Highway H10 (Ukraine) Explained

Length Round:1
Direction A:Northwest
Terminus A:Stryi
Direction B:Southeast
Terminus B:Mamalyha
Previous Type:H
Previous Route:09
Next Type:H
Next Route:11
Oblasts:Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast, Chernivtsi

H10 is an important Ukraine national highway (H-highway) in Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk, and Chernivtsi Oblasts.


H10 belonged to the Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria until 1918 and was known as the Beskydy Reichsstraße. In 1817, it was built as the second east-west connection leading from Bielsko-Biała to Chernivtsi and was initially referred to as the Carpathian Road.[1] In 1893, there were 21 toll booths on the 260-kilometer stretch between Stryi and Chernivtsi.[2]

The stretch from Stryi to Stanislaviv (former name of Ivano-Frankivsk) belonged to the territory of the Second Polish Republic between 1918 and 1939 and was declared a state road (droga państwowa) by the Polish Roads Act of 10 December 1920.[3]

See also

Notes and References

  1. M. Stöger: Beschreibung der Karpathenstraße in Galizien. In: Oesterreichisches Archiv für Geschichte, Erdbeschreibung, Staatenkunde, Kunst und Literatur. Jg. 2, 1832,, S. 597–599, 603–604, 606–607.
  2. Kundmachung der k.k. Finanz-Landes-Direktion in Lemberg vom 21. September 1892 Zl. 69.797, betreffend die Vermauthung der Aerarialstraßen in Galizien. LGBl. Nr. 73/1892, S. 181.
  3. Web site: Gesetz vom 10. Dezember 1920 über den Bau und die Erhaltung der öffentlichen Straßen in Polen. Dz.U. 1921 nr. 6 poz. 32.. isap.sejm.gov.pl.