ILAUD explained
ILAUD (or I.L.A. & U.D. International Laboratory of Architecture and Urban Design) is the acronym for International Laboratory of Architecture and Urban Design. Founded by Giancarlo De Carlo in 1976 on the same concepts that led to the founding of Team X. The laboratory in 27 years of existence has accepted some of the most prestigious international architects, often personal friends and colleagues of the director Giancarlo De Carlo (among others Alison and Peter Smithson, Sverre Fehn, and Renzo Piano). Bringing students from around the world to think and design in Italy. The ILAUD took place in a systematic way each year during the summertime in some of the most picturesque Italian city such as Venice, Siena and Urbino. While in the Tuscan city, the ILAUD participants studied the recovery of the Santa Maria della Scala in Siena.In Venice many projects were made concerning the city itself and its surrounding. None of them were actually realised nor considered by the city Administration, although there were public exhibitions held.
Has produced numerous publications as a result of proposals made by the host city.
ILAUD Alumni
(incomplete list)
- Stig-Gunne Bengtsson
- Oscar Carracedo García-Villalba Greg Albertson
- Andreu Arriola
- Isabel Bachs
- Carl Bäckstrand
- Elisabeth Andersson
- Josep Maria Birulès Bertràn
- Per Erik Bjornsen
- Angelo Bonanni
- Patrizia Bruzzone
- Vincenzo Casali
- Toni Casamor
- Emanuela Casati
- Marco Ceccaroni
- Simona Cirio
- Mario Cucinella Simonetta Daffarra
- Giacomo Delbene
- Johs Ensby
- Jaime J. Ferrer Forés
- Carme Fiol
- Giovanna Franco
- Arturo Frediani
- Olga Gambardella
- Lars Gezelius
- Marco Guarino
- Laura Carrara-Cagni
- William Gilchrist
- Ingermarie Holmebakk
- Ross Ishikawa
- Lisa Joyce
- Dag Krogh
- Mauro Moriconi
- Maria Cristina Munari
- Elizabeth Newman
- Pascale Pieters
- Henrietta Palmer
- Mathias Persson
- Francesco Rosadini
- Viola Rouhani
- Tom Salvado
- Yolanda Ortega Sanz
- Peter Scupelli
- Christopher Sensenig
- Göran Skoog
- Adolf Sotoca Anna Laura Spalla
- Sabina Tattara
- Clelia Tuscano
- Carlos Velilla
- Stan Vistica
- Vidar Vollan
- Laure Waast
- Frank Pieters
- Marc Servaes
- Lars Westerberg
- Michela Zaniboni
- José Manuel de la Puente Martorell
- Elisabetta Parodi Dandini
- Roberto Silvestri
- Elisenda Tortajada
Italy - 1988
- Lars Westerberg
- Erik von Matern
- Nicolas Goubau
Italy - 2001
Italy - 2002
- Silvia Bodei
- Manuel Cordero Alvarado Salvador Davila Athina Katsanou Lorenzo Mattozzi Pietro Peyron
- Carles Serrano Blanco Davide Servente
- Ulrika Staugaard Roger Such
- Laura Suñen
- José Manuel Toral
- Carolina Cajide
- Emanuele Varone
Italy - 2003
- Jacob Antherton
- Aimee Chan
- Chiara Desiderio
- Susanna Douglas
- Fabio Gleria
- Laura Masiero
- Tommaso Trivellato
Participant Professors/Architects
(incomplete list)
- Russ Ellis
- Sverre Fehn Aquiles González Raventós Jaime J. Ferrer Forés Per Olaf Fjeld Donlyn Lindon
- Franco Mancuso
- Enric Massip-Bosch John McKean Thomas McQuillan
- Carles Muro Bernt Nilsson
- Connie Occhialini Renzo Piano
- Daniele Pini
- Bruno Queysanne
- Francesco Samassa
(incomplete list)
External links