Himne de l'Exposició explained

Himne de l'Exposició
Himne de València
English Title:Anthem of the Exposition
Anthem of Valencia
Country:, Spain
Author:Maximiliano Thous Orts
Lyrics Date:1909
Composer:José Serrano Simeón
Music Date:1909, partly 16th century
Sound:Himne de l'Exposició.ogg

The Himne de l'Exposició[1] [2] (pronounced as /ˈimne ðe le(k)spozisiˈo/, "Anthem of the Exposition") or Himne de València ("Anthem of Valencia") is the official anthem of the Valencian Community, Spain. The song was composed by José Serrano Simeón with lyrics written by Maximiliano Thous Orts for the Valencia Regional Exhibition. The music is based on a 16th-century anthem dedicated to Saint George, who was the patron saint of the Kingdom of Valencia. It was approved by the mayors of Alicante, Castellón and Valencia in May 1925, and it was declared as the official anthem of the Valencian Community in 1981, with the approval of the Valencian Statute of Autonomy.

There has been some controversy over some of the words used. Some lines are considered as being too pro-Spain and some sectors of the community are pushing for an alternative tune, the Muixeranga, to be adopted instead. The Muixeranga has no lyrics, and hails from the local holidays of the town of Algemesí. However, the official anthem is widely used, especially during Falles celebrations, days celebrating Valencian patrimony, and any matches featuring the Valencian Community autonomous football team.

On 5 December 2008, a version both in Valencian and Spanish was sung and recorded by Plácido Domingo with the Orquestra de la Comunitat Valenciana. This updates the previous recording by Francisco.




Himne de València (Valencian)

Per ofrenar noves glòries a Espanya

tots a una veu, germans, vingau.

Ja en el taller i en el camp remoregen

càntics d'amor, himnes de pau!

Pas a la regió

que avança en marxa triomfal

Per a tu la vega envia

la riquesa que atresora

i és la veu de l'aigua càntics d'alegria

acordats al ritme de guitarra mora.

Paladins de l'art t'ofrenen

ses victòries gegantines;

i als teus peus, Sultana, tos jardins estenen

un tapís de murta i de roses fines.

Brinden fruites daurades

els paradisos de les riberes;

pengen les arracades

baix les arcades de les palmeres.

Sona la veu amada

i en potentíssim, vibrant ressò,

notes de nostra albada

canten les glòries de la regió.

Valencians en peu alcem-se.

Que la nostra veu

la llum salude d'un sol novell!

Per a ofrenar noves glòries a Espanya

tots a una veu, germans, vingau.

Ja en el taller i en el camp remoregen

càntics d'amor, himnes de pau

Flamege en l'aire nostra Senyera!

Glòria a la Pàtria

Visca València!


Visca! Visca

Anthem of Valencia (English translation)

To offer new glories to Spain,

all in one voice, brothers, come here.

They mumble, both in workshops and in the fields,

songs of love, anthems of peace!

Make way for the Region that

is advancing in a triumphal march

The lowlands send Thee

all the wealth they have been treasuring,

and the voice of the water is a song of joy

in tune with the rhythm of a Moorish guitar.

Art paladins offer Thee

their gigantic victories;

and at Thy feet, Sultana, Thy gardens extend

a tapestry of myrtle and fine roses.

Golden fruits are offered from

riverside paradises;

earrings are hung

underneath the palm archades.

The beloved voice can be heard

echoing very loudly and vibrantly,

notes from our aubade

sing out the glories of our Region.

Valencians, stand up on our feet!

Let our voice

greet the light of a new sun.

To offer new glories to Spain,

all in one voice, brothers, come here.

They mumble, both in workshops and in the fields

songs of love and hymns of peace

Fluttering in the wind is our Senyera (Valencian flag)!

Glory to the Fatherland

Long live Valencia!

Long live

Long live! Long live



Himno de Valencia (Spanish)

Para ofrendar nuevas glorias a España

nuestra Región, supo luchar.

¡Ya en el taller y en el campo resuenan

cantos de amor, himnos de paz!

¡Paso a la Región

que avanza en marcha triunfal

Viene a dar la huerta mía

la riqueza que atesora

y murmura el agua cantos de alegría

que nació en los ritmos de guitarra mora.

Viene al arte paladines

que te ofrezcan sus laureles;

y a tus pies, sultana, tienden mis jardines

un tapiz de rosas, nardos y claveles.

Brindan rico tesoro

los naranjales de las riberas

penden racimos de oro

bajo los arcos de las palmeras.

Palmeras suenan, la voz amada

y en victorioso y vibrante son

notas del alborada

cantan el triunfo de la Región.

¡Despertemos valencianos!

Que nuestra voz

la luz salude de un nuevo sol.

Para ofrendar nuevas glorias a España

nuestra Región, supo luchar.

¡Ya en el taller y en el campo resuenan

cantos de amor, himnos de paz

¡Flote en los aires nuestra Señera!

¡Gloria a la Patria

¡Viva Valencia!


¡Viva! ¡Viva

Anthem of Valencia (English translation)

To offer new glories to Spain

our Region, it knew to fight.

They mumble, both in workshops and in the fields,

songs of love and anthems of peace!

Make way for the Region that

is advancing in a triumphal march

My orchards come to give you

all the wealth they have been treasuring,

and the voice of the water is a song of joy

in tune with the rhythm of a Moorish guitar.

Art paladins are coming

to offer their laurels;

and at your feet, sultana, your gardens extend

to create a tapestry of roses, spikenards and carnations.

Rich gold is offered from

riverside orange trees;

golden bunches are hung

underneath the palm archades.

Sound the beloved voice of the palms

echoing victorious and vibrantly

notes from our aubade

sing out the glories of our Region.

Let's wake up, Valencians!

Let our voice

greet the light of a new sun.

To offer new glories to Spain,

our Region, it knew to fight.

They mumble, both in workshops and in the fields

songs of love and hymns of peace

Fluttering in the wind is our Senyera (Valencian flag)!

Glory to the Fatherland

Long live Valencia!

Long live

Long live! Long live

See also

Notes and References

  1. Web site: Llei 8/1984, de 4 de desembre, per la qual es regulen els Símbols de la Comunitat Valenciana i el Seu Ús. (DOGV núm. 211, de 13 de desembre). 13 February 2009 . Generalitat Valenciana . TÍTOL II. De l'Himne Oficial. Article 3. L'Himne Oficial de la Comunitat Valenciana és l'Himne de l'Exposició Regional de 1909, aprovat pels Alcaldes dels Molt il·lustres Ajuntaments d'Alacant, Castelló i València en maig de 1925. L'Himne Oficial de la Comunitat Valenciana està constituït per la música, obra d'En Josep Serrano Simeon, i per la lletra composta per En Maximilià Thous Orts, el contingut de la qual és adjunt en la partitura que figura com a annex I de la present Llei. L'Himne Oficial de la Comunitat Valenciana podrà ser interpretat indistintament en castellà o en valencià..
  2. Full name: Himne de l'Exposició Regional de 1909.