Itat Formation Explained

Itat Formation
Type:Geological formation
Prilithology:Sandstone, mudstone, coal
Coordinates:55.7°N 89.2°W
Paleocoordinates:58.2°N 86.7°W
Subunits:Lower, Middle and Upper members
Underlies:Tyazhin Formation
Overlies:Ilan Formation
Thickness:Several hundred metres
Extent:Krasnoyarsk krai, Nazarovo depression, SE West Siberian basin

The Itat Formation (Russian: итатская свита) is a geologic formation in western Siberia. It was deposited in the Bajocian to Bathonian ages of the Middle Jurassic.[1] Dinosaur remains are among the fossils that have been recovered from the formation, including the proceratosaurid Kileskus, as well as fish, amphibians, mammals and many other vertebrates.[2] The formation is noted for bearing significant coal reserves, with large open pit coal mines extracting lignite from the unit currently in operation.


The lower section of the formation is around 50–130 m thick, and consists of light grey sandstones with gravel, siltstone and rare coal beds.[3] At the Dubinino locality, the 50 m exposed section of the upper part of the formation shows an irregular rhythmic alteration of fine grained sandstone, siltstone and mudstone and coal seams typically a few tens of cm's but up to several meters thick. The deposit is located on the South Eastern margin of the West Siberian basin[4]


Most of the fossils were found in the overburden of Berezovsk coal mine[<nowiki/>[[:ru:Разрез Березовский-1|ru]]], which is located in southern Krasnoyarsk Krai (Sharypovsky District) near the border with Kemerovo Oblast. The deposit is stratigraphically located in the upper member of the formation. The fossiliferous level of the locality is located above thick (> 50 m) coal seams and consists of unconsolidated silt and sand, which were deposited on an alluvial plain. Due to the fluvial origin of the sediment the remains are disarticulated and often are water worn, though they are mostly well preserved, which suggests they had not been significantly transported.[5] The fossils were largely obtained by screenwashing of the debris. 10-15 tons of material have been processed so far.


Taken from unless otherwise noted.


Fish of the Itat Formation
GenusSpeciesLocationStratigraphic positionAbundanceNotesImages
HybodusIndeterminateBerezovsk coal mineUpper MemberPartial tooth
AcipenseriformesIndeterminateBerezovsk coal mineUpper MemberScales
AmiiformesIndeterminateBerezovsk coal mineUpper Member"Abundant vertebrae, jaws and vomer fragments, as well as isolated teeth, and numerous isolated rhomboidal scales"
DipnoiIndeterminateBerezovsk coal mineUpper MemberOne complete upper tooth plate, several tooth plate fragments
UndescribedBerezovsk coal mineUpper MemberMany partial skeletonsSimilar to Palaeoniscinotus and Pteroniscus


Amphibians of the Itat Formation
GenusSpeciesLocationStratigraphic positionAbundanceNotesImages
?Eodiscoglossus[6] IndeterminateBerezovsk coal mineUpper MemberAtlantal centrumFrog
Kiyatriton[7] K. krasnolutskiiBerezovsk coal mineUpper MemberDentary, atlantes, trunk vertebrae and fragmentary cranial and postcranial bonesFormerly known as "Berezovsk salamander B"; genus also known from Early Cretaceous Ilek Formation.Crown group Salamander
Urupia[8] U. monstrosaBerezovsk coal mineUpper MemberDentary, femur, an incomplete atlas, an anterior fragment of the left dentary, and fragments of trunk vertebraeEstimated length of 480-560 centimetresStem-Salamander
Egoria [9] E. malashichevi Berezovsk coal mineUpper MemberAtlantal centra, trunk vertebraeFormerly known as "Berezovsk salamander A" Possibly neotenicStem-Salamander


Turtles of the Itat Formation
GenusSpeciesLocationStratigraphic positionAbundanceNotesImages
AnnemysA. variabilis[10] Berezovsk coal mineUpper MemberThousands of isolated bones and several fragmented specimens, including three partial braincases and larger fragments of connected shell parts[11] Xinjiangchelyid
TestudinesIndeterminateBerezovsk coal mineUpper MemberLikely one or two taxa distinct from Annemys.


Lepidosauromorphs of the Itat Formation
GenusSpeciesLocationStratigraphic positionAbundanceNotesImages
LepidosauromorphaIndeterminateBerezovsk coal mineUpper MemberSeveral fragments of dentaries and maxillaeBasal form similar to Marmoretta
ScincomorphaIndeterminateBerezovsk coal mineUpper MemberFused premaxillae and two dentary fragments additionally several fragmentary maxillae and dentariesTwo distinct taxa, one of which is two times smaller than the other.


Dinosaurs of the Itat Formation
GenusSpeciesLocationStratigraphic positionAbundanceNotesImages
Kileskus[13] K. aristotocusBerezovsk coal mineUpper MemberHolotype description: "premaxilla, maxilla, a mandible fragment, and several limb bone parts"; referred material includes cervical and caudal vertebrae and numerous isolated teeth, as well as a fibula[14] Proceratosaurid
HeterodontosauridaeIndeterminateBerezovsk coal mineUpper MemberIsolated maxillary and dentary teeth
Mamenchisauridae[15] IndeterminateBerezovsk coal mineUpper MemberNumerous isolated teeth and two platycoelous posterior caudal vertebraeSauropod
Stegosauria[16] IndeterminateBerezovsk coal mineUpper MemberFragmentary skeletons of at least two individuals


Mammaliamorphs of the Itat Formation
GenusSpeciesLocationStratigraphic positionAbundanceNotesImages
Amphibetulimus[17] A. krasnolutskiiBerezovsk coal mineUpper MemberDentary fragments, canine and upper molar[18] Alternately considered an amphitheriid or a cladotherian
AmphitheriumIndeterminateBerezovsk coal mineUpper MemberUpper and lower molars and an edentulous dentary fragmentAn amphitheriid
Anthracolestes[19] A. sergeiiBerezovsk coal mineUpper MemberIsolated teeth and edentulous dentary fragmentsA dryolestid
Hutegotherium[20] H. yaomingiBerezovsk coal mineUpper MemberA docodont
Itatodon[21] I. tatarinoviBerezovsk coal mineUpper MemberEither a docodont or a member of the family Shuotheriidae
MaiopatagiumM. sibiricum[22] Berezovsk coal mineUpper MemberA euharamiyidan
SharypovoiaS. arimasporum, S. magnaBerezovsk coal mineUpper MemberA euharamiyidan
SimpsonodonS. sibiricusBerezovsk coal mineUpper MemberA docodont
"Sineleutherus"[23] "S." issedonicusBerezovsk coal mineUpper MemberA haramiyidan, now believed to represent a number of different euharamiyidan taxa.
Stereognathus[24] IndeterminateBerezovsk coal mineUpper MemberUpper and lower postcanine teethA tritylodontid
TagariaT. antiqua Berezovsk coal mineUpper MemberIsolated premolar and two molarsA multituberculate
TashtykiaT. primaeva Berezovsk coal mineUpper MemberIsolated premolars and incisorsA multituberculate
Eutriconodonta[25] IndeterminateBerezovsk coal mineUpper MemberOne large tooth and several tooth fragmentsA large tooth similar to those of Gobiconodon
MultituberculataIndeterminateBerezovsk coal mineUpper MemberMolariforms


Numerous insect species are known from the Kubekovo village locality located within the upper member of the formation.[26]

Insects of the Itat Formation
GenusSpeciesLocationStratigraphic positionAbundanceNotesImages
EpiosmylusEpiosmylus longusOsmylid lacewing
MesosmylinaMesosmylina sibirica
KubekiusKubekius multiramosus
Thaumatomerobius Thaumatomerobius mirabilisSaucrosmylid lacewing
Archizelmira Archizelmira jarzembowskiiArchizelmirid fly
ProtanyderusP. invalidusTanyderidae fly
BoreomeropeB. antiquaMeropeidae scorpionfly
ItaphlebiaItaphlebia completa, Itaphlebia jeniseica, Itaphlebia multa, Itaphlebia reductaNannochoristid scorpionfly
EublattulaE. curvinervisA cockroach
Mesobittacus M. kubekovensishangingfly
Eoptychoptera E. maxima, E. modica, E. paramaculataPtychopteridae fly
EoptychopterinaE. glabra
Proptychopterina Proptychopterina amota, Proptychopterina handlirschi, Proptychopterina yeniseica
CrenoptychopteraCrenoptychoptera antica, Crenoptychoptera defossa
Palaeoperissomma P. collessiPerissommatidae fly
ProhyperoscelisProhyperoscelis jurassicusCanthyloscelidae fly
MicrodiplatysMicrodiplatys perfectusProtodiplatyidae earwig
CicadocorisCicadocoris admotus, Cicadocoris fraterProgonocimicidae bug
OlgamartynoviaOlgamartynovia nana
LocustopsisLocustopsis pictaLocustopsidae orthopteran
TinaphisTinaphis sibiricaSzelegiewicziidae aphid
Tarantogus Tarantogus obscurus, Tarantogus opiparus, Tarantogus sibiricusMesopsychidae scorpionfly
Blattula Blattula aberrans, Blattula sibiricaBlattulid cockroach
KemobiusKemobius lux Archijassid leafhopper
KisaKisa fasciata
KubecolaKubecola guttatus
Necrotaulius Necrotaulius kubekoviNecrotauliidae caddisfly
OrthophlebiaOrthophlebia obuncaOrthophlebiidae scorpionfly


Flora of the Itat Formation
GenusSpeciesLocationStratigraphic positionAbundanceNotesImages
LycopoditesIndeterminateClub moss
EquisetitesE. asiaticus, E. cf. lateralisStem-horsetail
ConiopterisC. hymenophylloides, C. simplex, C. cf. maakianaFern
CladophlebisC. denticulataFern
GonatosorusG. cf mrassiensisFern
ToditesT. cf. princepsFern
GinkgoIndeterminate, G. ex gr. insolitaGenus extant
StenorachisS. cf. scanicusGymnosperm

See also

Notes and References

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