Heorhiy Mazurashu Explained

Heorhiy Mazurashu
Native Name Lang:uk
Office:People's Deputy of Ukraine
Termstart:29 August 2019
Constituency:Chernivtsi Oblast, No. 203
Birth Date:17 April 1971
Birth Place:, Ukrainian SSR, Soviet Union (now Ukraine)
Party:Servant of the People
Otherparty:Self Reliance
Alma Mater:Chernivtsi University

Heorhiy Heorhiyovych Mazurashu (uk|Георгій Георгійович Мазурашу; born 17 April 1971) is a Ukrainian sports journalist and politician currently serving as a People's Deputy of Ukraine from Ukraine's 203rd electoral district as a member of Servant of the People.[1]

Early life and career

Heorhiy Heorhiyovych Mazurashu was born on 17 April 1971 in the village of Krupianske, in Ukraine's western Chernivtsi Oblast. In 1990, he graduated from the Chernivtsi Mechanical and Technological College.[2]

In 1995, he graduated from the faculty of history of Chernivtsi University. In 2009, he received a master's degree from the same university, majoring in "Civil Service".[3]

Sports career

In 1985, he began to engage in athletics. In the 8th grade, he won the regional competition among schoolchildren at a distance of 400 m with a result of 52.9 seconds.

In 1987, he took 1st place in the 800 m at the Spartakiad of Ukraine among technical schools of light industry and won the 800 m at the youth championship of Ukraine with the prizes of Honored Master of Sports Yevhen Arzhanov. In 1988, he won the 800 m + 1,500 m medley at the youth indoor championship of Ukraine. Played as part of the youth national team of Ukraine at the 1988 USSR Youth Indoor Championship in Chisinau.

In 1992, he won the youth championship of Ukraine in indoor athletics, the bronze medalist of the 1st Ukrainian indoor championship.

Winner of the championship of the republican council of the FST "Kolos" among young men, juniors, adults, junior and youth championships of Ukraine, silver and bronze medalist of the Championship of Ukraine among universities (1500 m, 800 m, Kryvyi Rih). Candidate for master of sports.[4]

Journalistic activity

Until 2005, he worked as an editor of the sports department of the newspaper "Molodyi Bukovynets". In parallel, he collaborated with the publications "Sportyvna gazeta", "Ukrainian football", "Day" and local TV channels.

Until 2005, he published the sports and entertainment publication "Super!".

Member of the Union of Journalists of Ukraine. In 2004, he became a laureate of the competition among journalists "Olympic Ukraine", in 2009 he won the photo contest of the National Olympic Committee of Ukraine.[5]

Until September 2008, he worked as the head of the department for physical culture and sports of the Chernivtsi regional state administration.

In 2009, he initiated the holding of the first Miss Sport Ukraine beauty contest among sportswomen in Ukraine.[6]

Until 2018, he was a member of the executive committee of the Chernivtsi regional branch of the National Olympic Committee of Ukraine.

In 2011, he became the director of the Chernivtsi Regional Center for Physical Health of the Population "Sports for All".

Political career

In 2015, he was a candidate for deputy of the Chernivtsi Oblast Council from the Samopomich party.[7]

In 2019, he was elected a People's Deputy of Ukraine of the 9th convocation from the Servant of the People party in Ukraine's 203rd electoral district.[8] [9]

He is a member of the Committee on Youth and Sports, Chairman of the Subcommittee on Physical Culture and Mass Sports in the Verkhovna Rada,[10] [11]

In July 2020, he registered in the Verkhovna Rada a draft law "on amendments to the Code of Ukraine on administrative offenses regarding responsibility for propaganda of homosexuality and transgenderism".[12] [13] [14] [15] [16]

In December 2020, he voted against the appointment of Serhiy Skarlet to the position of head of the Ministry of Education and Culture.[17] [18]

In December 2020, he supported the pro-Russian People's Deputy Maksym Buzhanskyi, who proposed to cancel fines for the refusal of employees in the service sector to serve a client in Ukrainian languages in Ukraine.


In May 2022, he became a co-author of the scandalous draft law No. 7351, which was supposed to give the command the right to kill military personnel for disobeying orders without any proven circumstances. This bill was evaluated in the media as an attempt to restore the death penalty in Ukraine.[19] [20] [21] [22]

Notes and References

  1. Web site: "Слуга народу" опублікувала список своїх кандидатів на округах Чернігівщини та Буковини. glavcom.ua. 21 June 2019 . 2019-07-12. uk. 11 July 2019. https://web.archive.org/web/20190711185958/https://glavcom.ua/news/sluga-narodu-opublikuvala-spisok-svojih-kandidativ-na-okrugah-chernigivshchini-ta-bukovini-603683.html.
  2. Web site: "Слуга народу" висунула кандидатів по мажоритарних округах у Чернівецькій області. SeeLife Новини Чернівців. 2019-06-22. 2019-07-12. uk. SpiritIT.NET.
  3. Web site: "Слуга народу" назвала своїх мажоритарників на Буковині. Новини Чернівці: Інформаційний портал «Молодий буковинець». 2019-07-12. 22 June 2019. https://web.archive.org/web/20190622151627/https://molbuk.ua/chernovtsy_news/175625-sluga-narodu-nazvala-svoyikh-mazhorytarnykiv-na-bukovyni.html.
  4. Web site: Георгій Мазурашу. SportBuk.com. 2011-03-01. 2019-07-12. uk. 31 August 2017. https://web.archive.org/web/20170831082512/http://sportbuk.com/2011/03/heorhij-mazurashu/.
  5. Web site: Визначено переможців ІІ Всеукраїнського конкурсу спортивної фотографії. SVOBODA.FM. 2019-07-12.
  6. Web site: Буковинці підкорили "Шустер live". Новини Чернівці: Інформаційний портал «Молодий буковинець». 2019-07-12.
  7. https://bukinfo.com.ua/show/news?lid=65624 В обласну раду «Об'єднання Самопоміч» поведе зірка легкої атлетики України Іван Гешко. У списку — найуспішніший фермер Новоселиччини Олег Мельничук (ФОТО)
  8. Web site: Мазурашу Георгій Георгійович — вся правда Біографія, Балотування, Фракції, Декларація. Чесно. 2 February 2021. 2 March 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210302233107/https://www.chesno.org/politician/61098/.
  9. Web site: Хто балотується до Верховної Ради від Чернівецької області. ОПОРА - Громадянська мережа - вибори в Україні - вибори в Украине - Election in Ukraine. 2019-07-12. uk. 12 July 2019. https://web.archive.org/web/20190712152011/https://www.oporaua.org/news/vybory/parlamentski-vybory/parlamentski-vybory-2019/18508-khto-balotuietsia-do-verkhovnoyi-radi-vid-chernivetskoyi-oblasti.
  10. Web site: Парламент затвердив список своїх комітетів і їх склад. ХТО В ЯКОМУ. Новинарня. 29 August 2019. 30 August 2019. https://web.archive.org/web/20190830194902/https://novynarnia.com/2019/08/29/parlament-zatverdiv-spisok-svoyih-komitetiv-i-yih-sklad/.
  11. https://iportal.rada.gov.ua/news/Novyny/180500.html Комітет з питань молоді і спорту ухвалив організаційні рішення та створив чотири підкомітети
  12. Web site: Офіційний портал Верховної Ради України. w1.c1.rada.gov.ua. 2020-07-22. 24 July 2020. https://web.archive.org/web/20200724050627/http://w1.c1.rada.gov.ua/pls/zweb2/webproc4_1?pf3511=69583.
  13. Web site: "Печерна гомофобія": нова ініціатива від представників "Слуги народу". DW.COM. 24 July 2020. 26 December 2020. https://web.archive.org/web/20201226035101/https://www.dw.com/uk/pecherna-homofobiia-nova-initsiatyva-vid-predstavnykiv-sluhy-narodu/a-54307376.
  14. News: "Слуги народу" vs ЛГБТ: для чого у монобільшості ініціюють "відповідальність за пропаганду гомосексуалізму і трансгендеризму"?. Радіо Свобода. 29 July 2020. 17 November 2020. https://web.archive.org/web/20201117114901/https://www.radiosvoboda.org/a/lgbt-zakonoprojekt-mazurashu-lys/30753586.html . Свобода . Радіо . Время . Настоящее .
  15. News: Штраф 136 тисяч: слуги народу хочуть карати за "пропаганду гомосексуалізму". BBC News Україна. 23 July 2020. 25 July 2020. https://web.archive.org/web/20200725025508/https://www.bbc.com/ukrainian/news-53516849.
  16. Web site: "Слуги народу" пішли слідами російських колег і захотіли заборонити "пропаганду гомосексуалізму та трансгендеризму". hromadske.ua. Павлюк. Олег. 22 July 2020. 9 January 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210109065452/https://hromadske.ua/posts/slugi-narodu-pishli-stopami-rosijskih-koleg-i-zahotili-zaboroniti-propagandu-gomoseksualizmu-ta-transgenderizmu.
  17. Web site: Шкарлет нашкодив нашій сфері, – Мазурашу розповів, чому не підтримав його під час голосування - Новини. 24 Канал. 17 December 2020.
  18. Web site: Офіційний портал Верховної Ради України. w1.c1.rada.gov.ua. 2020-12-29. 18 December 2020. https://web.archive.org/web/20201218205610/http://w1.c1.rada.gov.ua/pls/radan_gs09/ns_golos?g_id=8804.
  19. Web site: Командирам можуть дозволити вбивати військових у бойовій обстановці за невиконання наказів. unian.ua. 24 May 2022. Віолетта Орлова. 25 May 2022. 24 May 2022. https://web.archive.org/web/20220524192437/https://www.unian.ua/war/komandiram-mozhut-dozvoliti-vbivati-viyskovih-u-boyoviy-obstanovci-za-nevikonannya-nakaziv-novini-vtorgnennya-rosiji-v-ukrajinu-11839335.html.
  20. Web site: Три депутати зі "Слуги народу" запропонували дозволити офіцерам розстрілювати солдатів без суду, а потім відкликали законопроект. delo.ua. 24 May 2022 . 25 May 2022. 24 May 2022. https://web.archive.org/web/20220524124443/https://delo.ua/uk/politics/tri-deputati-zi-slugi-narodu-zaproponuvali-dozvoliti-oficeram-rozstrilyuvati-soldativ-bez-sudu-a-potim-vidklikali-zakonoproekt-398413/.
  21. Web site: Депутатка запропонувала смертну кару для українських військовослужбовців: законопроєкт. radiotrek.rv.ua. 24 May 2022 . 25 May 2022. 24 May 2022. https://web.archive.org/web/20220524073000/https://radiotrek.rv.ua/news/deputatka-zaproponuvala-smertnu-karu-dlya-ukrayinskih-viyskovosluzhbovciv-zakonoproiekt---u-vr-foto_288968.html.
  22. Web site: Проект Закону про внесення зміни до статті 22-1 Статуту внутрішньої служби Збройних Сил України щодо забезпечення можливості припинення кримінальних правопорушень в умовах особливого періоду. rada.gov.ua. 25 May 2022. 25 May 2022. https://web.archive.org/web/20220525210615/http://w1.c1.rada.gov.ua/pls/zweb2/webproc4_1?pf3511=74191.