The department of Indigenous and Municipal Relations was created on May 3, 2016 by the newly-elected government led by Brian Pallister. It combined the responsibilities of the former departments Aboriginal and Northern Affairs and Municipal Government into a single unit.[1] [2]
Acts[3] | |
The Northern Affairs Act | |
The Path to Reconciliation Act | |
The Planning Act, (Part 9) | |
The Communities Economic Development Fund Act |
Acts[4] | |
The Biofuels Act | |
The Capital Region Partnership Act | |
The City of Winnipeg Charter (S.M. 2002, c.39) | |
The Community Revitalization Tax Increment Financing Act | |
The Energy Act | |
The Energy Savings Act | |
The Gas Pipe Line Act | |
The Gas Allocation Act | |
The Greater Winnipeg Gas Distribution Act (S.M. 1988-89, c.40) | |
The Local Government Districts Act | |
The Municipal Act | |
The Municipal Assessment Act | |
The Municipal Affairs Administration Act | |
The Municipal Amalgamations Act | |
The Municipal Board Act | |
The Municipal Councils and School Boards Elections Act | |
An Act Respecting Debts Owing by Municipalities to School Districts | |
The Municipal Taxation and Funding Act [Part 2] | |
The Official Time Act | |
The Planning Act [except Part 10] | |
The Property Tax and Insulation Assistance Act [Part V, and section 1 and Part VI as they relate to subjects covered under Part V] | |
The Regional Waste Management Authorities Act | |
The Renewable Energy Jobs Act | |
The Soldiers’ Taxation Relief Act | |
The Unconditional Grants Act | |
The Manitoba Water Services Board Act | |
The Taxicab Act |