Houping Miao and Tuzi Ethnic Township explained

Houping Miao and Tujia Ethnic Township (后坪苗族土家族乡) is an ethnic township in Wulong District of the Chongqing Municipality of China[1] The area is noted for its landscape and geological features known as the Wulong Karst and the Er Wang Dong cave.[2]

Houping obtained its ethnic township designation in 2009; previously, it was simply Houping Township.[3]


  1. Microsoft Encarta 2005 World atlas
  2. http://www.hongmeigui.net/areas.php?area=houping Houping
  3. http://wmz.cq.gov.cn/llyj/6959.htm 后坪苗族土家族乡

29.6°N 108.0333°W