Huang (state) explained

Conventional Long Name:State of Huang
Common Name:Huang
Government Type:Monarchy
Year Start:?
Year End:summer of 648 BCE
Image Map Caption:Map showing states of Zhou dynasty, including Huang

Huang was a vassal state that existed during the Zhou dynasty of until 256 BC until the middle Spring and Autumn period. In the summer of 648 BC it was annexed by the state of Chu.[1]

Its capital was in present-day Huangchuan County, Henan province, where ruins of the city have been excavated. Archaeologists have discovered the tombs of Huang Jun Meng (Chinese: 黄君孟; Meng, Lord of Huang) and his wife, with numerous bronzes, jades, and other artifacts.[2]

Notes and References

  1. Web site: XWomen CONTENT . zh:5.僖公 . BOOK V. DUKE XI.. The Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanities . James Legge (with modifications from Andrew Miller). zh-hans. from Zuo zhuan, twelfth year of Duke Xi of Lu: Chinese: 《左傳·僖公十二年》: "黃人恃諸侯之睦于齊也,不共楚職,曰,自郢及我,九百里,焉能害我。夏,楚滅黃。 ['The people of Huang, relying on the friendship of the States with Qi, did not render the tribute which was due from them to Chu, saying "From Ying [the capital of Chu] to us is 900 li; what harm can Chu do to us?" This summer, Chu extinguished Huang.'] . 28 March 2018.
  2. News: . zh:千年古城黄国故城 沉睡三千载一朝被唤醒 . People's Daily . 2012-10-21 .