List of political parties in Iceland explained

Iceland has a multi-party system with many political parties, in which often no one party has a chance of gaining power alone, and parties must work with each other to form coalition governments.

Political parties

Parliamentary representation from November 2024

Eight parties were elected at the November 2024 election. The box below shows the distribution of seats in the incumbent parliament.

IdeologySpectrumLeaderFoundedMPsMunicipal Seats
Social Democratic Alliance
Icelandic: Samfylkingin
SCentre-leftKristrún Frostadóttir2000
Independence Party
Icelandic: Sjálfstæðisflokkurinn
DCentre-rightBjarni Benediktsson1929
Liberal Reform Party
Icelandic: Viðreisn
CCentre to centre-rightÞorgerður Katrín Gunnarsdóttir2016
People's Party
Icelandic: Flokkur Fólksins
FFiscal: Centre-left
Social: Right-wing
Inga Sæland2016
Centre Party
Icelandic: Miðflokkurinn
MCentre-right to right-wingSigmundur Davíð Gunnlaugsson2017
Progressive Party
Icelandic: Framsóknarflokkurinn
BCentre to centre-rightSigurður Ingi Jóhannsson1916

Active parties, without representation in the Althing

IdeologySpectrumLeaderFoundedMunicipal Seats
Left-Green Movement
Icelandic: Vinstri græn
VDemocratic socialism, eco-socialism, feminism, euroscepticism to Svandís Svavarsdóttir1999
Pirate Party
Icelandic: Píratar
PPirate politics, direct democracy, open governmentNone2012
Socialist Party of Iceland
Icelandic: Sósíalistaflokkur Íslands
JSocialism, democratic socialism, anti-neoliberalismLeft-wingSanna Magdalena Mörtudóttir2017
Humanist Party
Icelandic: Húmanistaflokkurinn
HUniversal humanism, libertarian socialism, anti-capitalism, collectivist anarchismLeft-wingJúlíus Valdimarsson1984
Bright Future
Icelandic: Björt framtíð
ALiberalism, social liberalism, green liberalism, pro-EuropeanismCentre2012
People's Front of Iceland
Icelandic: Alþýðufylkingin
RAnti-capitalism, environmentalism, hard euroscepticism, pacifismLeft-wing to far-left2013
Icelandic National Front
Icelandic: Íslenska þjóðfylkingin
EIcelandic nationalism, right-wing populism, anti-immigrationRight-wing to far-right2016
Freedom Party
Icelandic: Frelsisflokkurinn
ÞIcelandic nationalism, right-wing populism, euroscepticismRight-wing to far-rightGunnlaugur Ingvarsson2018
Liberal Democratic Party
Icelandic: Frjálslyndi lýðræðisflokkurinn
OClassical liberalism, sustainable development, direct democracy, euroscepticismRight-wingGuðmundur Franklín Jónsson2020
Responsible Future
Icelandic: Ábyrg framtíð
YRight-libertarianism, anti-vaccinationRight-wingJóhannes Loftsson2021
Democratic Party
Icelandic: Lýðræðisflokkurinn
LLibertarian conservatism, right-libertarianism, euroscepticismRight-wingArnar Þór Jónsson2024
The Greens
Icelandic: Græningjar
GGreen politicsCentre-leftKikka Sigurðardóttir2024

Defunct parties

See also

External links