Happy with Either explained

Happy with Either
Date Of Premiere:22 April 1948
Original Language:English
Place:St James's Theatre, London

Happy with Either is a 1948 comedy play by the British writer Margaret Kennedy.[1] Best known as a novelist, it was her last play.[2] It ran for 35 performances at St James's Theatre in London's West End between 22 April and 22 May 1948. The original cast included Cyril Raymond, Wilfrid Hyde-White, Adrienne Corri, Valerie Taylor, Angela Baddeley and Constance Cummings. It was produced by Basil Dean. The plot revolves around a bigamist who is allowed back into the lives of his two wives because they miss him.[3]


Notes and References

  1. Gale p.230
  2. Vinson p.404
  3. Wearing p.365