Hertz Systems Explained

Hertz Systems Ltd is a Polish company based in Zielona Gora that utilizes space technology for both the military and civilian markets, primarily relying on GPS navigation. Hertz Systems cooperates with, among others, the European Space Agency,[1] the Polish Space Agency, the Space Research Center of Polish Academy of Sciences and NATO agencies. It is also a partner of the University of Zielona Góra and the University of Warmia and Mazury, with which it jointly implements an interdepartmental course of study in space engineering.[2] The company is participating in the project to build the first Polish commercial satellite SAT-AIS-PL, commissioned by ESA.[3] [4] [5]


Hertz Systems was established in 1989, initially operating in the civilian area. Later the business was expanded to include the military market, enriching the company's offer with military equipment and satellite systems for the Polish Armed Forces and NATO allied forces. The year 2012 marked the beginning of the company's activities in the space sector. Two years later, the company launched the LMS animal transport monitoring system project under the ESA.[6] In 2015. CEO of Hertz Systems was appointed to the Council of the Polish Space Agency.[7] [8]


Hertz Systems operates in three areas: space, military and civilian.[9] [10]

In the space area, Hertz Systems is carrying out the LMS (Lifestock Monitoring Systems) project in conjunction with the ESA,[11] which allows monitoring the conditions under which animals are transported. The Zielona Góra-based company is also implementing the project of the Polish AIS observation satellite, and the first Polish commercial satellite SAT-AIS-PL.

In the area of defense industry, the company supplies military HGPST satellite navigation receivers with SAASM module, which are used on military combat platforms. The company also develops solutions for the civilian market – monitoring vehicle fleets, security systems, or personal localization.

Hertz Systems has designed and installed security systems for the chancellery of the President of the Republic of Poland, the Sejm building or the CBA.

HGPST GPS receivers are on military platforms and systems: KTO Rosomak, SOŁA radiolocation station,[12] PILICA,[13] LIWIEC counter-battery radar,[14] GUNICA,[15] Link 16 data transmission system[16] and minehunter "Kormoran II".[17]

Hertz Systems Ltd Sp. z o.o. also provides comprehensive security services for individuals and property. As one of the first security companies in Poland, it has introduced smart home services, i.e. a set of: home alarms, chad sensors, motion detectors combined with an external communication system provides comprehensive protection in all conditions. In addition, Hertz Systems offers a 2-year warranty period and systems (FAS) and (DSO).


In 2013, Hertz Systems was awarded the title of Polish Business Leader,[18] [19] and a year later was awarded in the State Security Leader competition.[20] [21] The company also holds an MIA concession in the field of manufacturing and trading military and police technology,[22] as well as a NATO SECRET and EU SECRET Industrial Security Certificate.


  1. Web site: 2015-03-31 . Radio Zachód 103 i 106 fm » Hertz Systems i Europejska Agencja Kosmiczna współpracują . 2023-10-02 . zachod.pl. https://web.archive.org/web/20150331184232/http://www.zachod.pl/radio-zachod/hertz-systems-i-europejska-agencja-kosmiczna-wspolpracuja/ . 2015-03-31 .
  2. Web site: 2016-03-16 . Space engineering at universities in Olsztyn and Zielona Gora . 2023-10-02 . space24.pl . pl.
  3. Web site: 2016-03-22 . Polish consortium will build commercial satellite . 2023-10-02 . space24.pl . pl.
  4. Web site: 2016-03-21 . Polska buduje pierwszego satelitę użytkowego SAT-AIS-PL. Na orbitę trafi około 2020 r. - Polsat News . 2023-10-02 . polsatnews.pl . pl.
  5. Web site: 2016-04-24 . Początek prac nad SAT-AIS-PL . 2023-10-02 . kosmonauta.net. https://web.archive.org/web/20160424111513/https://kosmonauta.net/2016/03/poczatek-prac-nad-sat-ais-pl/ . 2016-04-24 .
  6. Web site: 2016-04-20 . Hertz Systems wypuszcza nowy produkt na rynek. Chodzi o monitoring transportu zwierząt – Radio Zachód 103 i 106 FM . 2023-10-02 . zachod.pl. https://web.archive.org/web/20160420051439/http://www.zachod.pl/radio-zachod/serwis-informacyjny/wiadomosci/hertz-systems-z-zielonej-gory-wprowadza-kolejna-nowosc-na-rynek/ . 2016-04-20 .
  7. Web site: 2016-04-28 . HERTZ Systems: Dyrektor generalny firmy już oficjalnie w Radzie Polskiej Agencji Kosmicznej . 2023-10-02 . bizneslubuski.pl. https://web.archive.org/web/20160428001953/http://www.bizneslubuski.pl/aktualnosci/6111,hertz-systems-dyrektor-generalny-firmy-juz-oficjalnie-w-radzie-polskiej-agencji-kosmicznej . 2016-04-28 .
  8. Web site: 2016-08-21 . Dyrektor zielonogórskiego HERTZ Systems w Radzie Polskiej Agencji Kosmicznej – Radio Zielona Góra 97,1 fm . 2023-10-02 . rzg.pl. https://web.archive.org/web/20160821181057/http://rzg.pl/radio-zielona-gora/wiadomosci/dyrektor-zielonogorskiego-hertz-systems-w-radzie-polskiej-agencji-kosmicznej/ . 2016-08-21 .
  9. Web site: 2016-04-16 . Space.org.pl . 2023-10-02 . space.biz.pl. https://web.archive.org/web/20160416123049/http://space.biz.pl/czlonkowie/hertz-systems-ltd/ . 2016-04-16 .
  10. Web site: 2016-04-22 . Hertz Systems Ltd Sp. z o.o. - tk.parp.gov.pl . 2023-10-02 . tk.parp.gov.pl. https://web.archive.org/web/20160422015111/https://tk.parp.gov.pl/liderzy/hertz-systems-ltd-sp-z-o-o . 2016-04-22 .
  11. Web site: 2016-03-13 . LMS - Livestock Monitoring System ESA's ARTES Applications . 2023-10-02 . artes-apps.esa.int. https://web.archive.org/web/20160313040629/https://artes-apps.esa.int/projects/lms . 2016-03-13 .
  12. Web site: Zdolna do Przerzutu Stacja Radiolokacyjna SOŁA . 2023-10-02 . pitradwar.com. https://web.archive.org/web/20160113073653/http://www.pitradwar.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/SOLA.pdf . 2016-01-13 .
  13. Web site: 2016-04-10 . Pilica - rakietowo-artyleryjski zestaw przeciwlotniczy DEFENCE24 . 2023-10-02 . defence24.pl. https://web.archive.org/web/20160410054044/http://www.defence24.pl/28728,pilica-rakietowo-artyleryjski-zestaw-przeciwlotniczy . 2016-04-10 .
  14. Web site: 2016-04-25 . Radiolokacyjny zestaw rozpoznania artyleryjskiego LIWIEC Pit Radwar . 2023-10-02 . pitradwar.com. https://web.archive.org/web/20160425062710/http://www.pitradwar.com/oferta/systemy-radiolokacyjne/radarowy-zestaw-rozpoznania-artyleryjskiego-liwiec/ . 2016-04-25 .
  15. Web site: 2016-04-25 . System rozpoznania pasywnego PRP-25 (GUNICA) Pit Radwar . 2023-10-02 . pitradwar.com. https://web.archive.org/web/20160425041242/http://www.pitradwar.com/oferta/systemy-radiolokacyjne/system-rozpoznania-pasywnego-prp-25-gunica/ . 2016-04-25 .
  16. Web site: 2016-06-30 . Wojsko uruchomiło system transmisji danych NATO Link 16 DEFENCE24 . 2023-10-02 . defence24.pl. https://web.archive.org/web/20160630131749/http://www.defence24.pl/238560,wojsko-uruchomilo-system-transmisji-danych-nato-link-16 . 2016-06-30 .
  17. Web site: 2016-06-30 . Uruchomiono system walki niszczyciela min Kormoran II. Okręt będzie zbudowany bez opóźnień DEFENCE24 . 2023-10-02 . defence24.pl. https://web.archive.org/web/20160630114447/http://www.defence24.pl/212810,uruchomiono-system-walki-niszczyciela-min-kormoran-ii-okret-bedzie-zbudowany-bez-opoznien . 2016-06-30 .
  18. Web site: 2013-02-08 . Zielonogórski Hertz Systems Liderem Polskiego Biznesu! - Strefa Biznesu lubuskie . 2023-10-02 . strefabiznesu.gazetalubuska.pl. https://web.archive.org/web/20130208045353/http://www.strefabiznesu.gazetalubuska.pl/artykul/zielonogorski-hertz-systems-liderem-polskiego-biznesu . 2013-02-08 .
  19. Web site: Hertz Systems Liderem Polskiego Biznesu - ~Hertz Reporterzy 24 w Kontakt 24 . 2023-10-02 . Kontakt 24 . pl.
  20. Web site: 2016-04-27 . HERTZ SYSTEMS: Nagrody w konkursie "Lider Bezpieczeństwa Państwa" . 2023-10-02 . bizneslubuski.pl. https://web.archive.org/web/20160427233023/http://www.bizneslubuski.pl/aktualnosci/2933,hertz-systems-nagrody-w-konkursie-lider-bezpieczenstwa-panstwa . 2016-04-27 .
  21. Web site: Lider Bezpieczeństwa Państwa 2014 - ~INFO Reporterzy 24 w Kontakt 24 . 2023-10-02 . Kontakt 24 . pl.
  22. Web site: 2016-02-16 . Koncesje i zezwolenia - Ministerstwo Spraw Wewnętrznych i Administracji . 2023-10-02 . mswia.gov.pl. https://web.archive.org/web/20160216145619/https://mswia.gov.pl/pl/bezpieczenstwo/koncesje-i-zezwolenia . 2016-02-16 .