Huang Zuqia Explained
Huang Zuqia (; October 2, 1924 – September 7, 2014) was a Chinese theoretical and nuclear physicist, born in Changsha, Hunan province who was elected as a member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1980.[1] [2] [3] [4] He made significant contributions to the theoretical design of China's hydrogen bombs.[5]
Notes and References
- Book: 湖南百科全书. 禹舜主编; 洪期钧副主编. 岳麓书社. 1999. 长沙.
- Book: 中华当代文化名人大辞典. 张品兴, 殷登祥, 陈有进等主编. 中国广播电视出版社. 1992. 9787504315137. 北京.
- Book: 二十世纪中国名人辞典. 蔡开松, 于信凤主编; 曾卓明, 周溯源, 赵书刚副主编. 辽宁人民出版社. 1991. 沈阳.
- Book: 中国普通高等学校教授人名录. 《中国普通高等学校教授人名录》编写组编. 高等教育出版社. 1988. 7040006162. 北京.
- Web site: 氢弹突破的功臣——追记核物理学家黄祖洽. 2022-02-07. 清华大学校史馆.