Integrated mangrove-shrimp aquaculture explained

Integrated mangrove-shrimp (IMS) aquaculture is a sustainable farming system used as one of the measures for mangrove rehabilitation and can be described as a method of organic aquaculture.[1] [2] Silvoaquaculture or silvofisheries are also terms used to define this farming practice where mangrove trees are planted alongside shrimp ponds allowing for profitable net income from shrimp farming, as it replicates a more natural habitat.[3] [4] [5]

One of the main causes of mangrove forest depletion is the expansion of shrimp aquaculture. Coastal regions of Southeast Asia have suffered considerable loss as their shrimp production grew to dominate the market over the past 50 years.[6] The performance and sustainability of shrimp ponds depend on the goods and services provided by mangrove ecosystems yet mangrove forests are being cleared to build these shrimp farms. For this reason, IMS farming is an alternative practice that can meet mangrove conservation needs, while sustaining the livelihoods of coastal communities.[7]


It is believed that silvofishery has its origins in Myanmar in the 1950s. The government developed a system that required farmers to plant trees in exchange for using land, which in turn allowed for reforestation at low operational costs. Indonesia and Vietnam are known to have used silvofishery since 1978 and this farming system has also been introduced in other Southeast Asian regions as well as in countries of South Asia and South America.

The integrated mangrove-shrimp system

The design

In IMS systems, mangrove vegetation can be planted in three different ways:

These three types of design are defined as integrated, associated and separated, respectively.

Ideal conditions

Based on multiple studies on IMS cultivation in Vietnam, the optimal mangrove coverage to maximize net profit from shrimp production was found to be between 30%-50%. The challenge in these cases are due to the regulations stipulating that mangrove coverage need to be above optimal percentages, between 60-80%, which has led to over logging and the reluctance to practice silvoaquaculture.[8] [9]

Other factors that can affect the production of shrimps in silvoaquaculture are the following:

The comparison with traditional farming practice

Traditionally, shrimp farming ranges from intensive to extensive systems. IMS aquaculture is similar to extensive farming in that it doesn't depend on chemical inputs, formulated feed and shrimp larvae but instead relies on natural feed and natural shrimp recruitment from the exchange of tidal water. Silvoaquaculture, is a manageable alternative for small-scale farmers who lack access to financial support. Unlike intensive farming, where shrimp yield correlates with high investment, this sustainable practice has a low operational cost. Furthermore, IMS cultivation allows for shrimp harvest on a continuous basis, whereas in intensive farming shrimps are harvested once per crop cycle.

Organic aquaculture

IMS cultivation can be converted to organic aquaculture by following regulations stipulated by Naturland, an international associations of farmers promoting organic agriculture.[10] The area formerly occupied by mangroves can't exceed 50% of the total farm area and shrimp products can only be labeled as organic once the former mangrove area is at least 50% restored within a 5-year period. Organic shrimp farming has many advantages such as the rehabilitation of mangrove forests, the reduction of production costs and the higher market price for organic shrimps. However, the certification process for access to global markets is costly, thus can be a deterrent for farmers.

Benefits and challenges

IMS farming is not yet common practice; it has many advantages compared with traditional shrimp farming systems, but it is not without its roadblocks.

Below are some of the main benefits and challenges of silvoaquaculture:


the restoration of mangrove forests by practicing IMS aquaculture can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions as these trees are highly efficient in capturing and storing carbon.



Below are some of the main recommendations for the use of IMS cultivation as a sustainable farming practice in mangroves:


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