio-deltaic

Volcanic Yes

See also



Notes and References

  1. Ituzaingó Formation
  2. Vezzosi, 2015, p.27
  3. Vezzosi, 2015, p.28
  4. Vezzosi, 2015, p.29
  5. Franco, 2014, p.16
  6. Brunetto, 2013, p.22
  7. Cione et al., 2000, p.195
  8. Cione et al., 2009, p.3
  9. Vezzosi, 2015, p.41
  10. Vezzosi, 2015, p.75
  11. Cione et al., 2005, p.49
  12. Colonia La Celina
  13. Torra, 2005, p.46
  14. Martín Pérez, 2013, p.291
  15. Martín Pérez, 2013, p.27
  16. Cione et al., 2005, p.58
  17. Brandoni, 2013, p.135
  18. Bona. P.. Barrios. F.. Ezcurra. M.D.. Victoria. M.. Blanco. F.. Cidade. G.M.. 2024. New taxa of giant caimans from the southernmost hyperdiverse wetlands of the South American late Miocene. Journal of Systematic Palaeontology. 22. 1. 10.1080/14772019.2024.2375027.