International Psychoanalytical Association Explained

The International Psychoanalytical Association (IPA) is an association including 12,000 psychoanalysts as members and works with 70 constituent organizations. It was founded in 1910 by Sigmund Freud, from an idea proposed by Sándor Ferenczi.[1]


In 1902 Sigmund Freud started to meet every week with colleagues to discuss his work, thus establishing the Psychological Wednesday Society. By 1908 there were 14 regular members and some guests including Max Eitingon, Carl Jung, Karl Abraham, and Ernest Jones, all future Presidents of the IPA.[2] The Society became the Vienna Psychoanalytical Society.

In 1907 Jones suggested to Jung that an international meeting should be arranged. Freud welcomed the proposal. The meeting took place in Salzburg on April 27, 1908. Jung named it the "First Congress for Freudian Psychology". It is later reckoned to be the first International Psychoanalytical Congress. Even so, the IPA had not yet been founded.

The IPA was established at the next Congress held at Nuremberg in March 1910.[3] Its first President was Carl Jung, and its first Secretary was Otto Rank. Sigmund Freud considered an international organization to be essential to advance his ideas. In 1914 Freud published a paper entitled The History of the Psychoanalytic Movement.

The IPA is the international accrediting and regulatory body for member organisations. The IPA's aims include creating new psychoanalytic groups, conducting research, developing training policies and establishing links with other bodies. It organizes a biennial Congress.

Regional organizations

There is a Regional Organisation for each of the IPA's three regions:

Each of these three bodies consists of Constituent Organisations and Study Groups that are part of that IPA region. The IPA has a close working relationship with each of these independent organisations, but they are not officially or legally part of the IPA.

Constituent organizations

The IPA's members qualify for membership by being a member of a "constituent organisation" (or the sole regional association).

Constituent Organisations

Provisional Societies

Regional associations

IPA Study Groups

"Study Groups" are bodies of analysts which have not yet developed sufficiently to be a freestanding society, but that is their aim.

Allied Centres

"Allied Centres" are groups of people with an interest in psychoanalysis, in places where there are not already societies or study groups.

International Congresses

The first 23 Congresses of IPA did not have a specific theme.

NumberYear City President Theme
1 1908
2 1910
3 1911
4 1913
5 1918
6 1920
7 1922
8 1924
9 1925
10 1927
11 1929
12 1932
13 1934
14 1936
15 1938
16 1949
17 1951
18 1953
19 1955
20 1957
21 1959
22 1961
23 1963
24 1965 Psychoanalytic Treatment of the Obsessional Neurosis
25 1967 On Acting Out and its Role in the Psychoanalytic Process
26 1969 New Developments in Psychoanalysis
27 1971 The Psychoanalytical Concept of Aggression
28 1973 Transference and Hysteria Today
29 1975 Changes in Psychoanalytic Practice and Experience
30 1977 Serge LeboviciAffects and the Psychoanalytic Situation
31 1979 Clinical Issues in Psychoanalysis
32 1981 Edward D. JosephEarly Psychic Development as Reflected in the Psychoanalytic Process
33 1983 The Psychoanalyst at Work
34 1985 Adam LimentaniIdentification and its Vicissitudes
35 1987 Analysis Terminable and Interminable – 50 Years Later
36 1989 Robert S. WallersteinCommon Ground in Psychoanalysis
37 1991 Psychic Change
38 1993 Joseph J. SandlerThe Psychoanalyst's Mind – From Listening to Interpretation
39 1995 Psychic Reality – Its Impact on the Analyst and Patient Today
40 1997 R. Horacio EtchegoyenPsychoanalysis and Sexuality
41 1999 Affect in Theory and Practice
42 2001 Otto F. KernbergPsychoanalysis – Method and Application
43 2004 Daniel WidlöcherWorking at the Frontiers
44 2005 Daniel WidlöcherTrauma: New Developments in Psychoanalysis
45 2007 Cláudio Laks EizirikRemembering, Repeating and Working Through in Psychoanalysis & Culture Today
46 2009 Psychoanalytic Practice - Convergences and Divergences
47 2011 Exploring Core Concepts: Sexuality, Dreams and the Unconscious
48 2013 Facing the Pain: Clinical Experience and the Development of Psychoanalytic Knowledge
49 2015 Changing World: the shape and use of psychoanalytic tools today
50 2017 Intimacy
51 2019 Virginia UngarThe Feminine
52 2021 Virginia UngarThe infantile: its multiple dimensions
53 2023 Harriet WolfeMind in the Line of Fire


In 1975, Erich Fromm questioned this organization and found that the psychoanalytic association was "organized according to standards rather dictatorial".[4]

In 1999, Elisabeth Roudinesco noted that the IPA's attempts to professionalize psychoanalysis had become "a machine to manufacture significance". She also said that in France, "Lacanian colleagues looked upon the IPA as bureaucrats who had betrayed psychoanalysis in favour of an adaptive psychology in the service of triumphant capitalism".[5] She wrote of the "IPA['s] Legitimist Freudianism, as mistakenly called "orthodox" ".[6]

On the other hand, most criticisms laid against the IPA tend to come from a 1950s Lacanian point of view,[7] unaware of recent developments, and of the variety of schools and training models within the association in recent decades.[8] One of the three training models in the IPA (the French Model), is mostly due to Lacan's ideas and their perspectives regarding the training.[9]


Among Roudinesco's other criticisms was her reference to "homophobia" in the IPA, considered a "disgrace of psychoanalysis.[10]

According to psychiatrist Albert Le Dorze, the association is homophobic.[11]


The archive of the International Psychoanalytical Association is held at Wellcome Collection (ref no: SA/IPA).

See also


  1. Web site: Google+. nelmeda. jella. 7 July 2016. Phoenix.
  2. Web site: Group portrait: Freud and associates in a photograph taken ca. 1922, Berlin. Sitting (from left to right) : Sigmund Freud, Sándor Ferenczi, Hanns Sachs. Standing (from left to right): Otto Rank, Karl Abraham, Max Eitingon, Ernest Jones. . 2007-05-24 . 2016-03-03 . . dead .
  3. How did the IPA begin?
  4. "La mission de Sigmund Freud : une analyse de sa personnalité et de son influence'", Erich Fromm, translation from English by Paul Alexandre. Bruxelles : Complexe, 1975 and in Grandeurs et limites de la pensée freudienne, édition Laffont, 1980
  5. Elisabeth Roudinesco, "Pourquoi la psychanalyse ?" chapter four, « critiques des institutions psychanalytiques ». Fayard, Paris, 1999
  6. E.Roudinesco "Genealogy", p.60
  7. J. Lacan, The situation of psychoanalysis and the training of psychoanalysts in 1956, Ecrits, the first complete edition in English, translated by Bruce Fink, in collaboration with Heloise Fink and Russel Crigg. W. W. Norton & Company, New York, London; Copyright © 1966, 1970, 1971, 1999 by Editions du Seuil - English translation copyright © 2006, 2002 by W. W. Norton & Company.
  8. Peter Loewenberg & Nellie L. Thompson, 100 years of the IPA, The Centenary History of the International Psychoanalytical Association, 1910–2010; Evolution and change. First published in 2011 by The International Psychoanalytical Association, Broomhills, Woodside Lane, London N12 8UD, United Kingdom. London, Karnac books.
  9. Gilbert Diatkine, Les lacanismes, les analystes français et l'Association psychanalytique internationale, Revue française de psychanalyse, hors-série, "Courants de la psychanalyse contemporaine", 2001, 389-400.
  10. E. Roudinesco « la famille en désordre », in Eric Fassin, « L'inversion de la question homosexuelle » Revue française de psychanalyse, 2003/1 (Vol. 67).
  11. La politisation de l'ordre sexuel by Albert Le Dorze, Editions L'Harmattan, Paris, january 2009 - 238 pages