Hoch-Campbell ethylenimine synthesis explained

In organic chemistry the Hoch-Campbell ethylenimine synthesis is a method for constructing ethyleneimines from oximes. The oxime is treated with Grignard reagents:[1] [2] [3] [4]


  1. Hoch, Compt. rend., 196, 1865 (1934); (a), ibid., aOS, 799 (1936); (e), ibid., 204, 358 (1937).
  2. Kenneth N. Campbell . James F. Mckenna . The action of Grignard reagents on oximes. i. The action of phenylmagnesium bromide on mixed ketoximes . . 4 . 2 . 198–205 . 1939 . 10.1021/jo01214a012 .
  3. Kenneth N. Campbell . Barbara Knapp Campbell . Elmer Paul Chaput . The reaction of Grignard reagents with oximes. ii. The action of aryl grignard reagents with mixed ketoximes . . 8 . 1 . 99–102 . 1943 . 10.1021/jo01189a015 .
  4. Kenneth N. Campbell . Barbara K. Campbell . James F. Mckenna. Elmer Paul Chaput . The action of Grignard reagents on oximes. iii. The mechanism of the action of arylmagnesium halides on mixed ketoximes. A new synthesis of ethyleneimines . . 103–9 . 1943 . 10.1021/jo01189a016 . 8 .