Hendrik Relve Explained

Hendrik Relve (born 18 July 1948 in Tallinn) is an Estonian environmentalist, nature writer and nature photographer.[1]

In 1971 he graduated from Estonian Agricultural Academy in forest engineering, and in 1989 University of Tartu in journalism.

Since 2002 he is the chief editor of magazine Eesti Mets. He is the host of the Vikerraadio's radio program "Kuula rändajat".




Notes and References

  1. Web site: Hendrik Relve annab nõu: kuidas oma vaimset maailma avardada . Elu24 . 13 June 2021 . et . 2009-12-23.
  2. Web site: Teenetemärkide kavalerid: Hendrik Relve. www.president.ee . 12 June 2021.
  3. Web site: Hendrik Relve - Eesti filmi andmebaas . www.efis.ee . 13 June 2021.