Iran Martial Arts professionals Union explained
Iran Martial Arts professionals Union |
Sport: | Martial Arts |
Jurisdiction: | Iran |
Founded: | 2004 |
President: | Ali Haghshenas |
Key Staff: | Deputies |
Url: | |
Countryflag: | Iran |
The Iran Martial Arts professionals Union, is the second non-governmental sports federation of Iran that was established in 2004.
This union is a civil, non-profit, independent and sports institution that is involved in holding various coaching and refereeing courses - holding domestic and international competitions - sending selected teams to overseas competitions - launching and covering different styles of martial arts and publishing sports books.[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
Ali Haghshenas is the founder and chairman of this organization.[9]
Government oppositions
The Iran Physical Education Organization - Ministry of Sport, are two organizations which are opposed the activities of the I.M.P.U.
These oppositions were more intense during the presidency of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.[10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20]
Iran Martial Arts professionals Union, is a founding member of the Iran Sport Non-governmental organizations Society.[21]
A letter to the Minister of Sports and criticizing the use of martial arts in suppressing people
In a letter to Seyed Hamid Sajjadi, the Minister of Iran Sports and Youth, on October 14, 2022, Ali Haqshanas, the head of the Union, criticized his words regarding the use of martial sports to suppress Iran's Mahsa Amini protests.[22] [23]
Scientific activities
Among the scientific activities of the Union, the following can be mentioned:
Writing and publishing of Scientific, Reference and Academic Books:
- The Martial Arts Encyclopedia: The First Martial Arts Encyclopedia in Iran, By: Ali Haghshenas (The President of I.M.P.U), Published in 2016, Iran, Tehran (The Fifth Edition -2023).[24] [25]
- The TopTaekwondo Doctrine: Taekwondo free style of the world, By: Ali Haghshenas (The President of I.M.P.U), Published in 2020, Iran, Tehran (The Third Edition -2023),[26]
- The Pathology of Martial Arts: The First Persian Source of Pathology of Martial Arts, By: Ali Haghshenas (The President of I.M.P.U), Published in 2022, Iran, Tehran (The Second Edition -2023)[27] [28]
- Taekwondo Physiology: The First Taekwondo Physiology Reference Book in Iran, By: Ali Haghshenas (The President of I.M.P.U), Published in 2022, Iran, Tehran (The Second Edition -2023).[29]
- The Role of the Coach in Taekwondo From the Base to the National Teams, By: Ali Haghshenas (The President of I.M.P.U), Published in 2023, Iran, Tehran.[30]
- The Philosophy of Oriental Martial Arts (Okinawa, Wushu, Judo and Taekwondo), By: Ali Haghshenas (The President of I.M.P.U), Published in 2023, Iran, Tehran.[31]
- The Self Defense Methods in Street Fighting, By: Ali Haghshenas (The President of I.M.P.U), Published in 2023, Iran, Tehran.[32]
- Savate (French Boxing) and It’s Fighting Principles, By: Hamidreza Tavakoul Shoar (The Vice President I.M.P.U), Published in 2012, Iran, Tehran.
- The Savate Encyclopedia (French Boxing) with dates back six decades in Iran, By: Hamidreza Tavakoul Shoar (The Vice President I.M.P.U), Published in 2015, Iran, Tehran.
- The Martial Arts & Its Graet Founders, By: Hamidreza Tavakoul Shoar (The Vice President I.M.P.U), Published in 2015, Iran, Tehran, (The Fifth Edition - 2018).
- The Tang Soo Do, Kuk Sool Won and Hapkido, By: Mehran Khalili Manesh (GS of the I.M.P.U), Published in 2022, Iran, Tehran.[33]
- Self-defense training in hand-to-hand combat, By: Mehran Khalili Manesh (GS of the I.M.P.U), Published in 2022, Iran, Tehran.[34]
- Sixty years of Savate in Iran, By: Javad Moshiri (The Deputy Manager of I.M.P.U), Published in 2020, Iran, Tehran, (The Third Edition - 2023)
- The TopTaekwondo, Kickboxing and Muay Thai, By: Javad Moshiri (The Deputy Manager of I.M.P.U), Published in 2022, Iran, Tehran.[35]
- Philosophy of Taekwondo, karate and Kang Fu, By: Javad Moshiri (The Deputy Manager of I.M.P.U), Published in 2023, Iran, Tehran.[36]
External links
Notes and References
- Web site: رييس اتحاديه متخصصان ورزشهاي رزمي: آمادهترينهاي تكواندو به المپيك ميروند قهرمانان بخش خصوصي، قهرمانان ملياند اعزام كيكبوكسينگ به مادريد و كاراته به رم. May 18, 2008. ایسنا.
- Web site: خبرگزاری فارس - تيم كيك بوكسينگ ايران قهرمان شد. June 23, 2008. خبرگزاری فارس.
- Web site: /اخبار رزمي/ قهرماني كيك بوكسينگ ايران در جهاني اسپانيا استعفاي سخنگوي فدراسيون جودو. June 23, 2008. ایسنا.
- Web site: در اولين حضور بينالمللي ساواتهي ايران "مهدي ميانمحله" در رقابتهاي جهاني برنز گرفت. September 22, 2008. ایسنا.
- Web site: April 23, 2011. July 22, 2011. اتحادیه متخصصان ورزشهای رزمی جراید.
- Web site: خبرگزاری فارس - كلاس مربيگري درجه يك كيكبوكسينگ از امروز آغاز ميشود. February 16, 2010. خبرگزاری فارس.
-تغییر-مدیریت-خواسته-اکثر-خانواده-تکواندوست-نخبگان-خانه-نشینند<!-- عنوان تصحیح شده توسط ربات -->
- Fars News Agency: حقشناس رئیس اتحادیه متخصصان ورزشهای رزمی ماند
- Web site: رييس اتحاديه متخصصان ورزشهاي رزمي: شاهد بروز پديده متخصصنماها در رزمي ايران هستيم نام فدراسيون رزمي با عملكرد ساير فدراسيونها منافات دارد. January 26, 2008. ایسنا.
- Web site: حضور غيرقانوني تيم كيك بوكسينگ در اسپانيا! . 27 July 2008 .
- Web site: در پاسخ به اظهارات مديركل دفتر توسعه ورزش همگاني؛ حق شناس: هيچ درخواستي از سازمان تربيت بدني نداشتهايم مسوولان ارشد سازمان، حاميان بخش غيردولتياند . 28 July 2008 .
- Web site: خبرگزاری فارس - اتحاديه متخصصان ورزشهاي رزمي سال پركاري را پيش رو دارد . 27 April 2010 .
- Web site: | ورزش | قهرمانی کیک بوکسینگ زیر سوال.
- Web site: رييس اتحاديهي متخصصان ورزشهاي رزمي: خواستار رسيدگي به وضعيت رزمي در رسانه ملي شدهايم اميدوارم قهرمانان تكواندو، خوشرنگترين مدال المپيك را كسب كنند . 5 July 2008 .
- Fars News Agency: جمعیت سازمانهای غیردولتی ورزش آغاز به کار کرد
- Web site: خبرگزاری فارس - سجادی: جامعه ورزش با بصیرت مقابل فتنه ایستاد/ مدیران باشگاه ها جلوی برخی رفتارها را بگیرند . 13 October 2022 .
- Web site: fa:دانشنامۀ هنرهای رزمی. 2023-04-25. 2021-06-26. dead.
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- Web site: نخستین مرجع آسیبشناسی ورزشهای رزمی منتشر شد . 9 January 2023 .
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- Web site: نخستین مرجع مکتوب فیزیولوژی تکواندو در ایران منتشر شد . 10 December 2022 .
- Web site: کتاب «نقش مربی در تکواندو از پایه تا تیمهای ملی» منتشر شد . 10 May 2023 .
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