Hashim Thaçi Explained

Office:President of Kosovo
Primeminister:Isa Mustafa
Ramush Haradinaj
Albin Kurti
Avdullah Hoti
Term Start:7 April 2016
Term End:5 November 2020
Predecessor:Atifete Jahjaga
Successor:Vjosa Osmani
Office1:Prime Minister of Kosovo
President1:Fatmir Sejdiu
Behgjet Pacolli
Atifete Jahjaga
Deputy1:Hajredin Kuçi
Ramë Manaj
Behgjet Pacolli
Mimoza Kusari-Lila
Bujar Bukoshi
Edita Tahiri
Slobodan Petrović
Term Start1:9 January 2008
Term End1:9 December 2014
Predecessor1:Agim Çeku
Successor1:Isa Mustafa
President2:Ibrahim Rugova
Term Start2:2 April 1999
Term End2:1 February 2000
In opposition to Bujar Bukoshi
Predecessor2:Bujar Bukoshi
Successor2:Bajram Rexhepi
Office3:Minister of Foreign Affairs
Primeminister3:Isa Mustafa
Term Start3:12 December 2014
Term End3:7 April 2016
Predecessor3:Enver Hoxhaj
Successor3:Enver Hoxhaj
Office5:Leader of the Democratic Party
Term Start5:27 October 1999
Term End5:26 February 2016
Predecessor5:Office established
Successor5:Kadri Veseli
Office6:Political Director of KLA
Term Start6:March 1999
Term End6:June 1999
Predecessor6:Adem Demaçi
Successor6:Office abolished
Birth Date:24 April 1968
Birth Place:Srbica, AP KiM, SR Serbia, SFR Yugoslavia
(now Skenderaj, Kosovo)
Democratic Party (1999–2016)
Independent (2016–present)
Spouse:Lumnije Thaçi
Alma Mater:University of Pristina
University of Zürich
Signature:Hashim Thaçi (nënshkrim).svg
Branch: Kosovo Liberation Army
Battles:Insurgency in Kosovo
Kosovo War

Hashim Thaçi (in Albanian pronounced as /hä'ʃɪm 'θɑ:t͡ɕɪ/; born 24 April 1968) is a Kosovar Albanian politician who was the president of Kosovo from April 2016 until his resignation on 5 November 2020 to face a war crimes tribunal on charges of crimes against humanity.[1] [2] He was the first prime minister of Kosovo and the Foreign minister and deputy prime minister in the new cabinet led by Isa Mustafa, which assumed office on 12 December 2014.

Thaçi is from the region of Drenica in Kosovo, which is where the KLA originated. He studied philosophy in Prishtina before moving to Switzerland, where he joined the Kosovo Liberation Army in 1993. He rose through the ranks of the KLA to become leader of the most powerful faction by 1999, during the Rambouillet negotiations. He then joined the interim Kosovo administration after the war.

Thaçi became leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), which won the largest share of the vote in the 2007 Kosovo elections. In 2008, Thaçi declared the independence of Kosovo and became its first prime minister. In 2016 he was elected President of Kosovo. Thaçi has pursued a pro-American policy while in office. There have been controversies regarding Thaçi's role in the KLA and allegations about him being involved in organized crime. In 2020, the Kosovo Specialist Chambers and Specialist Prosecutor's Office filed a ten-count Indictment, charging Hashim Thaçi and others for crimes against humanity and war crimes.[3] Thaçi subsequently resigned from his position as president, in his words, in order to "protect the integrity of the presidency of Kosovo".[4]

As of April 2023, he has pled not guilty to war crimes and his trial is ongoing at The Hague.[5]

Early life and education

Hashim Thaçi was born in the village of Broćna, Srbica, SFR Yugoslavia (now Buroja, Skenderaj, Kosovo).[6] [7] His family comes from the Thaçi tribe.[8] Skenderaj is located in the Drenica valley, a historical region resistant of Serbian rule. Drenica would become the birthplace of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) in the early 1990s.

Thaçi studied philosophy and history at the University of Pristina. By 1993, he was living in Switzerland, where he joined the Albanian political émigré group. He registered for postgraduate studies at the University of Zürich in the departments of history and international relations and later got his masters.[9] [10] As a young man, Thaçi was part of a group committed to overthrowing Yugoslavia's government, which was financed and supported by Enver Hoxha, the former dictator of Albania.[11]

Role in KLA

In 1993, Thaçi became a member of the inner circle of the KLA. The charisma of leaders such as Thaçi helped the KLA gain support from Kosovo Albanians. Thaçi (nom de guerre "Gjarpëri" - The Snake) was responsible for securing financial means and armaments, and training recruits in Albania to be dispatched to Kosovo. On 11 July 1997, Thaçi was tried in absentia and convicted by the District Court in Pristina for terrorism associated with his activities in the KLA, and sentenced to 10 years in prison.[12]

In March 1999, Thaçi participated in the Rambouillet negotiations as the leader of the Kosovar Albanian team.[13] Thaçi was perceived by western diplomats during the negotiations as the "voice of reason" within the KLA: his attendance at the negotiations demonstrated a willingness to accept autonomy for Kosovo within Serbia at a time when other rebel leaders rejected any solution short of full national independence.[13]

Thaçi emerged from the final diplomatic settlement as the leader of the strongest faction within a KLA rife with factionalism. He moved quickly to consolidate power, unilaterally naming himself prime minister within a provisional government and allegedly ordering the assassination of the leaders of rival armed factions.[14] [15]


Thaçi is alleged to have extensive criminal links.[16] [17] [18] [19] During the period of time when he was head of the Kosovo Liberation Army, The Washington Times reported that the KLA was financing its activities by trafficking heroin and cocaine into western Europe.[20] The KLA received large funds from the Albanian diaspora in Europe and the United States. It is estimated that those funds amounted from $75 million to $100 million. There is a possibility that among donors to the KLA were people involved in illegal activities such as drug trafficking; however, insufficient evidence exists that the KLA itself was involved in such activities.[21]

The BBC reported in 2000 that Thaçi is allegedly central to the criminal activities of the Kosovo Protection Corps (KPC), who reportedly extorted money from businessmen under the guise of "taxes" for his self-appointed government.[22] While the KLA was officially disbanded at the end of armed conflict in Kosovo in 1999, the new Kosovo Protection Corps was composed primarily of former KLA fighters and the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK). The party was formed largely from the political leadership of the KLA. A near monopoly on the means of force, based on the absorption of the KLA into the KPC, allowed the Democratic Party of Kosovo to seize control of the machinery of government at the municipal level.[22] The PDK has regularly used violence and intimidation of political rivals to maintain local political control and protect criminal enterprises that depend upon cooperation from friendly local authorities.[23]

In 2001, the Democratic Party of Kosovo suffered electoral defeat in the first free elections in the province in 2001. The BBC said at the time, "The tumbling reputation of the former KLA was to have a disastrous effect on the PDK because of the perceived overlap between its political leadership and post-KLA organised crime."[24]

A 2008 analysis of organised crime in Kosovo prepared by the German intelligence service BND and a confidential report contracted by the German military, the Bundeswehr, accuse Thaçi, Ramush Haradinaj, and Xhavit Haliti, the majority leader of the Kosovo parliament, of far-reaching involvement in organised crime. The BND writes: "The key players (including Haliti, Haradinaj, and Thaçi) are intimately involved in inter-linkages between politics, business, and organised crime structures in Kosovo." The report accuses Thaçi of leading a "criminal network operating throughout Kosovo" by the end of the 1990s. The BND report accuses Thaçi of contacts with the Czech and Albanian mafias. It says that he, together with Haliti, ordered killings by a professional hit man, 'Afrimi', who is responsible for at least 11 contract murders.[25]

According to the 8 March 2016 issue of the French newspaper Le Figaro, Thaçi is likely to be charged by the ICTY for a wide range of atrocities, including organs trafficking.[26] [27] The paper also claims that former UNMIK administrator for Kosovo, Bernard Kouchner, might be summoned to testify. Kouchner himself has been regularly accused of "turning a blind eye" on the atrocities committed by the KLA members.[26]

Hashim Thaci had encountered other accusations such as the involvement in the lucrative heroin trade in the 1990's when officers of the Kosovo Liberation Army and their backers were moving staggering amounts of narcotics through an underworld network into Central Europe. Police had long suspected that illegal narcotics were fueling the revolt in Kosovo.[28]

Council of Europe accusations

A report to the Council of Europe, written by Dick Marty, issued on 15 December 2010[29] states that Hacim Thaçi was the leader of the "Drenica Group" in charge of trafficking organs taken from Serbian prisoners. As reported by several international,[30] Serbian,[31] Kosovan[32] and Albanian[33] news agencies, in an interview for Albanian television on 24 December 2010, Thaçi said he would publish information about Marty and Marty's collaborators' names.

BBC news reported having seen a draft of the Council of Europe document, and asserts that it names "Hashim Thaci, Kosovo's current Prime Minister and wartime political leader of the KLA, 27 times in as many pages". They said the report charges the former KLA commanders of operating in organized crime, including organ and drug trafficking.[29] [34] In 2011, Marty clarified that his report implicates Thaçi's close associates but not Thaçi himself.[35]

Kosovo Specialist Chambers and Specialist Prosecutor's Office

On 24 April 2020, the Kosovo Specialist Chambers and Specialist Prosecutor's Office located in The Hague filed a ten-count Indictment for the Court’s consideration, charging Hashim Thaçi, Kadri Veseli and others for crimes against humanity and war crimes, including murder, enforced disappearance of persons, persecution, and torture.[36] [37] [38] The indictment charges the suspects with approximately 100 murders of Kosovo Albanians, Serbs, Roma, and political opponents. According to the press release, the Specialist Prosecutor stated that it was necessary to make the issue public due to repeated efforts by Thaçi and Veseli to obstruct and undermine the work of the Kosovo Specialist Chambers.

Prime Minister of Kosovo

Victory in 2007 election and declaration of Kosovar independence

Kosovo elections were held on 17 November 2007. After early results based on 90 percent of the votes, Hashim Thaçi, who was on course to gain 34 percent, claimed victory for the PDK. He stated his intention to declare independence without delay on 10 December, the date set by the United Nations for the end of negotiations with Serbia. At 45 percent, the turnout at the election was particularly low, as most Serbs refused to vote.[39]

On 19 November 2007, several EU foreign ministers warned Thaçi and his allies against proceeding with their declaration of independence without consultations. Luxembourg's Jean Asselborn and Sweden's Carl Bildt urged the PDK not to make any hasty moves, while the EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana stressed the importance of proper preparations prior to formal independence. After EU talks on Kosovo in London on 19 November 2007, the UK's Europe minister, Jim Murphy, said independence without foreign support could isolate the breakaway province.[40]

Hashim Thaçi was designated as the next leader of Kosovo's government on 11 December 2007 by the Kosovar President Fatmir Sejdiu and told to form a government "as soon as possible". His Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) began coalition talks with the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) as well as the Alliance for New Kosovo (AKR). Those parties together control 75 seats of 120 in the assembly.[41]

On 9 January 2008, Thaçi was elected as Prime Minister by parliament, with 85 votes in favor and 22 against. On this occasion, he stated his intention to achieve independence for Kosovo in the first half of 2008.[42]

On 16 February 2008, Thaçi announced that the next day, 17 February, would be key for "implementing the will of the citizens of Kosovo", strongly implying the province would declare independence from Serbia.[43] On 17 February 2008, Kosovo declared its independence from Serbia. Thaçi became Prime Minister of the newly independent state. On 6 June 2008, a gunman broke into Thaçi's home in Pristina, while the latter was not present.[44]

Relationships and Coalition with the Democratic League of Kosovo

Position Portfolio Name Party
General AffairsLDK
First Deputy Prime Minister and MinisterHashim Thaçi PDK
Deputy Prime Minister and MinisterCulture, Youth and Sports Kujtim Shala LDK
Deputy Prime Minister No Portfolio Srpska
Minister Justice PDK
Minister Administration and Local Self-government Srpska
Minister Communities and Returns Srpska
Minister Public Administration KDTP
Minister Education, Science and Technology PDK
Minister Finances LDK
Minister Diaspora LB
Minister Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Development PDK
Minister PDK
Minister Economic Development PDK
Minister PD
Minister Internal Affairs LDK
Minister Infrastructure LDK
Minister Trade and Industry LDK
Minister Health LDK
Minister Labour and Social Welfare LDK
Minister LDK
Minister No Portfolio ADK
Minister No Portfolio Vakat

President of Kosovo

2016 presidential election

Thaçi was elected the President of Kosovo in February 2016, and took office on 7 April 2016.[45] In August 2019, Thaçi asserted that his nation would hold parliamentary elections on 6 October. The President cited that the nation is in need of a "functional and accountable government," which is capable enough to face challenges of the state and society.[46]

Foreign policy

In January 2018, Thaçi said that Kosovo would have supported U.S. President Trump's decision to relocate the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, which would have made it the only Muslim-majority nation to do so. But Thaçi told the Albanian newspaper Express that if his country was handed full membership of the global body, it would vote "all the time" with the U.S., even on the resolution motioned last month to protest Trump's decision. Thaçi met with Donald Trump on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly in September 2017 in New York, and invited Trump to visit Pristina, the capital of Kosovo. According to local media, he said their meeting was "exceptionally friendly, warm."[47]

“The Head of State thanked President Trump for his personal support for Kosovo,” his office said in a statement, calling the U.S. a "strategic partner" and saying the support of Washington was "crucial to the peace, stability and overall development of Kosovo and the region." Thaçi told Pristina-based broadcaster RTV21, "President Trump, like all other U.S. presidents, has a clear vision for Kosovo. It is unique support to our country. He said that Kosovo is a wonderful country and that we are a wonderful people."[48]

On 26 November 2019, an earthquake struck Albania. President Thaçi was part of a presidential delegation that visited the earthquake epicentre and expressed his condolences on behalf of Kosovo.[49] In 2019 he met with Trump's Special Envoy Grenell, and in February 2020 signed an agreement with Serbia's president Vučić.[50]

Resignation and arrest

On 24 April 2020, the Kosovo Specialist Chambers and Specialist Prosecutor's Office located in The Hague filed a ten-count Indictment for the Court’s consideration, charging Hashim Thaçi, Kadri Veseli and others for crimes against humanity and war crimes, including murder, enforced disappearance of persons, persecution, and torture. The indictment charges the suspects with approximately 100 murders of Kosovo Albanians, Serbs, Roma, and political opponents. Thaçi was at the time on a diplomatic visit to the United States, but returned to Kosovo on learning of the indictment.

On 5 November 2020, Thaçi announced his resignation to reporters “to protect the integrity of the presidency of Kosovo”.[51] He was arrested the same day and transferred to the Hague.[52] Thaçi was replaced by the Speaker of the Assembly of Kosovo Vjosa Osmani.[53]


Thaçi made his initial court appearance on 9 November 2020; he pleaded not guilty.[54] His three co-defendants also pleaded not guilty.[55] The trial opened in April 2023.[5]

Countries visited

List of state visits made by Hashim Thaçi as president.

CountryYearCities visitedType of visit
12016, 2017Vatican CityState visit[56] [57]
22016, 2019, 2020Tirana, Durrës, Kodër-ThumanëState visit[58] [59]
32016Rio de JaneiroRio 2016 Opening Ceremony[60]
42016AnkaraState visit[61]
52016VallettaState visit[62]
62016Panama CityState Visit
72017, 2018, 2019, 2020Washington, D.C., New York City, Des MoinesState visit,[63] [64] [65] Working visit[66] [67] [68]
82017AmmanState visit[69]
92017ViennaState visit[70]
102017ZagrebState visit[71]
112017PodgoricaState visit[72]
122017Halifax, OttawaState visit[73]
132017, 2018SofiaState visit,[74] Working visit[75]
142017, 2018, 2019ParisState visit,[76] Working visit[77]
152018DavosWorking visit[78]
162018PyeongchangPyeongchang 2018 Opening Ceremony[79]
172018, 2019SkopjeState visit[80]
Inauguration of Stevo Pendarovski
182018YerevanFrancophonie Summit[81]
192018, 2019MinskWorking visit[82] [83]
202019, 2020Munich, BerlinWorking visit[84] [85]
212019BratislavaGlobsec Forum[86]
222019Tokyo, OsakaState visit[87] [88]
232019Monte CarloWorking visit[89]

Honors and awards

On 20 June 2008 received a copy of the key of the city of Tirana on the occasion of his state visit to Albania.[90]

On 1 July 2012, Thaçi received a Doctor Honoris Causa degree as a Doctor of International Relations from the Geneva School of Diplomacy in a ceremony held in that city. Previous recipients of this award include Martin Gray, a Holocaust survivor and writer; Adolf Ogi, the former president of Switzerland; and José Ramos-Horta, President of East Timor and a Nobel Peace Prize winner.[92]

In 2014, Albanian and Serbian Caucuses of US Congress nominated President Thaçi and Serbian FM Ivica Dačić for the Nobel Peace Prize, for their role in achieving the Serbia-Kosovo peace deal.[93]

On 4 April 2015, on Ulcinj Day, Thaçi received the title of Honorary Citizen of Ulcinj by the town's municipal government.[94]


Further reading

External links


Notes and References

  1. News: Kosovo President Thaci Resigns to Face War Crimes Charges . 5 November 2020 . Balkan Insight . 5 November 2020.
  2. Web site: LAJMI I FUNDIT: Hashim Thaçi jep dorëheqje nga posti i presidentit . Klan Kosova. 5 November 2020.
  3. Web site: Kosovo President Thaci faces war crimes indictment. BBC. 24 June 2020.
  4. https://apnews.com/article/hashim-thaci-kosovo-face-war-crimes-3cbaf9f0f41a2bc491a832e5df3813cb Kosovo's president resigns to face war crimes charges
  5. News: 2023-04-03 . Kosovo ex-president Hashim Thaci pleads not guilty to war crimes . en-GB . 2023-12-12.
  7. Web site: Dosije Hašima Tačija. 23 December 2010. Pecat.
  8. Book: Elsie, Robert . The Tribes of Albania: History, Society and Culture . 2015-04-24 . Bloomsbury Publishing . 978-0-85773-932-2 . en.
  9. Web site: A e ka kryer fakultetin në Zvicër Hashim Thaçi? . 28 February 2016 .
  10. Web site: Thaçi nuk është themeluesi i UÇK dhe nuk ka diplomë nga Universiteti i Zyrihut . 4 April 2016 . 2 October 2020 . https://web.archive.org/web/20201002085731/http://www.gazetadita.al/thaci-nuk-eshte-themeluesi-i-uck-dhe-nuk-ka-diplome-nga-universiteti-i-zyrihut// . dead .
  11. Book: Kort, Michael . The Handbook of the New Eastern Europe . 2001-01-01 . Twenty-First Century Books . 978-0-7613-1362-5 . en. As a young man Thaci belonged to a group committed to overthrowing Yugoslavia's government that was financed and backed by Enver Hoxha.
  12. News: BG odgovorio Tačiju: Bićeš uhapšen. 20 April 2015. B92. sr.
  13. News: Ethnic Albanian Guerrillas Will Attend Talks on Kosovo. The New York Times. Carlotta. Gall. 3 February 1999. 4 May 2010.
  14. News: Crisis in the Balkans: The Guerrillas; Kosovo Rebel Force Will Be Serbian Province's New Power Broker. The New York Times. Chris. Hedges. 6 June 1999. 4 May 2010.
  15. News: Crisis in the Balkans: The Separatists; Leaders of Kosovo Rebels Tied to Deadly Power Play. The New York Times. Chris. Hedges. 25 June 1999. 4 May 2010.
  16. Book: Dipak Basu. Victoria Miroshnik. Structural Revolution in International Business Architecture: Political Economy. 2 December 2015. Palgrave Macmillan. 978-1-137-53578-8. 109–.
  17. Book: David L. Phillips. Nicholas Burns. Liberating Kosovo: Coercive Diplomacy and U. S. Intervention. 20 July 2012. MIT Press. 978-0-262-30512-9. 211–212.
  18. Book: Michael J. Boyle. Violence after War: Explaining Instability in Post-Conflict States. 24 March 2014. JHU Press. 978-1-4214-1258-0. 42–.
  19. Book: Jan Koehler. Christoph Zurcher. Potentials of Disorder: Explaining Conflict and Stability in the Caucasus and in the Former Yugoslavia. 6 September 2003. Manchester University Press. 978-0-7190-6241-4. 69–.
  20. "KLA finances fight with heroin sales - Terror group is linked to crime network"; Jerry Seper. Washington Times, Washington, D.C.: 3 May 1999. pg. A.1
  21. Book: Henry H. Perritt. Kosovo Liberation Army: The Inside Story of an Insurgency. 2010. University of Illinois Press. 13/88–93.
  22. News: Kosovo gripped by racketeers. BBC News. 5 April 2000. 4 May 2010.
  23. http://www.csmonitor.com/2000/0815/p9s1.html "Political violence in run-up to Kosovo vote"
  24. News: Analysis: Kosovo chooses normality. BBC News. 30 October 2000. 4 May 2010.
  25. https://www.welt.de/english-news/article2806537/German-spy-affair-might-have-been-revenge.html "German spy affair might have been revenge"
  26. Web site: Le Figaro: Kouchner might testify against Thaci. Gazetaexpress.. 7 April 2016.
  27. Web site: A peine élu, le président du Kosovo risque d'être inculpé. Le Figaro. 8 March 2016. 7 April 2016.
  28. https://www.sfgate.com/crime/article/KLA-Linked-To-Enormous-Heroin-Trade-Police-2932516.php "KLA Linked To Enormous Heroin Trade / Police suspect drugs helped finance revolt"
  29. News: Kosovo PM is head of human organ and arms ring, Council of Europe reports. Paul Lewis. The Guardian. 14 December 2010. London, UK.
  30. [Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty]
  31. [B92]
  32. Kosova Info: Thaçi ka dosje të bashkëpunëtorëve të Martyt (Thaçi has record of Marty's collaborators)
  33. Info Albania: Thaci ka dosje te bashkepunetoreve te Martyt
  34. News: BBC comments on the draft report. BBC. 14 December 2010.
  35. News: Dick Marty Clarifies Organ Harvesting Allegations. Collaku. Petrit. 19 January 2011. Balkan Insight. 19 January 2011.
  36. Web site: Kosovo Specialist Chambers and Specialist Prosecutor's Office: Press statement. 24 June 2020. Kosovo Specialist Chambers and Specialist Prosecutor's Office. 24 June 2020.
  37. Web site: Kosovo Specialist Prosecutor Charges Thaci with War Crimes. 24 June 2020. Balkan Insight. 24 June 2020.
  38. Web site: 24 June 2020. Kosovo's president Hashim Thaci 'indicted for war crimes '. 24 June 2020. euronews. en.
  39. News: Low turnout hits Kosovo election. https://archive.today/20120801114300/http://www.euronews.net/2007/11/18/low-turnout-hits-kosovo-election. dead. 1 August 2012. 18 November 2007. euronews. 17 September 2009.
  40. News: EU warns Kosovo on independence. 19 November 2007. BBC News. 17 September 2009. 21 August 2018. https://web.archive.org/web/20180821121825/http://newsvote.bbc.co.uk/mpapps/pagetools/print/news.bbc.co.uk/2/low/europe/7101366.stm. dead.
  41. News: Thaci designated to head Kosovo government. https://archive.today/20120904051502/http://www.monstersandcritics.com/news/europe/news/printer_1380249.php. dead. 4 September 2012. Deutsche Presse-Agentur. Monsters and Critics. 11 December 2007. 14 July 2015.
  42. News: Ex-rebel becomes Kosovo's prime minister. 9 January 2008. Associated Press. NBC News. 17 September 2009.
  43. News: Kosovo MPs proclaim independence. 17 February 2008. BBC News. 17 September 2009.
  44. News: Armed attack at Kosovo PM's home. 7 June 2008. BBC News. 17 September 2009. 26 May 2012. https://archive.today/20120526211813/http://newsvote.bbc.co.uk/mpapps/pagetools/print/news.bbc.co.uk/2/low/europe/7441584.stm. dead.
  45. Web site: Kosovo's Hashim Thaci: From guerrilla leader to president . Delauney . Guy . . 8 April 2016 . 25 June 2020 .
  46. Web site: Kosovo set for October election. 27 August 2019. 27 August 2019. Emerging Europe.
  47. https://www.timesofisrael.com/kosovo-says-it-wouldve-voted-with-us-at-un-on-jerusalem-recognition/ Kosovo says it would’ve voted with US at UN on Jerusalem recognition
  48. https://www.jta.org/2018/01/05/news-opinion/united-states/kosovo-president-wed-have-voted-with-us-on-jerusalem-at-united-nations Kosovo president: We’d have voted with US on Jerusalem at United Nations
  49. News: Mortimer. Caroline. Kosovan president caught up in aftershock when visiting Albanian earthquake victims. Euronews. 28 November 2019. 29 November 2019.
  50. Web site: Thaçi welcomes Grenell's invitation, says Kosovo ready for agreement with Serbia | Albanian Telegraphic Agency .
  51. Web site: 5 November 2020 . Kosovo president resigns to face war crimes charges . . en.
  52. News: Trump and Thaci: A Tale of Two Ex-Presidents and Their Shared Prosecutor. Balkan Insight. Dean. Pineles. 8 January 2024.
  53. Web site: 2021-04-04 . Kosovo parliament elects reformist lawyer Osmani as president . . en-US.
  54. Web site: Initial Appearance of Hashim Thaci. Kosovo Specialist Chambers and Special Prosecutor's Office. 9 November 2020.
  55. Web site: Case Information Sheet: Specialist Prosecutor v. Hashim Thaçi, Kadri Veseli, Rexhep Selimi and Jakup Krasniqi (Case No. KSC-BC-2020-06). Kosovo Specialist Chambers and Special Prosecutor's Office. 14 January 2024. 2 June 2023. https://web.archive.org/web/20230602041621/https://www.scp-ks.org/sites/default/files/public/cis_thaci_et_al-en.pdf. dead.
  56. News: The Holy Father receives President Thaçi; Kosovo a country of tolerance between peoples. Thaçi. President of the Republic of Kosovo - Hashim. President of the Republic of Kosovo - Hashim Thaçi. 22 March 2017.
  57. News: Pope Francis received in a private audience President Thaçi . Thaçi. President of the Republic of Kosovo - Hashim. President of the Republic of Kosovo - Hashim Thaçi. 28 September 2017.
  58. News: President Thaçi official visit to Albania. Thaçi. President of the Republic of Kosovo - Hashim. President of the Republic of Kosovo - Hashim Thaçi. 22 March 2017.
  59. News: Presidenti Thaçi niset për Durrës, solidarizohet me familjet e viktimave të tërmetit . Thaçi. President of the Republic of Kosovo - Hashim. President of the Republic of Kosovo - Hashim Thaçi. 27 November 2019.
  60. News: President Thaçi in Rio: A historic moment for Kosovo. Thaçi. President of the Republic of Kosovo - Hashim. President of the Republic of Kosovo - Hashim Thaçi. 5 August 2016.
  61. Web site: Thaci Firms up Kosovo's Alliance With Turkey. BalkanInsight. 30 December 2016. 31 December 2016. .
  62. News: President Thaçi is received with high honors in Malta. Thaçi. President of the Republic of Kosovo - Hashim. President of the Republic of Kosovo - Hashim Thaçi. 22 March 2017.
  63. Web site: Koha Ditore. Thaçi mbërrin në SHBA në një vizitë zyrtare disaditore. 7 January 2017. Koha Ditore. .
  64. News: President Thaçi at the United Nations General Assembly . Thaçi. President of the Republic of Kosovo - Hashim. President of the Republic of Kosovo - Hashim Thaçi. 18 September 2017.
  65. News: US Vice President, Michael Pence, received President Thaçi in a meeting . Thaçi. President of the Republic of Kosovo - Hashim. President of the Republic of Kosovo - Hashim Thaçi. 29 September 2017.
  66. News: President Thaçi traveled to the USA . Thaçi. President of the Republic of Kosovo - Hashim. President of the Republic of Kosovo - Hashim Thaçi. 7 February 2018.
  67. News: Presidenti Thaçi gjatë qëndrimit në Washington viziton mikun e Kosovës Bob Dole. Thaçi. President of the Republic of Kosovo - Hashim. President of the Republic of Kosovo - Hashim Thaçi. 23 March 2018.
  68. News: President Thaçi travels to USA, attends President Trump's reception . Thaçi. President of the Republic of Kosovo - Hashim. President of the Republic of Kosovo - Hashim Thaçi. 20 September 2019.
  69. News: President Thaçi travelled to Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. Thaçi. President of the Republic of Kosovo - Hashim. President of the Republic of Kosovo - Hashim Thaçi. 20 May 2017.
  70. News: President Thaçi travelled for an official visit to Austria. Thaçi. President of the Republic of Kosovo - Hashim. President of the Republic of Kosovo - Hashim Thaçi. 21 May 2017.
  71. News: President Thaçi travelled for an official visit to Croatia. Thaçi. President of the Republic of Kosovo - Hashim. President of the Republic of Kosovo - Hashim Thaçi. 31 May 2017.
  72. News: President Thaçi travelled to Podgorica . Thaçi. President of the Republic of Kosovo - Hashim. President of the Republic of Kosovo - Hashim Thaçi. 1 August 2017.
  73. News: President Thaçi has traveled to Canada, participant at the International Security Forum in Halifax. Thaçi. President of the Republic of Kosovo - Hashim. President of the Republic of Kosovo - Hashim Thaçi. 16 November 2017.
  74. News: President Thaçi participates at the meeting of Western Balkan leaders in Bulgaria. Thaçi. President of the Republic of Kosovo - Hashim. President of the Republic of Kosovo - Hashim Thaçi. 6 December 2017.
  75. News: Presidenti Thaçi në Bullgari, pritet nga kryeministri Borisov. Thaçi. President of the Republic of Kosovo - Hashim. President of the Republic of Kosovo - Hashim Thaçi. 1 March 2018.
  76. News: President Thaçi has traveled to France, participant at the Conference of Paris. Thaçi. President of the Republic of Kosovo - Hashim. President of the Republic of Kosovo - Hashim Thaçi. 8 December 2017.
  77. News: Thaçi takon presidentin francez: Kosova i është mirënjohëse Francës për ndihmën ndaj Kosovës. Thaçi. President of the Republic of Kosovo - Hashim. President of the Republic of Kosovo - Hashim Thaçi. 14 March 2018.
  78. News: Presidenti Thaçi panelist në Forumin Ekonomik Botëror në Davos të Zvicrës. Thaçi. President of the Republic of Kosovo - Hashim. President of the Republic of Kosovo - Hashim Thaçi. 23 January 2018.
  79. News: President Thaçi attends the opening of the Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang. Thaçi. President of the Republic of Kosovo - Hashim. President of the Republic of Kosovo - Hashim Thaçi. 9 February 2018.
  80. News: President Thaçi visits Macedonia, meets with institutional and political leaders. Thaçi. President of the Republic of Kosovo - Hashim. President of the Republic of Kosovo - Hashim Thaçi. 12 September 2018.
  81. News: President Thaçi attended the opening of the 17th Francophonie Summit. Thaçi. President of the Republic of Kosovo - Hashim. President of the Republic of Kosovo - Hashim Thaçi. 12 October 2018.
  82. News: President Thaçi in Belarus: Agreement for mutual recognition and peace in Balkans. Thaçi. President of the Republic of Kosovo - Hashim. President of the Republic of Kosovo - Hashim Thaçi. 31 October 2018.
  83. News: President Thaçi attends the opening of the Minsk 2019 European Olympic Games. Thaçi. President of the Republic of Kosovo - Hashim. President of the Republic of Kosovo - Hashim Thaçi. 21 June 2019.
  84. News: Presidenti Thaçi panelist në Konferencën e Sigurisë në Munih. Thaçi. President of the Republic of Kosovo - Hashim. President of the Republic of Kosovo - Hashim Thaçi. 15 February 2019.
  85. News: President Thaçi travelled to Berlin. Thaçi. President of the Republic of Kosovo - Hashim. President of the Republic of Kosovo - Hashim Thaçi. 4 December 2019.
  86. News: President Thaçi travels to Slovakia tomorrow, participates in the Bratislava Forum. Thaçi. President of the Republic of Kosovo - Hashim. President of the Republic of Kosovo - Hashim Thaçi. 5 June 2019.
  87. News: President Thaçi travels to Japan on a state visit on Sunday, where he will expected by the Emperor and Prime Minister Abe. Thaçi. President of the Republic of Kosovo - Hashim. President of the Republic of Kosovo - Hashim Thaçi. 6 September 2019.
  88. News: President Thaçi attends the solemn dinner hosted by the Prime Minister of Japan. Thaçi. President of the Republic of Kosovo - Hashim. President of the Republic of Kosovo - Hashim Thaçi. 24 October 2019.
  89. News: President Thaçi in Monaco: Kosovo excelled in sports thanks to the support of its allies. Thaçi. President of the Republic of Kosovo - Hashim. President of the Republic of Kosovo - Hashim Thaçi. 13 December 2019.
  90. http://www.tirana.gov.al/Celesi_qytetit/raifaizen-rama-041.jpg Thaçi receives copy of the key of the City of Tirana
  91. http://www.bashkiavlore.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=405&Itemid=151 Thaçi becomes honorary citizen of Vlora
  92. http://www.kryeministri-ks.net/?page=2,9,2966 Profile
  93. Web site: Thaçi, Daçiç, Ashton emërohen për çmimin Nobel.
  94. http://mne.ul-info.com/svecana-sjednica-so-ulcinj-rama-i-taci-pocasni-gradjani/#prettyPhoto Thaçi receives title of Honorary Citizen of Ulcinj