Genus | Species | Location | Material | Notes | Images |
Astarte |
| - Stampeå stream
- South of Hasle
| A saltwater Clam, type member of the family Astartidae inside Carditida. It is found on small, smooth Clam associations, with the exception of one does section, with less well-preserved stone cores and imprints. | |
Avicula |
| - Stampeå stream
- South of Hasle
| A saltwater pearl oyster, member of the family Pteriidae inside Ostreida. Some specimens are big and found associated with Burrow-filled surfaces. This well-known species occurs extremely frequently; Copies occur at all ages, as well as right-handers Left shells have been found. | |
Cardinia | - C. multicostatum
- C. crassiuscula
- C. infera
| - Stampeå stream
- South of Hasle
- Hvideoddebuen
- Nebbeodde
| A saltwater Clam, type member of the family Cardiidae inside Carditida. Is a frequently occurring Clam. | |
Cucullaea |
| A saltwater Clam, type member of the family Cucullaeidae inside Arcida. | |
Cyprina |
| - Stampeå stream
- Hvideoddebuen
- Nebbeodde
| A saltwater Clam, member of the family Arcticidae inside Veneroidei. Is a frequently occurring Clam. | |
Cypricardia | - C. cf.laevigata
- C. cf.tetragona
| A saltwater Clam, member of the family Trapezidae inside Veneroidei. | |
Dendostrea |
| A saltwater Oyster, member of the family Ostreinae inside Ostreida. Identified originally as Ostrea semiplicata | |
Gervilleia | - G. sjögreni
- G. cf. hagenovii
- G. sp.
| - Stampeå stream
- South of Hasle
| A saltwater Oyster, member of the family Bakevelliidae inside Ostreida. Found on a series of incomplete Stone Cores filled with specimens, that by Size and Form can be possibly attributable to Gervilleia aerosa. | |
Hinnites |
| A saltwater Scallop, member of the family Pectinoidae inside Pectinida. A Pair of incomplete specimens of a Hinnites are known and probably match with the species Hinnites tumidus; however, the state of preservation is bad, with the assignment rather uncertain. | |
Lima |
| A saltwater file Clam, type member of the family Limidae inside Pectinida. Lima succincta is based on a single fragment of cunch, but enough complete to be certain to be attributed to it. | |
Limea |
| A saltwater file Clam, member of the family Limidae inside Pectinida. Mostly know due to a single young individual, but there are also a number of stone cores and imprints of adult Specimens of this species that appear to have been common. | |
Luciniola |
| A saltwater Clam, type member of the family Lucinidae inside Lucinida. Three Stone Cores show perfect Compliance with Regard to Hinge Building and Muscle Impressions Appearance. | |
Modiolus |
| A saltwater Mussel, type member of the family Mytilidae inside Mytilida. | |
Myoconcha | - M. stampensis
- M. jespersenii
| A saltwater Clam, member of the family Kalenteridae inside Cardiida. One of the most frequent and characteristic Fossils in the layer is this kind, of which especially the hinge part in Imprints and Stone Cores are extremely common. The largest specimen has reached a length of 53 mm, with a width of 39 mm. Myoconcha jespersenii does not occur as frequently as Myoconcha stampensis, with less than 50 specimens, of which, however, none is complete; most occur as stone cores. | |
Mytilus |
| A saltwater Mussel, type member of the family Mytilidae inside Mytilida. | |
Nucula | - N. distinguenda
- N. (Leda?) dr. omaliusi?
- N. pinguis
| A saltwater nut Clam, type member of the family Nuculidae inside Nuculida. Two copies of a Nucula (leda?) so closely in accordance with Moberg's depictions and description of occurring at Kurremolla. | |
Nuculana | - N. subovalis
- N. complanata
| A saltwater pointed nut Clam, type member of the family Nuculanidae inside Nuculida. Nuculana bornholmiensis is a very common genus only found locally. Nuculana subovalis occurs less and is highly variable in size and appearance. 10 more or less complete specimens of a large Nuculana species must be attributed to Nuculana complanata. | |
Palaeoneilo |
| - Stampeå stream
- South of Hasle
| A saltwater pointed nut Clam, type member of the family Nuculanidae inside Nuculida. | |
Parallelodon | - P. cypriniformis
- P. pullus
| - Stampeå stream
- South of Hasle
| A saltwater Clam, type member of the family Parallelodontidae inside Arcida. This species occurs frequently and varies a lot | |
Pecten | - P. priscus
- P. aequivalvis
| - Stampeå stream
- South of Hasle
- Hvideoddebuen
- Nebbeodde
| A saltwater Scallop, type member of the family Pectinoidae inside Pectinida. This species has been exceedingly frequent, and numerous Fragments are available. Found by some Fragments with the complete cunch preserved have made the provision quite safe. While the presence of Pecten priscus is quite certain, is the Diagnosis of Pecten aequivalvis is a little controversial, due to be based on shell fragments. | |
Perna |
| A saltwater Mussel, member of the family Mytilidae inside Mytilida. | |
Pleuromya | - P. forchhammeri
- P. dunkeri
| - Stampeå stream
- South of Hasle
- Hvideoddebuen
- Nebbeodde
| A saltwater Clam, type member of the family Pleuromyidae inside Pholadida. Three specimens of this species have been found. | |
Plicatula |
| A saltwater Scallop, type member of the family Plicatulidae inside Pectinida. Two poorly preserved specimens have been found. | |
Spondylus |
| A saltwater Scallop, member of the family Pectinoidae inside Pectinida. | |
Tancredia | - T. lineata
- T. elegans
- T. tenera
- T. johnstrupi
| - Stampeå stream
- South of Hasle
| A saltwater Clam, type member of the family Tancrediidae inside Carditida. Tancredia lineata Is based on six shell cores, of which one complete, the others a little defective at the front end. | |
Tellina |
| A saltwater tellin Clam, member of the family Tellinidae inside Cardiida. | |
Genus | Species | Location | Material | Notes | Images |
Actaeonina |
| - Stampeå stream
- South of Hasle
| A saltwater Snail, type member of the family Acteoninidae inside Prosobranchia. Of this small species there are quite a few specimens, both stone cores and imprints that perfectly allow identifying the species. | |
Amberlya |
| A saltwater Snail, type member of the family Spirostylidae inside Murchisoniina. | |
Chemnitzia | - C.? undulata
- C. craticia
- C. citharella
- C. blainvillei
| A saltwater Snail, member of the family Pyramidellidae inside Pyramidelloidea. Two Specimens of a Turritella-like Gastropod found locally have been refer to the Genus. Chemnitzia citharella includes ten specimens, the largest of the genus found locally. However, most of the specimens are shell cores. | |
Eucyclus |
| A saltwater Snail, type member of the family Eucyclidae inside Seguenzioidea. Of this genus there are, in addition to a number of smaller ones, well-preserved stone cores, three imprints. Since the material available is rather poor, it is difficult to assign the specimens found to a definite species. | |
Margarites |
| A saltwater Snail, member of the family Turbinidae inside Turbinoidea. Occurs frequently, especially on marine ingression surfaces. | |
Natica |
| A saltwater moon Snail, type member of the family Naticidae inside Naticoidea. | |
Neritina |
| A saltwater Snail, type member of the family Neritidae inside Neritoidea. | |
Pleurotomaria |
| - Stampeå stream
- South of Hasle
| A saltwater Snail, type member of the family Pleurotomariidae inside Pleurotomarioidea. Stone cores are extremely common, now and then imprints of this Art. Of course, it is uncertain, yes often ullmligt, to determine a kind of the stone core alone; but in many cases, the upper side has shown those characteristics of this species. | |
Trochus |
| A saltwater top Snail, type member of the family Trochidae inside Trochoidea. Rare compared with other species found locally. | |
Genus | Species | Location | Material | Notes | Images |
Acrodus | A. minimus | Stampeå stream | Large number of teeth | A marine shark, member of the family Acrodontidae inside Hybodontiformes. | |
Agaleus | A. dorsetensis | Hasle Harbour | Four teeth | A marine shark, type member of the family Agaleidae inside Euselachii. This genus may have been a suction feeder as its anterior teeth are similar to those of extant nurse sharks. | |
Hybodontidae | Indeterminate | Hasle Harbour | One incomplete spine | A marine shark, incertae sedis inside Hybodontiformes. | |
Hybodus | H. reticulatus | Hasle Harbour | 21 incomplete crowns | A marine shark, type member of the family Hybodontidae inside Hybodontiformes. | |
H. delabechei | Hasle Harbour | Three complete crowns | A marine shark, type member of the family Hybodontidae inside Hybodontiformes. Its teeth suggest that it may have been feeding on shelly invertebrates. |
Lissodus | L. hasleensis | Hasle Harbour | Four complete teeth | A marine/brackish shark, member of the family Lonchidiidae inside Hybodontiformes. | |
Myriacanthidae | Undetermined[14] | Hasle Harbour | Tooth plates. | Indeterminate tooth plates of marine chimaeras. | |
Myriacanthus[15] | M. paradoxus | Cliff section 100 m south of Hasle, Bornholm. | Tooth plates. | A marine chimaera. | |
M. sp. | Hasle Harbour | Isolated tooth plate | A marine Chimaera, type member of the family Myriacanthidae inside Chimaeriformes. | |
Oblidens[16] | O. bornholmensis | Hasle Harbour; cliff section 100 m south of Hasle Harbour. | Multiple tooth plates. | A marine Chimaera, member of the family Myriacanthidae inside Chimaeriformes. | |
Paraorthacodus | P. sp | Hasle Harbour | Two incomplete teeth | A marine shark, member of the family Palaeospinacidae inside Synechodontiformes. | |
Synechodus | S. occultidens | Hasle Harbour | Four incomplete teeth | A marine shark, type member of the family Palaeospinacidae inside Synechodontiformes. | |