In mathematics, in particular in homotopy theory within algebraic topology, the homotopy lifting property (also known as an instance of the right lifting property or the covering homotopy axiom) is a technical condition on a continuous function from a topological space E to another one, B. It is designed to support the picture of E "above" B by allowing a homotopy taking place in B to be moved "upstairs" to E.
For example, a covering map has a property of unique local lifting of paths to a given sheet; the uniqueness is because the fibers of a covering map are discrete spaces. The homotopy lifting property will hold in many situations, such as the projection in a vector bundle, fiber bundle or fibration, where there need be no unique way of lifting.
Assume all maps are continuous functions between topological spaces. Given a map
f\bullet\colonY x I\toB
f0=f\bullet|Y x \{0\
there exists a homotopy
\tilde{f}\bullet\colonY x I\toE
\tilde{f}0=\left.\tilde{f}\right|Y x \{0\
The following diagram depicts this situation:
The outer square (without the dotted arrow) commutes if and only if the hypotheses of the lifting property are true. A lifting
If the map
There is a common generalization of the homotopy lifting property and the homotopy extension property. Given a pair of spaces
Tl{:=}(X x \{0\})\cup(Y x [0,1])\subseteqX x [0,1]
f\colonX x [0,1]\toB
\tildef\colonX x [0,1]\toE
The homotopy lifting property of
X x \{0\}
The homotopy extension property of
. Sze-Tsen Hu. Homotopy Theory . registration . 1959. page 24
. Dale Husemoller. Fibre Bundles. 1994 . page 7