Amateur radio call signs explained

Amateur radio call signs are allocated to amateur radio operators around the world. The call signs are used to legally identify the station or operator, with some countries requiring the station call sign to always be used and others allowing the operator call sign instead.[1]

The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) allocates call sign prefixes for radio and television stations of all types. Since 1927 these have been used to uniquely identify operators and locate amateur stations within a geographical region or country of the world. Call signs meant for amateur radio follow the ITU's Article 19, specifically 19.68 and 19.69.[2]

Prefixes are assigned internationally, and a separating numeral plus suffix are added by a national body to produce this unique identifier. These prefixes are agreed upon internationally, and are a form of country code. Each country must only assign call signs to its nationals or operators under its jurisdiction that begin with the characters allocated for use in that country or its territories.

In some countries, an operator may also select their own "vanity" call sign that conforms to local laws.[3] Some jurisdictions require a fee to obtain such a vanity call sign; in others, such as the UK, a fee is not required and the vanity call sign may be selected when the license is applied for. The FCC in the U.S. discontinued its fee for vanity call sign applications in September 2015.[4]

In the US, the Federal Communications Commission's authority to impose and collect fees is mandated by Congress. Effective April 19, 2022, a $35 application fee applies to new, renewal, rule waiver, and modification applications that request a new vanity call sign.

Formation of an amateur radio call sign

An amateur operator's call sign is composed of a prefix, a separating numeral and a suffix.

The prefix can be composed of letters or numbers, the separating numeral is between 0 and 9, and a suffix is from one to four characters, usually letters.[5]

Examples of call signs and their constituent parts are as follows:

Call SignPrefix (within ITU assigned range)Separating numeralSuffixformat type
K4XK4X1×1 call sign, usually time-limited special event (USA)
B2AAB2AA1×2 call sign (China)
N2ASDN2ASD1×3 call sign (United States)
A22AA22A2×1 call sign (Botswana)
I20000XI20000X1×5 call sign, special event (Italy)
4X4AAA4X4AAA2×3 call sign (Israel)
3DA0RS3DA0RS3×2 call sign (Eswatini)
HL1AAHL1AA2×2 call sign (South Korea)

Call signs begin with a one- two- or three-character prefix chosen from a range assigned by the ITU to the amateur's country of operation or other internationally recognized jurisdiction. This is not necessarily always the amateur's country of citizenship. An individual operator is assigned a unique call sign beginning with this prefix and then completed with a separating numeral and suffix.[6]

Table of allocation of international call sign series! scope="col"
Call sign seriesAllocated toNotes
AAA-ALZ United States of America
APA-ASZ Pakistan (Islamic Republic of)
ATA-AWZ India (Republic of)
AXA-AXZ Australia
AYA-AZZ Argentine Republic
A2A-A2Z Botswana (Republic of)
A3A-A3Z Tonga (Kingdom of)
A4A-A4Z Oman (Sultanate of)
A5A-A5Z Bhutan (Kingdom of)
A6A-A6Z United Arab Emirates
A7A-A7Z Qatar (State of)
A8A-A8Z Liberia (Republic of)
A9A-A9Z Bahrain (Kingdom of)
BAA-BZZ China (People's Republic of)
CFA-CKZ Canada
CNA-CNZ Morocco (Kingdom of)
CPA-CPZ Bolivia (Republic of)
CQA-CUZ Portugal
CVA-CXZ Uruguay (Eastern Republic of)
CYA-CZZ Canada
C2A-C2Z Nauru (Republic of)
C3A-C3Z Andorra (Principality of)
C4A-C4Z Cyprus (Republic of)
C5A-C5Z Gambia (Republic of the)
C6A-C6Z Bahamas (Commonwealth of the)
C7A-C7Z World Meteorological Organization Series allocated to an international organization.
C8A-C9Z Mozambique (Republic of)
DAA-DRZ Germany (Federal Republic of)
DSA-DTZ Korea (Republic of)
DUA-DZZ Philippines (Republic of the)
D2A-D3Z Angola (Republic of)
D4A-D4Z Cape Verde (Republic of)
D5A-D5Z Liberia (Republic of)
D6A-D6Z Comoros (Union of)
D7A-D9Z Korea (Republic of)
EIA-EJZ Ireland
EKA-EKZ Armenia (Republic of)
ELA-ELZ Liberia (Republic of)
EMA-EOZ Ukraine
EPA-EQZ Iran (Islamic Republic of)
ERA-ERZ Moldova (Republic of)
ESA-ESZ Estonia (Republic of)
ETA-ETZ Ethiopia (Federal Democratic Republic of)
EUA-EWZ Belarus (Republic of)
EXA-EXZ Kyrgyz Republic
EYA-EYZ Tajikistan (Republic of)
EZA-EZZ Turkmenistan
E2A-E2Z Thailand
E3A-E3Z Eritrea
E4A-E4Z Palestinian Authority In response to Resolution 99 (Rev. Busan, 2014) of the Plenipotentiary Conference. (World Radiocommunication Conference 2015 (WRC-15), Geneva, Switzerland, 2–27 November 2015)
E5A-E5Z New Zealand Cook Islands World Radiocommunication Conference 2007 (WRC-07), Geneva, Switzerland, 22 October 16 November 2007
E6A-E6Z New Zealand Niue World Radiocommunication Conference 2015 (WRC-15), Geneva, Switzerland, 2–27 November 2015
E7A-E7Z Bosnia and Herzegovina World Radiocommunication Conference 2007 (WRC-07), Geneva, Switzerland, 22 October 16 November 2007
FAA-FZZ France
GAA-GZZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
HAA-HAZ Hungary (Republic of)
HBA-HBZ Switzerland (Confederation of)
HCA-HDZ Ecuador
HEA-HEZ Switzerland (Confederation of)
HFA-HFZ Poland (Republic of)
HGA-HGZ Hungary (Republic of)
HHA-HHZ Haiti (Republic of)
HIA-HIZ Dominican Republic
HJA-HKZ Colombia (Republic of)
HLA-HLZ Korea (Republic of)
HMA-HMZ Democratic People's Republic of Korea
HNA-HNZ Iraq (Republic of)
HOA-HPZ Panama (Republic of)
HQA-HRZ Honduras (Republic of)
HSA-HSZ Thailand
HTA-HTZ Nicaragua
HUA-HUZ El Salvador (Republic of)
HVA-HVZ Vatican City State
HWA-HYZ France
HZA-HZZ Saudi Arabia (Kingdom of)
H2A-H2Z Cyprus (Republic of)
H3A-H3Z Panama (Republic of)
H4A-H4Z Solomon Islands
H6A-H7Z Nicaragua
H8A-H9Z Panama (Republic of)
JTA-JVZ Mongolia
JWA-JXZ Norway
JYA-JYZ Jordan (Hashemite Kingdom of)
JZA-JZZ Indonesia (Republic of)
J2A-J2Z Djibouti (Republic of)
J3A-J3Z Grenada
J4A-J4Z Greece
J5A-J5Z Guinea-Bissau (Republic of)
J6A-J6Z Saint Lucia
J7A-J7Z Dominica (Commonwealth of)
J8A-J8Z Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
KAA-KZZ United States of America
LAA-LNZ Norway
LOA-LWZ Argentine Republic
LXA-LXZ Luxembourg
LYA-LYZ Lithuania (Republic of)
LZA-LZZ Bulgaria (Republic of)
L2A-L9Z Argentine Republic
MAA-MZZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
NAA-NZZ United States of America
ODA-ODZ Lebanon
OEA-OEZ Austria
OFA-OJZ Finland
OKA-OLZ Czech Republic
OMA-OMZ Slovak Republic
ONA-OTZ Belgium
OUA-OZZ Denmark
PAA-PIZ Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
PJA-PJZ Netherlands (Kingdom of the) Netherlands Antilles
PKA-POZ Indonesia (Republic of)
PPA-PYZ Brazil (Federative Republic of)
PZA-PZZ Suriname (Republic of)
P2A-P2Z Papua New Guinea
P3A-P3Z Cyprus (Republic of)
P4A-P4Z Netherlands (Kingdom of the) Aruba
P5A-P9Z Democratic People's Republic of Korea
RAA-RZZ Russian Federation
SAA-SMZ Sweden
SNA-SRZ Poland (Republic of)
SSA-SSM Egypt (Arab Republic of)
SSN-STZ Sudan (Republic of the)
SUA-SUZ Egypt (Arab Republic of)
SVA-SZZ Greece
S2A-S3Z Bangladesh (People's Republic of)
S5A-S5Z Slovenia (Republic of)
S6A-S6Z Singapore (Republic of)
S7A-S7Z Seychelles (Republic of)
S8A-S8Z South Africa (Republic of)
S9A-S9Z São Tomé and Príncipe (Democratic Republic of)
TAA-TCZ Turkey
TDA-TDZ Guatemala (Republic of)
TEA-TEZ Costa Rica
TFA-TFZ Iceland
TGA-TGZ Guatemala (Republic of)
THA-THZ France
TIA-TIZ Costa Rica
TJA-TJZ Cameroon (Republic of)
TKA-TKZ France
TLA-TLZ Central African Republic
TMA-TMZ France
TNA-TNZ Congo (Republic of the)
TOA-TQZ France
TRA-TRZ Gabonese Republic
TSA-TSZ Tunisia
TTA-TTZ Chad (Republic of)
TUA-TUZ Côte d'Ivoire (Republic of)
TVA-TXZ France
TYA-TYZ Benin (Republic of)
TZA-TZZ Mali (Republic of)
T2A-T2Z Tuvalu
T3A-T3Z Kiribati (Republic of)
T4A-T4Z Cuba
T5A-T5Z Somali Democratic Republic
T6A-T6Z Afghanistan
T7A-T7Z San Marino (Republic of)
T8A-T8Z Palau (Republic of)
UAA-UIZ Russian Federation
UJA-UMZ Uzbekistan (Republic of)
UNA-UQZ Kazakhstan (Republic of)
URA-UZZ Ukraine
VAA-VGZ Canada
VHA-VNZ Australia
VOA-VOZ Canada
VPA-VQZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
VRA-VRZ China (People's Republic of) Hong Kong
VSA-VSZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
VTA-VWZ India (Republic of)
VXA-VYZ Canada
VZA-VZZ Australia
V2A-V2Z Antigua and Barbuda
V3A-V3Z Belize
V4A-V4Z Saint Kitts and Nevis (Federation of)
V5A-V5Z Namibia (Republic of)
V6A-V6Z Micronesia (Federated States of)
V7A-V7Z Marshall Islands (Republic of the)
V8A-V8Z Brunei Darussalam
WAA-WZZ United States of America
XAA-XIZ Mexico
XJA-XOZ Canada
XPA-XPZ Denmark
XSA-XSZ China (People's Republic of)
XTA-XTZ Burkina Faso
XUA-XUZ Cambodia (Kingdom of)
XVA-XVZ Viet Nam (Socialist Republic of)
XWA-XWZ Lao People's Democratic Republic
XXA-XXZ China (People's Republic of) World Radiocommunication Conference 2007 (WRC-07), Geneva, Switzerland, 22 October-16 November 2007
XYA-XZZ Myanmar (Union of)
YAA-YAZ Afghanistan
YBA-YHZ Indonesia (Republic of)
YIA-YIZ Iraq (Republic of)
YJA-YJZ Vanuatu (Republic of)
YKA-YKZ Syrian Arab Republic
YLA-YLZ Latvia (Republic of)
YMA-YMZ Turkey
YNA-YNZ Nicaragua
YOA-YRZ Romania
YSA-YSZ El Salvador (Republic of)
YTA-YUZ Serbia (Republic of) World Radiocommunication Conference 2007 (WRC-07), Geneva, Switzerland, 22 October-16 November 2007
YVA-YYZ Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)
Y2A-Y9Z Germany (Federal Republic of)
ZAA-ZAZ Albania (Republic of)
ZBA-ZJZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
ZKA-ZMZ New Zealand
ZNA-ZOZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
ZPA-ZPZ Paraguay (Republic of)
ZQA-ZQZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
ZRA-ZUZ South Africa (Republic of)
ZVA-ZZZ Brazil (Federative Republic of)
Z2A-Z2Z Zimbabwe (Republic of)
Z3A-Z3Z The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
Z8A-Z8Z South Sudan (Republic of) World Radiocommunication Conference 2015 (WRC-15), Geneva, Switzerland, 2–27 November 2015
2AA-2ZZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
3AA-3AZ Monaco (Principality of)
3BA-3BZ Mauritius (Republic of)
3CA-3CZ Equatorial Guinea (Republic of)
3DA-3DM Eswatini (Kingdom of)
3DN-3DZ Fiji (Republic of)
3EA-3FZ Panama (Republic of)
3GA-3GZ Chile
3HA-3UZ China (People's Republic of)
3VA-3VZ Tunisia
3WA-3WZ Viet Nam (Socialist Republic of)
3XA-3XZ Guinea (Republic of)
3YA-3YZ Norway
3ZA-3ZZ Poland (Republic of)
4AA-4CZ Mexico
4DA-4IZ Philippines (Republic of the)
4JA-4KZ Azerbaijani Republic
4LA-4LZ Georgia
4MA-4MZ Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)
4OA-4OZ Montenegro World Radiocommunication Conference 2007 (WRC-07), Geneva, Switzerland, 22 October-16 November 2007
4PA-4SZ Sri Lanka (Democratic Socialist Republic of)
4TA-4TZ Peru
4UA-4UZ United Nations Series allocated to an international organization.
4VA-4VZ Haiti (Republic of)
4WA-4WZ Timor-Leste (Democratic Republic of) World Radiocommunication Conference 2003 (WRC-03), Geneva, Switzerland, 9 June-4 July 2003
4XA-4XZ Israel (State of)
4YA-4YZ International Civil Aviation Organization Series allocated to an international organization.
4ZA-4ZZ Israel (State of)
5AA-5AZ Libya
5BA-5BZ Cyprus (Republic of)
5CA-5GZ Morocco (Kingdom of)
5HA-5IZ Tanzania (United Republic of)
5JA-5KZ Colombia (Republic of)
5LA-5MZ Liberia (Republic of)
5NA-5OZ Nigeria (Federal Republic of)
5PA-5QZ Denmark
5RA-5SZ Madagascar (Republic of)
5TA-5TZ Mauritania (Islamic Republic of)
5UA-5UZ Niger (Republic of the)
5VA-5VZ Togolese Republic
5WA-5WZ Samoa (Independent State of)
5XA-5XZ Uganda (Republic of)
5YA-5ZZ Kenya (Republic of)
6AA-6BZ Egypt (Arab Republic of)
6CA-6CZ Syrian Arab Republic
6DA-6JZ Mexico
6KA-6NZ Korea (Republic of)
6OA-6OZ Somali Democratic Republic
6PA-6SZ Pakistan (Islamic Republic of)
6TA-6UZ Sudan (Republic of the)
6VA-6WZ Senegal (Republic of)
6XA-6XZ Madagascar (Republic of)
6YA-6YZ Jamaica
6ZA-6ZZ Liberia (Republic of)
7AA-7IZ Indonesia (Republic of)
7JA-7NZ Japan
7OA-7OZ Yemen (Republic of)
7PA-7PZ Lesotho (Kingdom of)
7QA-7QZ Malawi
7RA-7RZ Algeria (People's Democratic Republic of)
7SA-7SZ Sweden
7TA-7YZ Algeria (People's Democratic Republic of)
7ZA-7ZZ Saudi Arabia (Kingdom of)
8AA-8IZ Indonesia (Republic of)
8JA-8NZ Japan
8OA-8OZ Botswana (Republic of)
8PA-8PZ Barbados
8QA-8QZ Maldives (Republic of)
8RA-8RZ Guyana
8SA-8SZ Sweden
8TA-8YZ India (Republic of)
8ZA-8ZZ Saudi Arabia (Kingdom of)
9AA-9AZ Croatia (Republic of)
9BA-9DZ Iran (Islamic Republic of)
9EA-9FZ Ethiopia (Federal Democratic Republic of)
9GA-9GZ Ghana
9HA-9HZ Malta
9IA-9JZ Zambia (Republic of)
9KA-9KZ Kuwait (State of)
9LA-9LZ Sierra Leone
9MA-9MZ Malaysia
9NA-9NZ Nepal (Federal Democratic Republic of)
9OA-9TZ Democratic Republic of the Congo
9UA-9UZ Burundi (Republic of)
9VA-9VZ Singapore (Republic of)
9WA-9WZ Malaysia
9XA-9XZ Rwanda (Republic of)
9YA-9ZZ Trinidad and Tobago

A unique international prefix

Beginning at the left of the call sign block, the country chooses one, two or three characters from within the range assigned by the ITU, enough to distinguish its call signs from other jurisdictions.

A "letter range" always first refers to the first letter of a block, meaning that in the letter range "AAA–ALZ", the "A" is the letter range-designator.

Factors for a country to consider when choosing within its assigned range:

A unique internal numeral and suffix

The jurisdiction then assigns a single digit (a numeral to separate prefix from suffix) as well as a suffix of from one to four characters (the last being a letter) and appends them in that order to their assigned prefixes. The resulting call sign must uniquely identify a ham radio operator within that jurisdiction.

Sometimes the prefix plus separating numeral is together referred to as the prefix.

This produces internationally recognized, unique call signs to identify licensed operators.

General formats

In general an amateur radio callsign is of one of these forms where:

Call signs almost always have one of the following forms:

Suffix assignment

Since suffixes can also contain digits, some countries issue suffixes (usually temporarily) beginning with enough digits to produce a number, usually associated with the special event (for example the number of years, see New Zealand below).

In normal call sign assignment, if a call sign has two digits (e.g. S59DSC or 2S4LGR PPNSSS), the first digit is almost always a prefix character (e.g. S5 indicating Slovenia, or 2M indicating Intermediate License holder in Scotland).

Call signs with more than one digit

Call signs with two (or more) digits in them can arise a number of ways. When the digits abut one another, it is important to distinguish which digit belongs to the prefix, which is the separating numeral, and which may belong to the suffix.

In every case (Bahamas being an exception), a jurisdiction assigned a letter-digit prefix by the ITU will have a second digit as their internally assigned prefix/suffix separator. An example is A33A, a Tongan call sign; the first '3' is the second character of the prefix and the second '3' is the numeral separating 'A3' from the single-letter suffix 'A'. There are no single letter prefixes allocated by the ITU with an 'A', so the first '3' must be part of the prefix.

Neither New Zealand's nor the Republic of Ireland's prefixes have numerals as prefix-characters. However, both allow a second numeral as the leading character of the suffix and is not to be confused with the sign's separating numeral. As the first character of the suffix, the two digits can be taken together; for instance, to represent a two-digit number of significance to the operator.

A New Zealand amateur who has been active for 30 years and currently is assigned call sign ZL1xxx can operate as ZL30xxx for up to three months.[9] Technically, the '3' is the separating numeral and the '0' is the first character of the suffix.

Similarly a club with call ZL4xxx which has been established for 23 years can operate as ZL23xxx for up to three months.

The New Zealand operator substitutes their identifying separating numeral with another, so long as a second digit is added to the beginning of their normal suffix. This may result in call sign confusion in the rare case of two amateurs in differing numeral-areas also both having the same number of years of operation and suffix.

Ireland also takes advantage of the ITU standard to allow digits as suffix-characters. The Irish Radio Transmitters Society operates as EI75IRTS celebrating 75 Years of incorporation 1932–2007.[10]

Ofcom in Great Britain also allows numerals in special event call signs. For instance GB75RD was a special event sign for the 75th anniversary of the Reading and District Amateur radio club.[11]

Numerous other cases of multiple numeral prefixes exist. An example occurred in 1987 when the "200" was used in place of district numbers for the many stations that celebrated the bicentennial of the U.S. Constitution.


The 26 letters of the English alphabet and ten digits may be used to form call signs, accented letters excluded.

Letter combinations which can be confused with distress calls or which are reserved as abbreviations for radiocommunications services are excluded (e.g. Q codes).[12] The ITU Article 19 exclusions are those found in ITU-R M.1172.[13] In practice, no prefix begins with the letter 'Q', but 'Q' can be the second letter (e.g. Malawi assigned the 7QA–7QZ block).

Double- or single-digit prefixes are excluded. A callsign with a leading digit in the prefix always has a second character which is a letter and in rare cases a third character which is also a letter.

Currently, no allocated prefix has 0 (zero) or 1 (one) as one of its characters as they can be confused with the letters O (Oscar) and I (India).

All ten digits from 0 to 9 are allowed to be used as a separating numeral at the discretion of national allocating bodies.

Secondary prefix or suffix types

Ancillary prefixes or suffixes further identify the location and/or operating condition of an amateur operator.

According to the Canada/United States Operating Agreement treaty[14] amateurs from one country operating in the other sign with their home call sign, but attach the call area prefix where they are operating to their call. For instance, an amateur from British Columbia (VE7 in Canada) operating in Washington State (K7 in the USA) would amend their home-call with a trailing /K7 (e.g. VE7xxx becomes VE7xxx/K7).

Radio amateurs from countries that apply the CEPT recommendation T/R 61-01[15] operating as a visitor in countries that apply the same recommendation are required to use the appropriate host country's prefix before their home call sign[16] (in the case of Peru, after the home call sign) and may use the appropriate operating suffix (see below). For instance a British (English) amateur holding a call of G3xxx operating in France would sign as F/G3xxx, a Swiss amateur operating from a car in Germany as DL/HB9xxx/m. Similar rules apply in cases when bilateral agreements on visitors licenses exist, or a visitor is permitted to operate without being assigned a local call sign.

When a country's separating numeral denotes a geographic area within, an operator from one region operating in another region can affix a secondary suffix indicating so. For instance an amateur from Queensland, Australia, operating in Tasmania can sign as VK4xxx/7 or VK4xxx/VK7.

Other secondary operating suffixes can be attached such as /P (for portable operation), or /A (for operation from an alternative location that is registered with the licensing authorities). Depending on the jurisdiction, the use of these five suffixes may be required for these types of operation. Occasionally self-assigned operating suffixes such as /QRP for operation at low power are heard. Note, the prefixes /M (for mobile operation), /AM (aeronautical mobile), /MM (maritime mobile), are not authorized because they conflict with prefixes assigned to nations (M = England, MM = Scotland, AM = Spain).

Some repeaters have automatic call sign transmission at regular intervals and use the secondary suffix /R at the call sign's end. Some jurisdictions discourage this practice on the grounds that it could be confused with an amateur from the repeater's location working portable in Russia. Some beacon stations use the self-assigned secondary suffix /B; however, as this is the ITU prefix for China, it is not authorized.

Ancillary prefixUsageNotes
/VE7xxx/7denotes operator in his/her own call area operating away from primary location (unusual /P, see below, is more common)
/PVE7xxx/Pdenotes operator in his/her own call area or country operating away from primary location (generally refers to "Portable" operations, rather than a temporary or secondary fixed site. Portable and Mobile Phone operators frequently say the word "Portable" or "Mobile" after their call sign rather than a /P - note /M is not authorized as it conflicts with the ITU prefix for England).
/VE7xxx/6, VE7xxx/VE6operator in another call area operating away from primary location, but within national boundary
/VE7xxx/W7, VE7xxx/W1, VE7xxx/KL7, W7xxx/VE7, W7xxx/VE3US or Canadian operator operating in the country other than the one in which they are licensed
/F/G3xxxoperator in another country than that of the primary location (example is a UK operator operating in France)
/AUR1xxx/Aoperator at a secondary location registered with the licensing authorities

Callsigns within a country

General issuing practices

Each national authority has some options in relation to the form of the prefix, as long as enough characters are selected starting from the left of their assigned block to produce a prefix unique to its jurisdiction.

Each country has authority over which numeral separates the prefix and suffix. The prohibition of the use of the digits 0 and 1 in land mobile stations does not apply to amateur stations. The ITU however does not issue prefixes with either a 0 or 1 as one of the characters.

Bahamas issues call signs without a separating numeral. They are assigned the C6A–C6Z block, and the '6' is part of the prefix. Examples are as found on QRZ.COM (C6AFO, C6AGB, etc.)

In India the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) has divided all countries into three regions; India is located in ITU Region 3. These regions are further divided into two competing zones, the ITU and the CQ. Mainland India and the Lakshadweep Islands come under ITU Zone 41 and CQ Zone 22, and the Andaman and Nicobar Islands under ITU Zone 49 and CQ Zone 26. The ITU has assigned to India call-sign blocks 8TA to 8YZ, VUA to VWZ, and ATA to AWZ.VU call-signs are listed according to licence grade: for General (formerly the Advanced Grade and Grade–I) licence holders, the call-sign prefix is VU2; for Restricted (formerly Grade–II and Grade–II Restricted) licence holders, the prefix is VU3. The VU3 prefix has also been granted to foreigners operating in India. As of 2011, call-signs consist of only letters, not numerals, and can be either two or three characters long. Examples of Indian amateur radio call-signs are "VU2XY" and "VU3EGH".

The suffix can be from one to four characters subject to ITU exclusions (above).[12] On special occasions, for temporary use, administrations may authorize use of call signs with more than four suffix-characters.

Allocation options within a country

Whereas for ITU purposes the prefix does not include the separating numeral, for country purposes often the separating numeral is included when the prefix is referred to. Thus for Canada VE6 or VA6 are the prefixes for Alberta, while VE2 or VA2 are the prefixes denoting Quebec.

Rare ITU prefixes/DXCC Entities

A country can consist of many DXCC entities depending on its geographical make-up. Some islands which are separate DXCC entities are uninhabited and can only be worked when a DXpedition travels there. The following are countries and/or entities which appear perennially on various listings of rare countries:[19]

Countries which are rarely heard, roughly in this order:

Islands which are rarely heard DXCC entities:

Prefix reassignment

As political boundaries change through treaty or warfare, sometimes call sign prefixes are reassigned by the ITU to the new controlling government, or are reassigned by national governments for other reasons.[20] [21]

Call signs used in unassigned ITU block ranges

Some call sign block ranges are unassigned by the ITU, e.g. the 1AA–1ZZ and QAA-QZZ blocks. Any call sign used by an amateur in these unassigned block ranges usually had it assigned to them by a group with an unrecognized national claim. Unless otherwise noted, they have no value for DXCC awards, nor are they valid under UK license conditions.[22]

In addition, during their period of independence from the Republic of South Africa, which lasted in some cases from 1976 to 1994, the Bantustans had prefixes not recognized by the international community. These were:

DXCC entities and IOTA

Amateur radio call sign prefixes almost always locate an operator within one of the 300+ DXCC entities in the world.

Any country or ITU prefix assignment can have many entities within it. For example, in the United States Hawaii (with 'H' as the second character of the prefix and '6' as the separating numeral) and Alaska (with 'L' as the second letter of the prefix) are considered different DXCC entities, as are Sable Island and St. Paul Island in Canada.

The DX Century Club (DXCC) is an amateur radio operating award given by the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) to operators making contact with 100 or more geographic entities around the world. As such, the ARRL keeps a list of DXCC entities (not necessarily a country) for this purpose.[34] This list includes deleted entries and prefixes and the dates in which contacts with them will be counted towards the award.

The DXCC List is based upon Clinton B. DeSoto's landmark 1935 QST article defining a "country" as a discrete geographical entity.[35] A geographical portion of one country can be a separate DXCC entity if it is an exclave or an island or group of islands significantly distant from the main part of the national entity.

IOTA is a radio amateur abbreviation for "Islands on the Air". It refers to a list of saltwater islands worldwide maintained by the Radio Society of Great Britain, which assigns a unique code to an island or group of islands, like EU-005 for Great Britain, OC-001 for Australia etc.[36] [37] IOTA codes are not part of the callsign, although some callsign blocks correspond uniquely to an IOTA code, like EA6: EU-004 Balearic Islands, SV5: EU-001 Dodecanese Islands, etc. In many other cases there is no direct relation between the callsign and the IOTA code.

Vanity call signs

Individual amateurs may want a callsign with their name or initials embedded, callsigns that had been held by family members or friends, or callsigns that they themselves formerly held (and gave up for whatever reason). Some people want a callsign that is shorter, or easier to pronounce, or just "fits their personality" better. CW (Morse code) operators might want a callsign that "sounds good" or is short when sent in Morse. (This is referred to as "CW weight".)

Radio amateur clubs will sometimes request specific callsigns in memoriam of deceased members (silent keys); G5RV is held by a British club in memory of the inventor of the G5RV antenna. Some request callsigns which reflect specific interests or modes of operation (such as VE3QRP for a low-power radio club in Ontario). The USS Batfish, a museum ship in Muskogee, Oklahoma, has callsign WW2SUB; the USS Oklahoma is commemorated as WW2OK.[38] The Battleship USS Missouri has the call sign KH6BB; VO1TAP is a callsign belonging to the Grassroots Amateur Radio Club, commemorates the anniversary of the USS Truxtun and USS Pollux Naval disaster off the coast of Newfoundland; VO1MCE the callsign of the Irish Loop Amateur Radio Club at the Myrick Wireless Interpretation Centre in Newfoundland, commemorates Cape Race Marconi station MCE as the first point of radio contact in the New World for Titanic. The National World War I Museum and Memorial, at the Liberty Memorial, in Kansas City, Missouri, has the call sign WW1USA.

Various "special event" callsigns are issued for periods ranging from a day to a month, either for individual radio contest days or commemoration of specific current or historic events. GB100MGY commemorated the 100th anniversary of the sinking of Titanic (Marconi station MGY);[39] 2O12 and 2O12L commemorated the 2012 Olympic Games in the United Kingdom.

Occasionally, a radio club will obtain a shorter callsign for a day; the U.S. FCC issues calls as short as 1 × 1 (with "K1D" being a popular choice) for individual events. These callsigns are not permanent and are quickly reassigned to other stations for subsequent events.[40]

A well-known short callsign is JY1, which belonged to Hussein of Jordan, who served as that nation's king.

Ham radio operators in the United States may apply for a specific callsign, including calls from other zones, so long as they have the appropriate license class for the desired callsign format.[41] The callsign must conform to the prefix standard assigned to that area. The U.S. also ties callsigns to license class: an Amateur Extra might have W0OL (which is a "1 × 2" call), but a General-class licensee could not, because 1 × 2 calls are reserved for the Amateur Extra class. Likewise, a ham on the mainland could not get a callsign beginning with the KH6 prefix, which is assigned to Hawaii, although a radio amateur who moves to a different call sign district within the same country is able to keep his or her original callsign.

In Canada, a "2 × 3" call (a format with two letters, a number, three letters, like VE1ZZZ) may be freely requested from a list of available calls; the shorter "2 × 2" call has a waiting period in many provinces.


See also

External links

Notes and References

  1. Web site: Amateur Radio (Intermediate) License (A) or (B) Terms, Provisions and Limitations Booklet BR68/I . . 2007-06-02 . 2007-09-30 . . live .
  2. Web site: ARTICLE 19 Identification of stations, Section III Formation of call signs . 2010-06-21 . 2012-11-05 . . live .
  3. Web site: Common Filing Task: Obtaining Vanity Call Sign . . 2007-06-02 . 2007-08-27 . . live .
  4. Web site: Vanity Call Sign Fees. ARRL. 27 August 2015. 29 September 2015. live.
  5. Rarely, amateur call signs end in digits. For example, the call sign 9XB954 was issued in Rwanda in 2016. See . Chile has also issued similar call signs, for example CD5846. See .
  6. Web site: International Telecommunication Union country call sign assignments . 2017-12-04 . 2017-12-05 . . live .
  7. Web site: Korea Contest Club, world's longest seawall . 2010-08-01 . 2010-02-10 . . live .
  8. Web site: H2T at QRZ.COM . 2010-08-08 . 2013-04-03 . . live .
  9. Web site: PIB46 . 2010-06-28 . dead . . 2011-07-23 .
  10. Web site: Irish call book . 2010-06-28 . 2021-12-04 . . live .
  11. Web site: GB75RD at QRZ.COM . 2010-07-21 . 2020-10-26 . . live .
  12. Web site: ITU-R M.1172 . . 2010-06-21 . dead . . 2011-07-06 .
  13. Web site: Miscellaneous abbreviations and signals to be used in radiotelegraphy communications in the maritime mobile service . . 2010-06-21 . dead . . 2011-07-06 .
  14. Web site: Canada/United States Operating Agreement . . 2010-06-21 . . 2010-10-05 . dead .
  15. Web site: Recommendation T/R 61-01 . CEPT ECC . 1985–2003 . 2014-07-10 . 2022-04-16 . . dead .
  16. Web site: Lifetime Sample Amateur Radio Licence (including Terms and Conditions) . 2010-06-21 . . 2009-02-19 . dead .
  17. Web site: Vfg122005ge228ndertdurcId1833 . June 4, 2023 . March 15, 2023 . . live .
  18. Web site: Kurzwellenhörer (SWL) - DARC. 2022-02-15. 2022-02-15. live.
  19. Web site: The 100 most wanted DXCC entities archive . 2011-05-05 . 2011-05-28 . . live .
  20. Web site: Amateur radio prefixes . . . 10 January 2012 . 18 January 2012 . 22 October 2019.
  21. Web site: Prefix Cross References.
  22. Web site: International Prefixes . 2018-03-19 . 2017-10-26 . . live .
  23. Web site: Sovereign Military Order Of Malta 1A4A . Ham Gallery . 2010-06-28 . 2011-07-21 . . live .
  24. Web site: QSL card from Chechnya using unofficial callsign 1X5AA.
  25. Web site: Spratly Islands 1S1RR . Ham Gallery . 2010-06-28 . 2011-07-21 . . live .
  26. Web site: New pirate stations in Ukraine conflict . 2014-05-31 . 2014-05-31 . . live .
  27. Web site: D0, D1 - Donetsk People's Republic . 2017-05-02 . 2017-07-06 . . live .
  28. Web site: O19VB . 2015-05-30 . 2015-05-30 . . live .
  29. Web site: Western Sahara S07U . Ham Gallery . 2010-06-28 . 2011-07-21 . . live .
  30. Web site: Unverified Operation Principality of Sealand S1AD . Ham Gallery . 2010-06-28 . 2011-07-21 . . live .
  31. Web site: QSL n'ayant jamais été créditées au DXCC . 2015-03-02 . 2015-02-16 . . live .
  32. Web site: Recommencement of Amateur Radio Services in Republic of Kosovo and the assignment of country call sign Z6 . 2012-09-21 .,23,534 . 2015-06-20 . dead .
  33. Web site: S8 Transkei (Entité DXCC ayant changé de préfixe) . 2012-10-22 . 2021-03-08 . . live .
  34. Web site: DXCC Country list . . 2010-06-28 . 2010-06-26 . . live .
  35. Web site: DXCC rules . . 2010-06-28 . dead . . 2010-05-11 .
  36. Book: Balsiter R. and Telenius-Lowe S.. IOTA directory. 9781905-086696. Radio Society of Great Britain. 2011. Bedford, UK.
  37. Web site: RSGB Islands on the Air . . 2010-06-28 . . 2010-07-06 . dead .
  38. Web site: WW2OK/WW2SUB AMATEUR RADIO CLUB . . usurped . . 2022-02-20.
  39. Web site: Special Callsign GB100MGY . 2015-02-23 . . 2015-02-23 . dead .
  40. List of N1R special event stations, various.
  41. Web site: Rules and Availability. U.S. Federal Communications Commission. 28 September 2016. 29 December 2010. 23 December 2010. live.