IPS'AIR explained

Genre:Free air show
Frequency:Every year
Activity:flight simulators
Organized:Institut polytechnique des sciences avancées

IPS'AIR is a French airshow started in 2020. It is located in Ivry-sur-Seine, close to Paris. It is organized by the grande école Institut polytechnique des sciences avancées, one of the most important aerospace College in France.[1] It is held yearly in February. The 4th edition took place from the 9 to the 21st of February 2023.[2]


The flight simulators are representative of the world of aviation, from the Dassault Mirage 2000 to the Republic P-47 Thunderbolt, through the Airbus A320, the Boeing 777 and the Bell 206.[3] Some engines, such as those of the Dassault Rafale or the Jaguar are also exposed thanks to a partnership with Safran.[4]

Conferences related to the aeronautical current events take place.[5] For example, in 2023 Yann Arthus-Bertrand was invited to talk about his book "Mars Terre, destins croisés".[6]

An art exhibition completes the festival.[7] In 2023, visitors could admire the works dedicated to the legends of the sky created by the graffiti artist C215.[8]


The first show took place in 2020. Philippe Willekens, head of communication of the European Space Agency came to talk about the future of space exploration.[9]

See also

Notes and References

  1. https://www.lefigaro.fr/emploi-formation/2009/06/15/09004-20090615ARTFIG00328-ipsa-50ans-avec-l-aeronautique-.php IPSA : 50 ans avec l'aéronautique
  2. https://www.sortiraparis.com/loisirs/salon/articles/288693-ips-air-2023-le-festival-du-vol-pour-les-amateurs-d-aviation IPS'AIR 2023, LE FESTIVAL DU VOL POUR LES AMATEURS D'AVIATION
  3. https://www.ivry94.fr/24-8047/fiche/ips-air-2023.htm IPS’AIR 2023
  4. https://www.leparisien.fr/val-de-marne-94/ivry-sur-seine-a-lipsa-depuis-dix-ans-les-etudiants-construisent-un-simulateur-de-vol-de-boeing-777-09-02-2023-MPRHZZLYNNCW5OHLKE7LA5KEDU.php Ivry-sur-Seine : à l’IPSA, depuis dix ans, les étudiants construisent un simulateur de vol de Boeing 777
  5. https://www.leparisien.fr/etudiant/sortir/toulouse/eve-ips-air-le-grand-rendez-vous-aeronautique-de-l-ipsa-revient-toulouse/ IPS’AIR : le grand rendez-vous aéronautique de l’IPSA - Toulouse
  6. https://air-cosmos.com/article/ips-air-rendez-vous-des-fans-d-aviation-a-ivry-64225 IPS'AIR : rendez-vous des fans d'aviation à Ivry
  7. https://www.leparisien.fr/val-de-marne-94/les-eleves-narrivent-jamais-chez-nous-par-hasard-a-ivry-les-fans-daeronautique-se-retrouvent-au-festival-ipsair-19-02-2022-SGOFPOZXBVAGFAJWWMO3CSQTXM.php «Les élèves n’arrivent jamais chez nous par hasard» : à Ivry, les fans d’aéronautique se retrouvent au festival Ips’Air
  8. https://www.capcampus.com/agenda-1965/ips-air-g15247.htm IPS'AIR
  9. https://www.studyrama.com/formations/specialites/aeronautique-et-aerospatial/actualites/ips-air-2020-un-rassemblement-pour-les-passionnes-d-106500 IPS’AIR 2020 : un rassemblement pour les passionnés d’aérospatial !