Hungary in the Eurovision Song Contest 1994 explained

Preselection:Táncdalfesztivál 1994
Preselection Date:5 February 1994
Entrant:Friderika Bayer
Song:Kinek mondjam el vétkeimet?
Final Result:4th, 122 points

Hungary was represented by Friderika Bayer, with the song "Kinek mondjam el vétkeimet?", at the 1994 Eurovision Song Contest, which took place on 30 April in Dublin. "Kinek mondjam el vétkeimet?" was chosen as the Hungarian entry at a national final called Táncdalfesztiválja on 5 February. This was Hungary's first appearance in a Eurovision final after their debut entry failed to progress from the pre-qualifier Kvalifikacija za Millstreet in 1993.

Before Eurovision

Táncdalfesztivál 1994

Táncdalfesztivál 1994 was the national final organised by broadcaster Magyar Televízió (MTV) to select their entry for the Eurovision Song Contest 1994. The contest consisted of three semi-finals and a final held over four weeks which were all hosted by Dorottya Geszler and held in the MTV studios in Budapest.

Competing Entries

MTV received 963 songs from which 45 were chosen to compete in Táncdalfesztivál 1994.[1]


The semi-finals were held on 15, 22, and 29 January 1994. Each semi-final had a 20-member jury panel, representing the 19 counties of Hungary and Budapest, who each awarded between 1 and 9 points per song with the top four in each semi-final going to the final. One more finalist was chosen by an audience vote in every semi-final.[2] [3] [4] [5]

Artists who are known to have competed but aren't listed below are: Róbert Szikora, Dolly Roll, András Payer, Annamária Sasvári, and Péter Poór.[6] [7]

Marcellina performed the song "Feltaláltad a fájdalmat című szerzeményt" in either the second or third semi-final.[8]

Semi-Final 1 – 15 January 1994
Kata Janza"Úgy vártalak"1691
Andrea Szulák"Fenn a szabad ég"1632
Grażyna Kowalczyk and Lui"Úgy gondolj rám"1533
Ágnes Bogolin"A pillanat"1424
Boldizsár László"Vége már"1415
Gábor Majsai1336
Andrea Tohai"Várj még"1218
Janula Stefanidu1209
Magdi Bódy11810
Martony Klári"Ennyi volt"11011
Kriszta Kránitz10312
Edit Clapton9713
Szénási Pál Bertalan8614
Károly Kadlott7715
It is known that the winner of the second semi-final received 140 points.[9]
Semi-Final 2–22 January 1994[10] [11] [12] [13] [14]
Kati Bontovics"Gyere haza"
László Gombos"Szívemben élsz"
Maya Vas"Tavaszváróval"
"Az élet egyszer mindent visszakér"
Emőd Oláh
Gábor Varga
Attila Horváth
Semi-Final 3 – 29 January 1994[15] [16]
Enikő Détár and Pál Makrai"Miért pont én"
Rita Pap and Attila Bodnár"Az élet megy tovább"
Gábor Király"Add a kezed"
Anikót Domány
Enikőt Gáspár
Jánost Szabolcsi


There were 15 songs in the final with the winner being chosen by a 16-member jury who each awarded between 1 and 9 points per song. Votes were given out generously as "Kinek mondjam el vétkeimet?" received only 4 points short of the maximum total possible, and even the last placed song had an average score of 6.1.[17] A non-competitive public vote conducted through televoting was also held and selected "Az élet megy tovább" performed by Rita Pap and Attila Bodnár as the winner with 4,518 votes.

Final – 5 February 1994
1Zsolt Bognár"Eszembe jutott"10214
2Adrienne, Csaba and the 4 Nem Piskóta"Elmentél"1169
3Kati Bontovics"Gyere haza"1169
4Andrea Szulák"Fenn a szabad ég"1343
5Beáta Karda"Könyörgés a kedvesemért"1382
6Kata Janza"Úgy vártalak"1275
7Enikő Détár and Pál Makrai"Miért pont én"1226
8Grażyna Kowalczyk and Lui"Úgy gondolj rám"1304
9László Gombos"Szívemben élsz"1188
10Rita Pap and Attila Bodnár"Az élet megy tovább"10912
11Friderika Bayer"Kinek mondjam el vétkeimet?"1401
12Kati Farkas"Remélni kell"1207
13Boldizsár László"Vége már"10613
14Tamás Aczél and Új Rákfogó"Jó leszek"9815
15Ágnes Bogolin"A pillanat"1169

At Eurovision

On the night of the final Bayer performed 22nd in the running order, following Spain and preceding Russia. "Kinek mondjam el vétkeimet?" got off to the a strong start in the voting, receiving maximum 12s from the first three juries (Sweden, Finland and Ireland). However the votes received then became more mixed, with only one further 12 (from Poland) and six juries bypassing the song altogether. At the close of voting "Kinek mondjam el vétkeimet?" had received 122 points, placing Hungary 4th of the 25 entries, which remains the country's best Eurovision placement to date.[18] [19]


Notes and References

  1. News: 4 January 1994 . Táncdalfestivál 1994 . Tolnai Népújság . 2.
  2. News: Bakos . András . 20 January 1994 . Mértéktartó "voúú" . Délmagyarország . 16.
  3. Web site: 2009 . 1994 Bayer Friderika – HogyVolt? . 2024-01-04 . hu.
  4. News: 4 January 1994 . Táncdlafesztivál . Észak-Magyarország . 2.
  5. News: 25 February 1994 . Csalás a táncdalfesztiválon? . Délmagyarország . 6.
  6. News: 4 January 1994 . Táncdalfesztivál '94 . Magyar Nemzet . 34.
  7. News: 4 January 1994 . Új előadók - a régi szignállal . Népszava . 8.
  8. News: Erdei . Sándor . 5 February 1994 . Zsűritagként a táncdalfesztiválon . Hajdú-Bihari Napló . 7.
  9. News: Pass . András . 25 January 1994 . Táncdalfesztivál '94 . Kisalföld . 24.
  10. News: Sulyok . Kálmán . 25 January 1994 . Családi képejtőzés . Komárom-Esztergom megyei 24 óra . 4.
  11. News: Selmeczy . Attila . 29 January 1994 . A fesztiválkulisszatitkai . Népszava . 15.
  12. News: 21 January 1994 . Vásárhelyi a Táncdalfesztiválon . Csongrád Megyei Hirlap . 17.
  13. News: Attila . Selmeczy . 3 February 1994 . SLÁGERSAROK . Népszava . 16.
  14. News: 5 February 1994 . Kulturmix . Egri Riport . 5.
  15. News: 28 January 1994 . Egri fellépők a táncdalfesztiválon . Heves Megyei Hírlap . 23.
  16. News: 29 January 1994 . Népszerű sztárok és fiatalok a táncdalfesztiválon . Magyar Hírlap . 15.
  17. ESC National Finals database 1994
  18. Web site: Final of Dublin 1994 . European Broadcasting Union . 17 April 2021 . . 17 April 2021 . live.
  19. ESC History - Hungary 1994
  20. Web site: Results of the Final of Dublin 1994 . European Broadcasting Union . 17 April 2021 . . 17 April 2021 . live.