Hongzhi (era) explained

Hongzhi (; 14 January 1488 – 23 January 1506) was the era name (nianhao) of the Hongzhi Emperor, the tenth emperor of the Ming dynasty, lasting for 18 years. During the Hongzhi era, the Ming dynasty experienced a period of political stability and economic growth, known in historiography as the "Hongzhi Restoration" .

On 19 June 1505 (Hongzhi 18, 18th day of the 5th month), the Zhengde Emperor ascended to the throne and continued to use the Hongzhi era name. The following year, the era was changed to Zhengde.[1] [2]

Comparison table

Sexagenary cycleWùshēn Jǐyǒu Gēngxū Xīnhài Rénzǐ Guǐchǒu Jiǎyín Yǐmǎo Bǐngchén Dīngsì
Sexagenary cycleWùwǔ (戊午)Jǐwèi (己未)Gēngshēn (庚申)Xīnyǒu (辛酉)Rénxū (壬戌)Guǐhài (癸亥)Jiǎzǐ (甲子)Yǐchǒu (乙丑)

Other regimes' era names that existed during the same period

See also


Notes and References

  1. Book: Li, Chongzhi. 中國歷代年號考. Zhongguo Lidai Nianhao Kao. Chinese. December 2004. Zhonghua Book Co.. Beijing. 978-7-101-02512-5. 207.
  2. History of Ming, Volume 17: