Index of philosophy articles (A–C) explained
- A-series and B-series
- A Buyer's Market
- A Calendar of Wisdom
- A Conflict of Visions
- A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy
- A Defence of Common Sense
- A Defense of Abortion
- A Dissertation on Liberty and Necessity, Pleasure and Pain
- A Few Words on Non-Intervention
- A Fórmula de Deus
- A fortiori argument
- A General View of Positivism
- A Grief Observed
- A Guide for the Perplexed
- A Happy Death
- A History of God
- A History of Murphy's Law
- A History of Philosophy (Copleston)
- A History of Western Philosophy
- A las Barricadas
- A Legend of Old Egypt
- A Letter Concerning Toleration
- A maiore ad minus
- A Mathematician's Apology
- A Message from the Emperor
- A minore ad maius
- A New Era of Thought
- A New Model of the Universe
- A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful
- A posteriori
- A priori (philosophy)
- A priori and a posteriori
- A Salty Piece of Land
- A Scanner Darkly
- A Secular Humanist Declaration
- A Short History of Chinese Philosophy
- A System of Logic
- A Thousand Plateaus
- A Thousand Years of Nonlinear History
- A Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge
- A Treatise of Human Nature
- A Vindication of Natural Society
- A Vindication of the Rights of Men
- A Vindication of the Rights of Woman
- A Voyage to Arcturus
- A. A. Long
- A. A. Luce
- A. C. Ewing
- A. C. Grayling
- A. D. Gordon
- A. H. Almaas
- A. H. Armstrong
- A. J. Baker (philosopher)
- A. V. Dicey
- A. W. Benn
- A. P. Martinich
- A. R. Natarajan
- Ab ovo
- Abacus logic
- Abahlali baseMjondolo
- Abandonment (existentialism)
- Abas (sophist)
- Abbasgulu Bakikhanov
- Abd al-Karīm ibn Hawāzin al-Qushayri
- Abd al-Rahman al-Kawakibi
- Abd al-Rahman Ibn Khaldun
- Abdallah ibn Yasin
- Abdel-Halim Mahmoud
- Abdel Rahman Badawi
- Abdel Wahab Elmessiri
- Abderites
- Abdoldjavad Falaturi
- Abdolkarim Soroush
- Abductive logic programming
- Abductive reasoning
- Abductive validation
- Abdullah Yusuf Azzam
- Abdurrahman Ibn Khaldun
- Abdurrahmān Ibn Khaldūn
- Abel Paz
- Abhayakaragupta
- Abhidhamma Pitaka
- Abhidharma
- Abhinavagupta
- Abilene paradox
- Abimael Guzmán
- Abjection
- Abjunction
- Abner of Burgos
- Abner Shimony
- Abolishing the Borders from Below
- Abortion
- Abortion debate
- Aboutness
- Abraham Abigdor
- Abraham Abulafia
- Abraham bar Hiyya
- Abraham ben Moses Maimon
- Abraham ben Moses Maimonides
- Abraham Cohen de Herrera
- Abraham Edel
- Abraham ibn Daud
- Abraham Ibn Daud
- Abraham ibn Ezra
- Abraham Ibn Ezra
- Abraham Isaac Kook
- Abraham Joshua Heschel
- Abraham Kaplan
- Abraham Kovoor
- Abraham Leon
- Abraham Robinson
- Abraham Tucker
- Abraham Yagel
- Abraham Yehudah Khein
- Abram Deborin
- Absolute (philosophy)
- Absolute atheism
- Absolute idealism
- Absolute infinite
- Absolute space
- Absolute theory
- Absolute threshold
- Absolute time
- Absolute truth
- Abstinence
- Abstract art
- Abstract entity
- Abstract expressionism
- Abstract Illusionism
- Abstract Imagists
- Abstract labour and concrete labour
- Abstract object
- Abstract objects
- Abstract particulars
- Abstract process
- Abstract semantic graph
- Abstraction
- Abstraction (philosophy)
- Abstractionism
- Absurdism
- Abu'l Hasan Muhammad Ibn Yusuf al-'Amiri
- Abu'l Walid Muhammad Ibn Rushd
- Abu 'Ali al-Husayn Ibn Sina
- Abu al-Hakam al-Kirmani
- Abu al-Hasan al-Ash'ari
- Abu Bakr Ibn Bajja
- Abu Bakr Ibn Bājja
- Abu Bakr Ibn Ţufayl
- Abu Bakr Muhammad Ibn Tufayl
- Abu Bakr Muhammad Ibn Yahya Ibn as-Say'igh Ibn Bajja
- Abu Bakr Muhammad Ibn Zakariyya' al-Razi
- Abu Hamid al-Ghazali
- Abu Hamid Muhammad al-Ghazali
- Abū Hayyān al-Tawhīdī
- Abu Mansur Maturidi
- Abu Muhammad 'Ali Ibn Hazm
- Abu Nasr al-Farabi
- Abū Nasr al-Fārābī
- Abu Rayhan Biruni
- Abu Sulayman al-Sijistani
- Abu Sulayman Muhammad al-Sijistani
- Abu Tahir Marwazi
- Abu Yaqub Sijistani
- Abu Yusuf Ya'qub ibn Ishaq al-Kindi
- Abul Ala Maududi
- Academic art
- Academic authorship
- Academic freedom
- Academic skepticism
- Academy
- Acatalepsy
- Accademia degli Infiammati
- Accent
- Acceptance
- Accessibility
- Accessibility relation
- Accident
- Accident (fallacy)
- Accident (philosophy)
- Accidental necessity
- Accidental properties
- Accidental property
- Accidentalism
- Accidie
- Accountability
- Accountant-client privilege
- Accounting ethics
- Accounting reform
- Accumulation by dispossession
- Acharya Hemachandra
- Achieving Our Country
- Achille Gagliardi
- Achille Varzi (philosopher)
- Achilles paradox
- Achintya Bheda Abheda
- Acosmism
- Acquaintance
- Acquiescence bias
- Acquired taste
- Acrasia
- Acratas
- Acrion
- Act utilitarianism
- Acting Out (book)
- Action (philosophy)
- Action at a distance
- Action Philosophers!
- Action theory (philosophy)
- Action verb
- Active citizenship
- Active intellect
- Actor–observer bias
- Acts of Literature
- Acts of the Apostles
- Actual idealism
- Actual Idealism
- Actual infinite
- Actual infinity
- Actualism
- Actualist
- Actuality
- Actuel Marx
- Actus et potentia
- Actus primus
- Actus purus
- Acumenus
- Acyutananda
- Ad captandum
- Ad feminam
- Ad hoc
- Ad hoc hypothesis
- Ad hominem
- Ad hominem argument
- Ad infinitum
- Ad nauseam
- Ada Albrecht
- Adalbertus Ranconis de Ericinio
- Adam Burski
- Adam de Buckfield
- Adam de Wodeham
- Adam Ferguson
- Adam Ignacy Zabellewicz
- Adam Karl August von Eschenmayer
- Adam Mahrburg
- Adam Morton
- Adam Müller
- Adam of Łowicz
- Adam Parvipontanus
- Adam Pulchrae Mulieris
- Adam Schaff
- Adam Smith
- Adam Steuart
- Adam Tanner (mathematician)
- Adam Weishaupt
- Adam Wodeham
- Adam Zachary Newton
- Adamantios Korais
- Adamites
- Adaptation
- Adaptive bias
- Adaptive grammar
- Adaptive representation
- Adaptive system
- Addiction
- Addison Webster Moore
- Addition (logic)
- Adela Cortina
- Adelard of Bath
- Adevism
- Adi Ophir
- Adi Sanakara Philosophy
- Adi Shankara
- Adiaphora
- Adicity
- Admissible rule
- Adolf Grünbaum
- Adolf Lasson
- Adolf Lindenbaum
- Adolf Reinach
- Adolf von Harnack
- Adolfo Sánchez Vázquez
- Adolfo Veber Tkalčević
- Adolph Stöhr
- Adrastus of Aphrodisias
- Adriaan Koerbagh
- Adrian Piper
- Adriana Cavarero
- Adriano Tilgher (philosopher)
- Adrianus
- Adrsta
- Adultery
- Advaita
- Advaita Vedanta
- Advance health care directive
- Adventures of Wim
- Adverbs
- Adverse effect
- Advertising
- Advice (opinion)
- Aedesia
- Aedesius
- Aeneas of Gaza
- Aenesidemus
- Aenesidemus (book)
- Aequiprobabilism
- Aesara
- Aeschines of Neapolis
- Aeschines of Sphettus
- Aesthetic distance
- Aesthetic emotions
- Aesthetic of Ugliness
- Aesthetic Realism
- Aesthetic relativism
- Aestheticism
- Aestheticization of politics
- Aestheticization of violence
- Aesthetics
- Aesthetics of music
- Aeterni Patris
- Aether
- Aether (classical element)
- Aetius (philosopher)
- Affect (philosophy)
- Affect heuristic
- Affection
- Affectionism
- Affective
- Affective forecasting
- Affine logic
- Affirmative action
- Affirmative conclusion from a negative premise
- Affirming a disjunct
- Affirming the antecedent
- Affirming the consequent
- African philosophy
- African Spir
- African Uplands
- Africana philosophy
- Africana womanism
- Afrikan Spir
- Afshin Ellian
- After Many a Summer
- After Virtue
- Afterlife
- Against His-Story, Against Leviathan
- Against the Day
- Āgama (Buddhism)
- Āgama (Hinduism)
- Āgama (Jainism)
- Agama Hindu Dharma
- Agapē
- Agapē Agape
- Agapius of Athens
- Agathism
- Agathobulus
- Agathon
- Agathosthenes
- Agathusia and aschimothusia
- Age of Enlightenment
- Age of Reason
- Age of reason (canon law)
- Agency (philosophy)
- Agent (law)
- Agent Communications Language
- Aggadah
- Aggression
- Aggressionism
- Ágnes Heller
- Agnostic
- Agnostic atheism
- Agnostic existentialism
- Agnostic theism
- Agnosticism
- Agonism
- Agonistic liberalism
- Agonistic pluralism
- Agorism
- Agostinho da Silva
- Agostino Nifo
- Agrarianism
- Agricultural philosophy
- Agrippa the Skeptic
- Ahad Ha'am
- Ahamkāra
- Ahankara
- Ahimsa
- Ahimsa in Jainism
- Ahistoricism
- Ahl ar-ra'y
- Ahmad Ahmadi (philosopher)
- Ahmad Fardid
- Ahmad Ibn Muhammad Ibn Miskawayh
- Ahmad Nadeem Qasimi
- Ahmad Sirhindi
- Ahmed Hulusi
- Ahura Mazda
- AI effect
- Ai Siqi
- Aijaz Ahmad
- Aizawa Seishisai
- Ajahn Amaro
- Ajahn Chah
- Ajahn Sumedho
- Ajahn Sundara
- Ajita Kesakambali
- Ajivika
- AK Press
- Ākāśa
- Akeel Bilgrami
- Akira Asada
- Akira Yamada
- Akka Mahadevi
- Akrasia
- Al-Farabi
- Al-Fārābī
- Al-Ghazali
- Al-Ghazālī
- Al-Hajj Salim Suwari
- Al-Hilli
- Al-Jahiz
- Al-Jubba'i
- Al-Juwayni
- Al-Khazini
- Al-Khidr
- Al-Kindi
- Al-Kindī
- Al-Ma`arri
- Al-Mawardi
- Al-Nahda
- Al-Rāzī
- Al-Shahrastani
- Al-Shahrazuri
- Al-Shirazi
- Al-Sijistani
- Al-Tabarani
- Al-Tawhidi
- Al-Zamakhshari
- Al Amiri
- Alain Badiou
- Alain de Benoist
- Alain de Botton
- Alain de Lille
- Alain Etchegoyen
- Alain Finkielkraut
- Alain LeRoy Locke
- Alan Carter (philosopher)
- Alan Donagan
- Alan Gewirth
- Alan Grant (writer)
- Alan Mathison Turing
- Alan Millar
- Alan Moore
- Alan Musgrave
- Alan of Lynn
- Alan Ross Anderson
- Alan Ryan
- Alan Soble
- Alan Stout (philosopher)
- Alan Turing
- Alan Watts
- Alan Woods (politician)
- Alasdair C. MacIntyre
- Alasdair MacIntyre
- Alasdair Urquhart
- Alastair Hannay
- Alastair Norcross
- Ālaya-vijñāna
- Albert (short story)
- Albert Blumberg
- Albert Borgmann
- Albert Camus
- Albert Chernenko
- Albert Einstein
- Albert Lautman
- Albert Meltzer
- Albert of Saxony (philosopher)
- Albert Outler
- Albert Parsons
- Albert Rivaud
- Albert Schwegler
- Albert Schweitzer
- Albert Venn Dicey
- Alberto Jori
- Alberto Moreiras
- Alberto Toscano
- Albertus Magnus
- Albinus (philosopher)
- Albrecht Ritschl
- Albrecht von Müller
- Albrecht Wellmer
- Alchemy
- Alcinous (philosopher)
- Alciphron (book)
- Alcmaeon of Croton
- Alcuin
- Aldo Gargani
- Alejandro Deustua
- Alejandro Korn
- Alejandro Rossi
- Alejandro Rozitchner
- Aleksander Świętochowski
- Aleksandr Danilovich Aleksandrov
- Aleksandr Ivanovich Herzen
- Aleksandr Zinovyev
- Aleksei Losev
- Aleksey Khomyakov
- Alenka Zupančič
- Aleš Ušeničnik
- Alessandro Achillini
- Alessandro Piccolomini
- Aletheia
- Alethiology
- Alex Callinicos
- Alex Comfort
- Alex Grey
- Alexamenus of Teos
- Alexander Atabekian
- Alexander Bain
- Alexander Berkman
- Alexander Bogdanov
- Alexander Bonini
- Alexander Bryan Johnson
- Alexander Campbell Fraser
- Alexander Crombie
- Alexander Esenin-Volpin
- Alexander George (philosopher)
- Alexander Gerard
- Alexander Gottlieb Baumgarten
- Alexander Herzen
- Alexander Meiklejohn
- Alexander Neckam
- Alexander Neckham
- Alexander Nehamas
- Alexander of Aegae
- Alexander of Aphrodisias
- Alexander of Hales
- Alexander Pfänder
- Alexander Piatigorsky
- Alexander Rosenberg
- Alexander S. Kechris
- Alexander Schapiro
- Alexander Sutherland (educator)
- Alexander Tille
- Alexandr Ivanovich Herzen
- Alexandre Kojeve
- Alexandre Kojève
- Alexandre Koyré
- Alexandrian school
- Alexandros Schinas
- Alexandru Bogdan-Piteşti
- Alexandru Dragomir
- Alexicrates
- Alexinus
- Alexis de Tocqueville
- Alexis Kagame
- Alexis Rosenbaum
- Alexius Meinong
- Alf Ahlberg
- Alf Ross
- Alfonso Falero
- Alfred Adler
- Alfred Baeumler
- Alfred Binet
- Alfred Brunswig
- Alfred Edward Taylor
- Alfred Espinas
- Alfred Henry Lloyd
- Alfred Horn
- Alfred I. Tauber
- Alfred Jules Ayer
- Alfred Jules Émile Fouillée
- Alfred Kastil
- Alfred Loisy
- Alfred Mele
- Alfred North Whitehead
- Alfred of Sareshel
- Alfred Rosenberg
- Alfred Russel Wallace
- Alfred Schmidt (philosopher)
- Alfred Schutz
- Alfred Schütz
- Alfred Sohn-Rethel
- Alfred Tarski
- Alfred Wilm
- Alfredo M. Bonanno
- Algazel
- Algebra
- Algebraic normal form
- Algernon Charles Swinburne
- Algorithm
- Alhazen
- Alic Halford Smith
- Alice Ambrose
- Alice Bailey
- Alice von Hildebrand
- Alienation
- Alison Wylie
- All
- All horses are the same color
- All men are created equal
- All That Is Solid Melts into Air
- All Truth Is God's Truth
- Allan Antliff
- Allan Bloom
- Allan Gibbard
- Allan Gotthelf
- Allan Ramsay (1713-1784)
- Allegory of the cave
- Allegory of the Cave
- Allen Buchanan
- Alois Riehl
- Alon Ben-Meir
- Alonso Gutiérrez
- Alonzo Church
- Aloys Hirt
- Alpha et Omega
- Alphabet of human thought
- Alphonso Lingis
- Altered state of consciousness
- Alterity
- Alternative denial
- Alternative dispute resolution
- Alternative Media Project
- Alternative Press Review
- Altheides
- Altruism
- Alvin Goldman
- Alvin Plantinga
- Always already
- Ama-gi
- Amadeo Bordiga
- Amafinius
- Amakasu Incident
- Amalric of Bena
- Amartya K. Sen
- Amartya Sen
- Ambiguity
- Ambiguity effect
- Ambrose
- Ambrosius Theodosius Macrobius
- Amelius
- America at the Crossroads
- American Bar Association Model Code of Professional Responsibility
- American Bar Association Model Rules of Professional Conduct
- American Catholic Philosophical Association
- American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly
- American Craftsman
- American Empire (style)
- American Enlightenment
- American Indian Movement
- American Journal of Bioethics
- American Philosophical Association
- American Philosophical Quarterly
- American Philosophical Society
- American philosophy
- American realism
- American Society for Political and Legal Philosophy
- Amerika (novel)
- Amicus Plato, sed magis amica veritas
- Amilcar Cabral
- Amílcar Cabral
- Amilcare Cipriani
- Ammon Hennacy
- Ammonius Hermiae
- Ammonius of Alexandria (Christian philosopher)
- Ammonius of Athens
- Ammonius Saccas
- Amoralism
- Amorality
- Amos Bronson Alcott
- Amour-propre
- Amour de soi
- Amphibology
- Amphiboly
- Amsterdam Declaration
- Amy Gutmann
- Amynomachus
- An Enquiry concerning Human Understanding
- An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding
- An Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Morals
- An Essay Concerning Human Understanding
- An Essay on the History of Civil Society
- An Essay on the Principle of Population
- An Honest Thief
- An Hyang
- An Intelligent Person's Guide to Atheism
- An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge
- An Sich
- Anacharsis
- Anāgāmi
- Analects
- Analects of Confucius
- Analogy
- Analogy of the divided line
- Analysis
- Analysis (journal)
- Analysis (philosophy)
- Analysis paralysis
- Analytic philosophy
- Analytic-synthetic distinction
- Analytic and synthetic knowledge
- Analytic and synthetic statements
- Analytic ethics
- Analytic hierarchy
- Analytic jurisprudence
- Analytic knowledge
- Analytic Marxism
- Analytic philosophy
- Analytic proof
- Analytic proposition
- Analytic reasoning
- Analytical hierarchy
- Analytical jurisprudence
- Analytical philosophy
- Analytical psychology
- Analytical Thomism
- Anamnesis (philosophy)
- Anamorphosis
- Anan ben David
- Ānanda
- Ananda Coomaraswamy
- Anandamaya kosha
- Anandavardhana
- Anangeon
- Ananke
- Anantarika-karma
- Anaphor
- Anaphora
- Anarch (sovereign individual)
- Anarcha-feminism
- Anarchism
- Anarchism and anarcho-capitalism
- Anarchism and animal rights
- Anarchism and capitalism
- Anarchism and Friedrich Nietzsche
- Anarchism and Islam
- Anarchism and Marxism
- Anarchism and nationalism
- Anarchism and the arts
- Anarchism and violence
- Anarchism in Africa
- Anarchism in America (film)
- Anarchism in Asia
- Anarchism in Australia
- Anarchism in Brazil
- Anarchism in Canada
- Anarchism in China
- Anarchism in Cuba
- Anarchism in England
- Anarchism in France
- Anarchism in Greece
- Anarchism in Iceland
- Anarchism in India
- Anarchism in Ireland
- Anarchism in Israel
- Anarchism in Italy
- Anarchism in Japan
- Anarchism in Korea
- Anarchism in Mexico
- Anarchism in Poland
- Anarchism in Russia
- Anarchism in Spain
- Anarchism in Sweden
- Anarchism in the United States
- Anarchism in Turkey
- Anarchism in Ukraine
- Anarchism in Vietnam
- Anarchism without adjectives
- Anarchist Black Cross Federation
- Anarchist Black Cross Network
- Anarchist Bookfair
- Anarchist Catalonia
- Anarchist communism
- Anarchist Exclusion Act
- Anarchist Federation (Britain and Ireland)
- Anarchist law
- Anarchist Manifesto
- Anarchist People of Color
- Anarchist schools of thought
- Anarchist St. Imier International
- Anarchist Studies
- Anarchist symbolism
- Anarchist terminology
- Anarchistic free school
- Anarchists (film)
- Anarchists Against the Wall
- Anarcho-capitalism
- Anarcho-capitalism and minarchism
- Anarcho-capitalist literature
- Anarcho-capitalist symbolism
- Anarcho-pacifism
- Anarcho-primitivism
- Anarcho-punk
- Anarcho-syndicalism
- Anarcho-Syndicalism (book)
- Anarcho-Syndicalist Review
- Anarcho-syndicalist symbolism
- Anarchy
- Anarchy (book)
- Anarchy Alive!
- Anarchy Archives
- Anarchy Comics
- Anarchy in the Age of Dinosaurs
- Anarchy Magazine
- Anarchy, State, and Utopia
- Anarky (comic book)
- Anat Biletzki
- Anathon Aall
- Anatoly Lunacharsky
- Anatta
- Anava
- Anaxagoras
- Anaxarchus
- Anaxilaus
- Anaximander
- Anaximenes of Miletus
- Ancestral
- Ancestral relation
- Anchoring
- Ancient commentators project
- Ancient Greek philosophy
- Ancient philosophy
- Ancient skepticism
- Ancient Wisdom, Modern World
- And you are lynching Negroes
- Anders Chydenius
- Anders Nygren
- Anders Vilhelm Lundstedt
- Ando Shoeki
- André-François Deslandes
- André-Marie Ampère
- André Comte-Sponville
- André Glucksmann
- André Gorz
- André Malet (philosopher)
- André Malraux
- André of Neufchâteau
- Andrea Bonomi
- Andrea Cesalpino
- Andreas Kinneging
- Andreas Speiser
- Andrei Andreevich Markov
- Andrei Marga
- Andrej Grubacic
- Andres Luure
- Andrés Ortiz-Osés
- Andrew Baxter
- Andrew Bernstein (philosopher)
- Andrew Feenberg
- Andrew Janiak
- Andrew of Cornwall
- Andrew Pyle (philosopher)
- Andrew Seth Pringle-Pattison
- Andries Mac Leod
- Androcentrism
- Androcydes (Pythagorean)
- Android epistemology
- Andronicus of Rhodes
- Andrzej Mostowski
- Andrzej Towiański
- Andy Blunden
- Andy Clark
- Andy Warhol
- Anekantavada
- Ángel Rama
- Angelaki
- Angeli (novel)
- Angelo Galli
- Anger
- Angie Hobbs
- Anglo-Japanese style
- Angst
- Anguish
- Angus Taylor (philosopher)
- Anima mundi
- Anima mundi (spirit)
- Animal consciousness
- Animal Liberation (book)
- Animal rights
- Animal spirits
- Animals in Buddhism
- Animistic fallacy
- Anioł Dowgird
- Anja Steinbauer
- Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka
- Anna Maria van Schurman
- Anne Conway, Viscountess Conway
- Anne Finch
- Anne Louise Germaine de Staël
- Annemarie Gethmann-Siefert
- Annemarie Mol
- Annette Baier
- Anniceris
- Anomalous monism
- Anomie
- Ansatz
- Anselm Jappe
- Anselm of Canterbury
- Anselm of Laon
- Anselme Bellegarrigue
- Ansgar Beckermann
- Answer to Job
- Antanas Maceina
- Antecedent (logic)
- Antenor Orrego
- Anteo Zamboni
- Antepredicament
- Anthem (novella)
- Anthony Ashley-Cooper, 3rd Earl of Shaftesbury
- Anthony Collins
- Anthony Gottlieb
- Anthony John Patrick Kenny
- Anthony Kenny
- Anthony O'Hear
- Anthony of the Mother of God
- Anthony Quinton
- Anthony Quinton, Baron Quinton
- Anthony Rayson
- Anthony Thiselton
- Anthropic principle
- Anthropocentrism
- Anthropopath
- Anthropopathy
- Anthroposophy
- Anti-art
- Anti-authoritarianism
- Anti-clericalism
- Anti-communism
- Anti-consumerism
- Anti-Dühring
- Anti-environmentalism
- Anti-foundationalism
- Anti-Germans (communist current)
- Anti-modernization
- Anti-Œdipus
- Anti-psychiatry
- Anti-psychologism
- Anti-racist mathematics
- Anti-realism
- Anti-Revisionism
- Anti-Semite and Jew
- Anti-Semitism
- Anti-State Justice
- Anti-statism
- Anti-Supernaturalism
- Anti-systemic library
- Anti-voting
- Anti-work
- Anticonformism
- Antigone (Sophocles)
- Antihumanism
- Antimilitarism
- Antinatalism
- Antinomianism
- Antinomies
- Antinomy
- Antiochus Kantemir
- Antiochus of Ascalon
- Antipater
- Antipater of Cyrene
- Antipater of Tarsus
- Antipater of Tyre
- Antiperistasis
- Antiphon
- Antiphon (person)
- Antireductionism
- Antireligion
- Antiscience
- Antisthenes
- Antitheism
- Antithesis
- Antoine-Augustin Cournot
- Antoine Arnauld
- Antoine Augustin Cournot
- Antoine Destutt de Tracy
- Antoine Lavoisier
- Antoine Le Grand
- Anton Ambschel
- Anton Günther
- Anton Kržan
- Anton LaVey
- Anton Wilhelm Amo
- Antonin Sertillanges
- Antoninus (philosopher)
- Antonio Beccadelli
- Antonio Caso Andrade
- António Castanheira Neves
- Antonio Comellas y Cluet
- Antonio Cua
- António Damásio
- Antonio Genovesi
- Antonio Gramsci
- Antonio Labriola
- Antonio Negri
- Antonio Rosmini
- Antonio Rosmini-Serbati
- Antonio Téllez
- Antony Flew
- Antwerp school
- Anuario Filosófico
- Aous Shakra
- Apagoge
- Aparoksanubhuti
- Aparokshanubhuti
- Apatheia
- Apatheism
- Apeiron (cosmology)
- Aphorism
- Apocalypticism
- Apocatastasis
- Apodictic
- Apodicticity
- Apodosis
- Apollodorus of Seleucia
- Apollodorus the Epicurean
- Apollonian and Dionysian
- Apollonius Cronus
- Apollonius of Tyana
- Apollonius of Tyre (philosopher)
- Apologetics
- Apologism
- Apology (Plato)
- Apology (Xenophon)
- Apology of Aristides
- Aponia
- Apophasis
- Apophatic theology
- Apophenia
- Aporetic
- Aporia
- Aporime
- Aposteriori
- Appeal to advantage
- Appeal to authority
- Appeal to belief
- Appeal to consequences
- Appeal to emotion
- Appeal to fear
- Appeal to flattery
- Appeal to motive
- Appeal to nature
- Appeal to novelty
- Appeal to pity
- Appeal to probability
- Appeal to ridicule
- Appeal to spite
- Appeal to tradition
- Appellation
- Apperception
- Appiano Buonafede
- Applicative Universal Grammar
- Applied aesthetics
- Applied art
- Applied ethics
- Applied ontology
- Applied philosophy
- Apportionment paradox
- Approximation
- Aptitude
- Apuleius
- Arab transmission of the Classics to the West
- Arabic philosophy
- Arabic Sciences and Philosophy
- Aramesh Doustdar
- Arbeter Fraynd
- Arbitrariness
- Arbitration
- Arborescent
- Arcadia (play)
- Arcesilaus
- Archaeological ethics
- Arche
- Archē
- Archedemus of Tarsus
- Archeio-Marxism
- Archelaus (philosopher)
- Archetype
- Archibald Alison (author)
- Archibald Campbell (philosopher)
- Archie J. Bahm
- Archimedes
- Architectonic
- Archive Fever
- Archytas
- Arda Denkel
- Areopagitica
- Aretaic
- Aretaic turn
- Arete (moral virtue)
- Arete of Cyrene
- Aretology
- Argentine Libertarian Federation
- Argentine Regional Workers' Federation
- Argument
- Argument form
- Argument from authority
- Argument from beauty
- Argument from consciousness
- Argument from degree
- Argument from design
- Argument from desire
- Argument from evil
- Argument from fallacy
- Argument from free will
- Argument from ignorance
- Argument from illusion
- Argument from inconsistent revelations
- Argument from love
- Argument from marginal cases
- Argument from miracles
- Argument from morality
- Argument from nonbelief
- Argument from poor design
- Argument from queerness
- Argument from Reason
- Argument from religious experience
- Argument from silence
- Argument in the alternative
- Argument map
- Argument to moderation
- Argumentation theory
- Arguments for eternity
- Arguments for the existence of God
- Argumentum ad baculum
- Argumentum ad crumenam
- Argumentum ad hominem
- Argumentum ad ignorantium
- Argumentum ad lapidem
- Argumentum ad lazarum
- Argumentum ad misericordiam
- Argumentum ad numerum
- Argumentum ad populum
- Argumentum ad verecundiam
- Arhat
- Ariadne's thread (logic)
- Arianism
- Ariel Salleh
- Arignote
- Arimneste
- Arindam Chakrabarti
- Aristides of Athens
- Aristion
- Aristippus
- Aristippus the Younger
- Aristo of Alexandria
- Aristo of Ceos
- Aristo of Chios
- Aristobulus of Paneas
- Aristoclea
- Aristocles of Messene
- Aristocracy
- Aristocreon
- Aristonymus
- Aristotelian ethics
- Aristotelian logic
- Aristotelian physics
- Aristotelian rhetoric
- Aristotelian Society
- Aristotelian Society for the Systematic Study of Philosophy
- Aristotelian theory of gravity
- Aristotelian view of a god
- Aristotelian view of God
- Aristotelianism
- Aristotle
- Aristotle's Masterpiece
- Aristotle's theory of universals
- Aristotle's views on women
- Aristotle's wheel paradox
- Aristotle for Everybody
- Aristoxenus
- Arithmetic
- Arithmetic hierarchy
- Arithmetization of analysis
- Arity
- Arius
- Arius Didymus
- Arkhē
- Armand Robin
- Armchair revolutionary
- Armin Mohler
- Arminianism
- Arne Johan Vetlesen
- Arne Naess
- Arne Næss
- Arno Ros
- Arnold Davidson
- Arnold Gehlen
- Arnold Geulincx
- Arnold Ruge
- Arnold J. Toynbee
- Arnouphis
- Aron Gurwitsch
- Arrian
- Arrow's impossibility theorem
- Arrow's paradox
- Arrow's theorem
- Arrow of time
- Arrow paradox
- Ars inveniendi
- Ars Poetica (Horace)
- Art
- Art and morality
- Art as Experience
- Art criticism
- Art Deco in Durban
- Art for art's sake
- Art forgery
- Art manifesto
- Art movement
- Art periods
- Arte Povera
- Artforum
- Arthur Balfour
- Arthur C. Danto
- Arthur Coleman Danto
- Arthur Collier
- Arthur Danto
- Arthur de Gobineau
- Arthur Drews
- Arthur F. Holmes
- Arthur Fine
- Arthur Koestler
- Arthur Lehning
- Arthur Linton Corbin
- Arthur Lipsett
- Arthur M. Young
- Arthur Moeller van den Bruck
- Arthur Norman Prior
- Arthur Oncken Lovejoy
- Arthur Pap
- Arthur Prior
- Arthur Schafer
- Arthur Schopenhauer
- Arthur Schopenhauer's aesthetics
- Arthur Stanley Eddington
- Arthur Willink
- Artificial brain
- Artificial consciousness
- Artificial intelligence
- Artificial language
- Artificial life
- Artist
- Artistic expression
- Artistic freedom
- Artistic inspiration
- Artistic interpretation
- Artistic merit
- Artistic revolution
- Artistic style
- Arto Haapala
- Arts and Crafts Movement
- Arts criticism
- Arturo Andrés Roig
- Artworld
- Arvi Grotenfelt
- Arya
- Arya Samaj
- Aryadeva
- As a Man Thinketh
- As I Lay Dying (novel)
- As I was going to St Ives
- As if
- As She Climbed Across the Table
- Asa Gray
- Asa Kasher
- Asanga
- Asceticism
- Asclepiades of Phlius
- Asclepiades the Cynic
- Asclepigenia
- Asclepiodotus (philosopher)
- Asclepiodotus of Alexandria
- Asclepius of Tralles
- Ascribed status
- Ascriptivism
- Aseity
- Ashanti Alston
- Ashcan School
- Asher Ginzberg
- Ashley Treatment
- Ashtamangala
- Asian values
- Asiatic mode of production
- Askapāda Gotama
- Asociación Continental Americana de Trabajadores
- Aspasius
- Assertion
- Assertoric
- Assi Rahbani
- Assisted suicide
- Association fallacy
- Association for Logic, Language and Information
- Association for Symbolic Logic
- Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness
- Association of Autonomous Astronauts
- Association of ideas
- Associationism
- Associative law
- Āstika and nāstika
- Astrology
- Aśvaghoṣa
- Asymmetrical
- Ataraxia
- Ateneo de la Juventud
- Athanasius of Alexandria
- Atheism
- Atheist's Wager
- Atheist existentialism
- Athenaeus of Seleucia
- Athenian democracy
- Athenodoros Cananites
- Athenodoros Cordylion
- Athenodorus of Soli
- Athens
- Athīr al-Dīn al-Abharī
- Atisha
- Atlantis
- Atlas Shrugged
- Atman (Buddhism)
- Ātman (Buddhism)
- Atman (Hinduism)
- Atomic fact
- Atomic sentence
- Atomism
- Atonement in Christianity
- Atonement in Judaism
- Atopy (philosophy)
- Atrocity story
- Attacking Faulty Reasoning
- Attalus (Stoic)
- Attempt at a Critique of All Revelation
- Attentional bias
- Atticus (philosopher)
- Attitude (psychology)
- Attitude polarization
- Attorney–client privilege
- Attorney misconduct
- Attorney/client privilege
- Attribute grammar
- Attribution theory
- Attributional bias
- Auberon Herbert
- Auctoritas
- Auctoritates Aristotelis
- Aufheben
- Augmented Backus–Naur form
- Augoeides
- August Cieszkowski
- August Wilhelm Schlegel
- Auguste Comte
- Auguste Vaillant
- Augustin Bonnetty
- Augustin Souchy
- Augustine Eriugena
- Augustine of Hippo
- Augustinian Studies
- Augustinian values
- Augusto César Sandino
- Augusto Vera
- Augustus De Morgan
- Aulus Egnatius Priscillianus
- Aulus Gellius
- Aurel Kolnai
- Austin Farrer
- Austin Marsden Farrer
- Austin Woodbury
- Australasian Association of Philosophy
- Australasian Journal of Philosophy
- Australian materialism
- Australian realism
- Austrofascism
- Autarchism
- Authenticity (philosophy)
- Authoritarianism
- Authority
- Auto-destructive art
- Autocracy
- Autoepistemic logic
- Autological
- Automata theory
- Automated reasoning
- Automatic sequence
- Automaton
- Autonomedia
- Autonomism
- Autonomous Action
- Autonomy
- Autopoiesis
- Avadhuta Gita
- Availability heuristic
- Avant-garde
- Avant-Garde and Kitsch
- Avatar
- Avecebrol
- Avempace
- Average and total utilitarianism
- Averaging argument
- Averroes
- Averroës
- Averroism
- Aversion therapy
- Avicebrol
- Avicebron
- Avicenna
- Avicenna Prize
- Avicennism
- Avidya (Hinduism)
- Avidyā (Buddhism)
- Avishai Margalit
- Avital Ronell
- Avodah
- Avraham son of Rambam
- Avrum Stroll
- Awareness
- Awareness League
- Axel Hägerström
- Axel Honneth
- Axial Age
- Axiochus (dialogue)
- Axiology
- Axiom
- Axiom of abstraction
- Axiom of choice
- Axiom of comprehension
- Axiom of Equity
- Axiom of extensionality
- Axiom of infinity
- Axiom of projective determinacy
- Axiom of reducibility
- Axiom of replacement
- Axiom of separation
- Axiom S5
- Axiom schema
- Axiomatic method
- Axiomatic set theory
- Axiomatic system
- Axiomatization
- Axiothea of Phlius
- Ayatana
- Ayn al-Quzat Hamadani
- Ayn Rand
- Ayyavazhi
- Ayyavazhi phenomenology
- Azizah Y. al-Hibri
- Aztec philosophy