Democratic Government of Albania explained

Conventional Long Name:Albania
Era:World War II / Cold War
National Motto:Ti Shqipëri, më jep nder, më jep emrin Shqipëtar
"You Albania, give me honor, give me the name Albanian"

Proletarë të të gjitha vendeve, bashkohuni!
"Proletarians of all countries, unite!"
Event Start:Establishment
Year Start:1944
Date Start:20 October
Event End:Republic proclaimed
Date End:10 January
Year End:1946
P1:German occupation of AlbaniaGerman Occupation
Flag P1:Flag of German occupied Albania.svg
S1:People's Socialist Republic of AlbaniaSocialist Albania
Flag S1:Flag of Albania (1946–1992).svg
S2:Socialist Federal Republic of YugoslaviaFPR Yugoslavia
Flag S2:Flag of Yugoslavia (1946-1992).svg
Image Map Caption:Location of Albania in July, 1945.
National Anthem:Himni i Flamurit
"Hymn to the Flag"
Common Languages:Albanian
Government Type:Unitary one-party provisional government under a proletarian dictatorship
Title Leader:Chairman
Leader1:Omer Nishani
Year Leader1:1944–1946
Title Deputy:Prime Minister
Deputy1:Enver Hoxha
Year Deputy1:1944–1946
Legislature:Constituent Assembly
Cabinet Name:Democratic Government of Albania
Cabinet Type:Government
Cabinet Number:37th
Flag:Flag of the Democratic Government of Albania (1944–1946).svg
Government Head Title:Leader
Government Head:Enver Hoxha
Members Number:15
Previous:German occupation of Albania, Biçaku Government
Successor:Hoxha II Government, People's Socialist Republic of Albania

The Democratic Government of Albania (Albanian: Qeveria Demokratike e Shqipërisë) also known as the Hoxha I Government was established on 20 October 1944 by the National Liberation Movement, as the Albanian partisan resistance of 1940–1944 came to a close. A provisional government took power after the liberation of the country from German forces on 28 November. Its interim Prime Minister was Secretary-General Enver Hoxha of the Communist Party of Albania. The interim government was to be in existence until the holding of elections and the convening of a Constituent Assembly.

The government was led by the National Liberation Movement (LANÇ), which in turn was dominated by the Communist Party. From the outset, the Democratic Government was a Communist state. It sidelined the nationalist Balli Kombëtar, a task made somewhat easier by large amounts of British support. King Zog I was effectively dethroned; the Democratic Government barred him from ever returning to the country. The LANÇ quickly established fraternal relationships with other Communist countries.

Elections were held on 2 December 1945. By this time, the LANÇ had transformed itself into the Democratic Front of Albania, which was the only organization to contest the election. On 10 January 1946, the People's Republic of Albania was proclaimed.[1] [2] [3]


See also

External links

Notes and References

  1. Book: Dervishi . Kastriot . Kryeministrat dhe ministrat e shtetit shqiptar në 100 vjet . 2012 . Shtëpia Botuese "55" . Tiranë . 978-99943-56-22-5 . 273.
  2. Book: Qafoku . Roland . Historia e 33 kryeministrave të Shqipërisë . 2015 . Shtëpia Botuese "Onufri" . Tiranë . 978-9928-186-72-0 . 350.
  3. Book: Krasniqi . Afrim . Sistemet Politike në Shqipëri 1912-2009 . 2009 . UFO Press . Tiranë . 978-99956-19-36-7 . 390.