Hermann Lossen Explained

Hermann Friedrich Lossen
Birth Date:7 November 1842

Hermann Friedrich Lossen (7 November 1842  - 27 August 1909) was a German surgeon born in Emmershäuser Hütte, Hesse.

He studied under Carl von Voit (Munich), Friedrich Daniel von Recklinghausen (Würzburg), Bernhard von Langenbeck (Berlin) and Theodor Billroth (Vienna), earning his medical doctorate in 1866 from the University of Würzburg. In addition he served as an assistant to Richard von Volkmann at the University of Halle and to Gustav Simon at the University of Heidelberg. In 1866 he became habilitated for surgery at Heidelberg, where in 1874 he was appointed associate professor.

Written works

Lossen was author of a revision of Carl Hueter's Grundriss der Chirurgie (Outline of surgery), which was subsequently published over several editions (7th edition issued as Lehrbuch der allgemeinen und speciellen Chirurgie).[1] Other noted works by Lossen include:


Notes and References

  1. https://www.worldcat.org/oclc/014855980 WorldCat Identities