Iquitos Satellite Laboratory Explained

The Iquitos Satellite Laboratory (IQTLAB) was established in 2002 in the city of Iquitos, Peru by doctor Margaret Kosek,[1] biologist Maribel Paredes Olortegui,[2] and nurse Pablo Peñataro Yori,[3] with the collaboration of the Dr. Robert Gilman working group in Lima,[4] Peru and the US Naval Medical Research Unit No. 6 (NAMRU-6) .

The Iquitos Satellite Laboratory (IQTLAB) is supported through National Institutes of Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Fogarty International Center, International Atomic Energy Agency, The University of Virginia and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation funded grants.


The mission of IQTLAB is to improve understanding of health problems among vulnerable populations in order to identify sustainable solutions that improve their health, social and economic conditions.

Team Members

The IQTLAB team consists of experts from Asociación Benéfica Prisma, the University of Virginia, the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health,[5] and the Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine,[6] among other universities and research institutions worldwide. IQTLAB utilizes a multidisciplinary approach that combines knowledge of the epidemiology of tropical infectious disease, malnutrition, intestinal infection, biostatistics, medical science, demography, ecology, and spatial data collection and analysis.The Iquitos Satellite Laboratory (IQTLAB) team is led by Margaret Kosek, MD, a professor of infectious disease at the University of Virginia Department of Medicine.


The research center is approximately 4000square feet and is capable of conducting sophisticated laboratory diagnostics and experiments in parasitology, microbiology, immunology, and molecular biology. In addition to the laboratory, IQTLAB provides a vast array of support for scientific data collection, including GPS/GIS data collection, survey data collection, satellite image processing, and climate conditions (strategic deployment of weather monitoring systems).

IQTLAB currently has a number of ongoing projects, including:

  1. Etiology, risk factors and interactions of enteric infections and malnutrition and the consequences for child health and development
  2. Probiotics for Pediatric Diarrhea in Peru
  3. Epidemiology of campylobacters in the Peruvian Amazon
  4. Epidemiology of shigellosis in the Peruvian Amazon
  5. Serologic assessment of burden of diarrheal disease in children under 5 years old
  6. Improved Biomarkers for the Assessment of Environmental Enteropathy
  7. The development of a simple test for small bowel barrier dysfunction applicable to environmental enteropathy
  8. Global Infectious Disease Training Grant
  9. Enterics for Global Health EFGH
  10. Acute Febrile Illness (AFI)

Since its foundation, the Iquitos Satellite Laboratory (IQTLAB) has been the host and support of national and international students from undergraduate to master and MD/PhD programs.

Recent Peer Review Articles

Atlas HE, Conteh B, Islam MT, Jere KC, Omore R, Sanogo D, Schiaffino F,Yousafzai MT, Ahmed N, Awuor AO, Badji H, Cornick J, Feutz E, Galagan SR,Haidara FC, Horne B, Hossen MI, Hotwani A, Houpt ER, Jallow AF, Karim M, KeitaAM, Keita Y, Khanam F, Liu J, Malemia T, Manneh A, McGrath CJ, Nasrin D, NdalamaM, Ochieng JB, Ogwel B, Paredes Olortegui M, Zegarra Paredes LF, Pinedo VasquezT, Platts-Mills JA, Qudrat-E-Khuda S, Qureshi S, Hasan Rajib MN, RogawskiMcQuade ET, Sultana S, Tennant SM, Tickell KD, Witte D, Peñataro Yori P,Cunliffe NA, Hossain MJ, Kosek MN, Kotloff KL, Qadri F, Qamar FN, Tapia MD,Pavlinac PB. Diarrhea Case Surveillance in the Enterics for Global HealthShigella Surveillance Study: Epidemiologic Methods. Open Forum InfectDis. 2024 Mar 25;11(Suppl 1):S6-S16. doi: 10.1093/ofid/ofad664. PMID 38532963;PMCID: PMC10962728.

Morozoff C, Ahmed N, Chinkhumba J, Islam MT, Jallow AF, Ogwel B, ZegarraParedes LF, Sanogo D, Atlas HE, Badji H, Bar-Zeev N, Conteh B, Güimack FajardoM, Feutz E, Haidara FC, Karim M, Mamby Keita A, Keita Y, Khanam F, Kosek MN,Kotloff KL, Maguire R, Mbutuka IS, Ndalama M, Ochieng JB, Okello C, Omore R,Perez Garcia KF, Qamar FN, Qudrat-E-Khuda S, Qureshi S, Rajib MNH, ShapiamaLopez WV, Sultana S, Witte D, Yousafzai MT, Awuor AO, Cunliffe NA, JahangirHossain M, Paredes Olortegui M, Tapia MD, Zaman K, Means AR. Quantifying theCost of Shigella Diarrhea in the Enterics for Global Health (EFGH)Shigella Surveillance Study. Open Forum Infect Dis. 2024 Mar 25;11(Suppl1):S41-S47. doi: 10.1093/ofid/ofad575. PMID 38532961; PMCID: PMC10962725.

Liu J, Garcia Bardales PF, Islam K, Jarju S, Juma J, Mhango C, Naumanga Q,Qureshi S, Sonye C, Ahmed N, Aziz F, Bhuiyan MTR, Charles M, Cunliffe NA, AbdouM, Galagan SR, Gitteh E, Guindo I, Jahangir Hossain M, Jabang AMJ, Jere KC,Kawonga F, Keita M, Keita NY, Kotloff KL, Shapiama Lopez WV, Munga S, ParedesOlortegui M, Omore R, Pavlinac PB, Qadri F, Qamar FN, Azadul Alam Raz SM, RizikiL, Schiaffino F, Stroup S, Traore SN, Pinedo Vasquez T, Yousafzai MT, Antonio M,Cornick JE, Kabir F, Khanam F, Kosek MN, Ochieng JB, Platts-Mills JA, TennantSM, Houpt ER. Shigella Detection and Molecular Serotyping With aCustomized TaqMan Array Card in the Enterics for Global Health (EFGH):Shigella Surveillance Study. Open Forum Infect Dis. 2024 Mar 25;11(Suppl1):S34-S40. doi: 10.1093/ofid/ofad574. PMID 38532960; PMCID: PMC10962731.

Benedicto-Matambo P, Avolio LN, Badji H, Batool R, Khanam F, Munga S, TapiaMD, Peñataro Yori P, Awuor AO, Ceesay BE, Cornick J, Cunliffe NA, GarciaBardales PF, Heaney CD, Hotwani A, Ireen M, Taufiqul Islam M, Jallow O, KaminskiRW, Shapiama Lopez WV, Maiden V, Ikumapayi UN, Nyirenda R, Ochieng JB, Omore R,Paredes Olortegui M, Pavlinac PB, Pisanic N, Qadri F, Qureshi S, Rahman N,Rogawski McQuade ET, Schiaffino F, Secka O, Sonye C, Sultana S, Timite D, TraoreA, Yousafzai MT, Taufiqur Rahman Bhuiyan M, Jahangir Hossain M, Jere KC, KosekMN, Kotloff KL, Qamar FN, Sow SO, Platts-Mills JA. Exploring Natural ImmuneResponses to Shigella Exposure Using Multiplex Bead Assays on Dried BloodSpots in High-Burden Countries: Protocol From a Multisite Diarrhea SurveillanceStudy. Open Forum Infect Dis. 2024 Mar 25;11(Suppl 1):S58-S64. doi:10.1093/ofid/ofad650. PMID 38532958; PMCID: PMC10962721.

Babb C, Badji H, Bhuiyan MTR, Cornick J, Qureshi S, Sonye C, Shapiama LopezWV, Adnan M, Atlas HE, Begum K, Brennhofer SA, Ceesay BE, Ceesay AK, CunliffeNA, Garcia Bardales PF, Haque S, Horne B, Hossain MJ, Iqbal J, Islam MT, IslamS, Khanam F, Kotloff KL, Malemia T, Manzanares Villanueva K, Million GM,Munthali V, Ochieng JB, Ogwel B, Paredes Olortegui M, Omore R, Pavlinac PB,Platts-Mills JA, Sears KT, Secka O, Tennant SM, Peñataro Yori P, Yousafzai MT,Jere KC, Kosek MN, Munga S, Ikumapayi UN, Qadri F, Qamar FN, Rogawski McQuadeET. Evaluation of Fecal Inflammatory Biomarkers to Identify Bacterial DiarrheaEpisodes: Systematic Review and Protocol for the Enterics for Global HealthShigella Surveillance Study. Open Forum Infect Dis. 2024 Mar 25;11(Suppl1):S65-S75. doi: 10.1093/ofid/ofad652. PMID 38532957; PMCID: PMC10962755.

Dodd R, Awuor AO, Garcia Bardales PF, Khanam F, Mategula D, Onwuchekwa U,Sarwar G, Yousafzai MT, Ahmed N, Atlas HE, Amirul Islam Bhuiyan M, Colston JM,Conteh B, Diawara M, Dilruba N, Elwood S, Fatima I, Feutz E, Galagan SR, HaqueS, Taufiqul Islam M, Karim M, Keita B, Kosek MN, Kotloff KL, Lefu C, Mballow M,Ndalama M, Ndeketa L, Ogwel B, Okonji C, Paredes Olortegui M, Pavlinac PB,Pinedo Vasquez T, Platts-Mills JA, Qadri F, Qureshi S, Rogawski McQuade ET,Sultana S, Traore MO, Cunliffe NA, Jahangir Hossain M, Omore R, Qamar FN, TapiaMD, Peñataro Yori P, Zaman K, McGrath CJ. Population Enumeration and HouseholdUtilization Survey Methods in the Enterics for Global Health (EFGH):Shigella Surveillance Study. Open Forum Infect Dis. 2024 Mar 25;11(Suppl1):S17-S24. doi: 10.1093/ofid/ofae018. PMID 38532956; PMCID: PMC10962723.

Feutz E, Biswas PK, Ndeketa L, Ogwel B, Onwuchekwa U, Sarwar G, Sultana S,Peñataro Yori P, Acebedo A, Ahmed N, Ahmed I, Atlas HE, Awuor AO, Bhuiyan MAI,Conteh B, Diawara O, Elwood S, Fane M, Hossen MI, Ireen M, Jallow AF, Karim M,Kosek MN, Kotloff KL, Lefu C, Liu J, Maguire R, Qamar FN, Ndalama M, Ochieng JB,Okonji C, Paredes LFZ, Pavlinac PB, Perez K, Qureshi S, Schiaffino F, Traore M,Tickell KD, Wachepa R, Witte D, Cornick J, Jahangir Hossain M, Khanam F,Olortegui MP, Omore R, Sow SO, Yousafzai MT, Galagan SR. Data Management inMulticountry Consortium Studies: The Enterics For Global Health (EFGH)Shigella Surveillance Study Example. Open Forum Infect Dis. 2024 Mar25;11(Suppl 1):S48-S57. doi: 10.1093/ofid/ofad573. PMID 38532952; PMCID:PMC10962719.

Manzanares Villanueva K, Pinedo Vasquez T, Peñataro Yori P, Romaina CaciqueL, Garcia Bardales PF, Shapiama Lopez WV, Zegarra Paredes F, Perez KF, RengifoPinedo S, Silva Delgado H, Flynn T, Schiaffino F, Colston JM, Paredes OlorteguiMP, Kosek MN. The Enterics for Global Health (EFGH) Shigella SurveillanceStudy in Peru. Open Forum Infect Dis. 2024 Mar 25;11(Suppl 1):S121-S128. doi:10.1093/ofid/ofad655. PMID 38532951; PMCID: PMC10962730.

Horne B, Badji H, Bhuiyan MTR, Romaina Cachique L, Cornick J, Hotwani A,Juma J, Ochieng JB, Abdou M, Apondi E, Atlas HE, Awuor AO, Baker KS, Ceesay BE,Charles M, Cunliffe NA, Feutz E, Galagan SR, Guindo I, Hossain MJ, Iqbal J,Jallow F, Keita NY, Khanam F, Kotloff KL, Maiden V, Manzanares Villanueva K,Mito O, Mosharraf MP, Nkeze J, Ikumapayi UN, Paredes Olortegui M, Pavlinac PB,Pinedo Vasquez T, Qadri F, Qamar FN, Qureshi S, Rahman N, Sangare A, Sen S,Peñataro Yori P, Yousafzai MT, Ahmed D, Jere KC, Kosek MN, Omore R, Permala-Booth J, Secka O, Tennant SM. Microbiological Methods Used in the Enterics forGlobal Health Shigella Surveillance Study. Open Forum Infect Dis. 2024Mar 25;11(Suppl 1):S25-S33. doi: 10.1093/ofid/ofad576. PMID 38532949; PMCID:PMC10962722.

See also

External links

Notes and References

  1. Web site: The University of Virginia. The University of Virginia. en. 2019-04-11.
  2. Web site: Inicio. Prisma ONG. es-ES. 2019-04-11.
  3. Web site: Pablo Peñataro Yori's research . ResearchGate.
  5. Web site: Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Health. JH Bloomberg School of Public. Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. en. 2019-04-11.
  6. Web site: School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine Advancing public health for more than a century, in New Orleans, Louisiana, the world.. 2019-04-11.