Indonesia Technocrat University Explained

Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia
Motto:Disiplin, Bermutu, kreatif, Inovatif
Mottoeng:Disciplined, Qualified, Creative, Innovative
Chairman:Dr. H.M. Nasrullah Yusuf, SE., MBA.
Location:Jl. Z.A. Pagar Alam 9-11, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia

Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia is a private higher education in Bandar Lampung, Sumatra, Indonesia. Subjects taught include information management, computer science, and languages.


The school was first known as Technocrat Course and Training Center. This course was first established based on Depdikbud permit of Lampung Province on February 29, 1986 by Dr. H.M. Nasrullah Yusuf, S.E., M.B.A.

When it was first established, Technocrat Course and Training Center was designed only for English course, Accounting, training center and manually typing. The tutors were Dr. Masrullah Yusuf and his wife, Hj. Hernaini, S.S., M.Pd.

In 1995, Technocrat Course and Training Center changed its name into Teknokrat Education Institution. This institution led two departments, they were Course and Training Department, and Business and Management Education Institution Department. Then, Business and Management Education Institution continued to develop its education programs. In 1996, Teknokrat one-year Institution of higher education began its teaching and learning process and it lasts until now. The Higher School of Teknokrat was established in 2000.


Teknokrat is located at Zainal Abidin Pagaralam street No. 9-11 Labuhan Ratu, Bandar Lampung. This school provides three institutions, they are Higher School of Information management and Computer Teknokrat, Academic of Information Management and Computer science Teknokrat and Higher School of Foreign language Teknokrat.

Higher School of Information Management and Computer (STMIK) Teknokrat

STMIK Teknokrat received its operational permission and legal status on February 8, 2001 and has registered itself to the Indonesian Directorate General of Higher Education with the letter No. 13/D/O/2001. Its study programs are S1 degrees of Information Technique (TI) and Information System (SI). Those programs have been accredited ‘B’ by the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN PT).[1]

Academy of Information Management and Computer (AMIK) Teknokrat

AMIK Teknokrat received its operational permission and legal status on June 9, 2000 and has registered itself to the Indonesian Directorate General of Higher Education with the letter No. 92/D/O/2000. Its study programs are Computerized Accounting (TA), Information Management (MI), and Computer Technique (TK).

Higher School of Foreign Language (STBA) Teknokrat

STBA Teknokrat received its operational permission and legal status on April 25, 2000 and has registered itself to the Indonesian Directorate-General of Higher Education with the letter No. 48/D/O/2000. Its study programs are S1 English Literature, D3 English, and D3 Japanese.

Student Activity Unit

Student Activity Unit (UKM) is a student organization whose function is to accommodate a variety of interests and talents of the students in Teknokrat. Those Student Activity Unit are:

Student Academic Units

  1. UKM Robotics
  2. UKM TEC
  3. UKM Animation Design
  4. UKM Programming

Spirituality Units

  1. UKM Islam
  2. UKM Catholic Lumen Cristi
  3. UKM Cristian Youth of Teknokrat
  4. UKM Hindu
  5. UKM Buddha

Student Art Units

  1. UKM Dance
  2. UKM Choir
  3. UKM Band
  4. UKM Ambassador
  5. UKM T-Action

Sport Units

  1. UKM Football
  2. UKM Futsal
  3. UKM Basketball
  4. UKM Volley
  5. UKM Karate
  6. UKM Pencak Silat
  7. UKM Badminton
  8. UKM Taekwondo
  9. UKM Student Regiment


Computer Laboratory

Teknokrat has eight computer laboratories, including internet laboratory, intranet and multimedia, hardware and networking laboratory, digital electronics laboratory, and software laboratory.

All computers in the laboratory are connected to the internet with high speed access. Besides, the entire area has been connected via a wireless internet network, Wi-Fi. The other technologies, multimedia computer with technology LAN, LED TV 60 and 70-inch, are equipped with a multimedia projector.

Language Laboratory

There are two language laboratories. These laboratories are equipped with Multimedia computers and LED TV 60 and 70-inch. In addition, the language laboratory has been equipped with a set of electronic equipment, audio video consisting of instructor console as the main engine, equipped with a repeater language learning machine, tape recorder, DVD player, video monitors, headsets, and 40 students booth installed with a set of computer and screen in a single space. There are also components of a multimedia computer that can be used as additional components which are combined with all of them. If this is done then the language laboratory also serves as a multimedia language laboratory.

Office and Secretarial Laboratory

In the Office and Secretarial laboratory, a variety of modern office equipment is available, such as:

  1. Room and table for the receptionist
  2. Director's room with a desk director
  3. Meeting room with modern table
  4. Small rooms in each section / unit
  5. Computer connected to a Local Area Network including printer CCTV
  6. Manual typewriting
  7. Fax Machine
  8. Paper shredder
  9. Infocuswith screen
  10. File Cabinets, etc.


Teknokrat has a library which provides a complete collection consisting of books, thesis, scientific paper of lecturers, scientific journals, popular magazines, newspapers, dictionaries, encyclopedias, and handbooks. There is also a collection of thesis from the field of informatics and languages.


There is an auditorium which is used for seminars, workshops, meetings, training, art activity, and others. The auditorium has a capacity of 700 people.

Indoor Stadium

Teknokrat has an indoor stadium with 1500 capacity of people which functions as auditorium for sport activity (basketball, futsal, volleyball and badminton), educational activity (seminar, general stadium, training, English and art contest) and college activity (propti, yudisium, art event)

Notes and References
