List of Hangul jamo explained

This is the list of Hangul jamo (Korean alphabet letters which represent consonants and vowels in Korean) including obsolete ones. This list contains Unicode code points.

In the lists below,

The Hangul compatibility jamo characters (U+3130U+318F) are encoded in Unicode for compatibility with the earlier South Korean national standard KS X 1001 (formerly KS C 5601). Compatibility and halfwidth (U+FFA0U+FFDC) characters are not composable into syllabic squares (because of the ambiguity for delimiting syllables when using them), but they may be used in legacy applications which cannot support or render the full Hangul syllable set such as low-cost terminals or old printers: these compatibility characters may exist either in fullwidth variant, or in halfwidth variants (mostly used in terminals with low resolution).

Unicode also defines a large subset of precomposed Hangul syllables (U+AC00U+D7AF) made of two or three jamo characters for use in modern Korean (their canonical decomposition mappings are not found in the UCD, but are specified with an arithmetic algorithm only in The Unicode Standard, Chapter 3 Conformance) and are decomposable into equivalent sequences of two jamo characters (one in each of the first two subranges above) or three jamo characters (one in each of the three subranges above). Their initial encoding in Unicode 1.0 was different (and not compatible with later versions of Unicode) and were based on the compatibility jamo characters (ignoring the distinction between leading and trailing consonants, making the automatic composition of Hangul square sometimes ambiguous or wrong).


Hangul CompatibilityHangul Jamo AreaHanyang Private UseHalfwidth
Korean: [[ㄱ]] U+3131Korean: [[ᄀ]] {{Background|yellow|U+1100}}Korean: [[ᆨ]] {{Background|yellow|U+11A8}}U+F785U+F86BKorean: [[ᄀ]] U+FFA1
Korean: [[ㄲ]] U+3132Korean: [[ᄁ]] {{Background|yellow|U+1101}}Korean: [[ᆩ]] {{Background|yellow|U+11A9}}U+F786U+F86CKorean: [[ᄁ]] U+FFA2
Korean: [[ᇺ]] {{Color|orange|U+11FA}}U+F86D
Korean: [[ᅚ]] {{Color|orange|U+115A}}U+F787
Korean: [[ᇃ]] U+11C3U+F86E
Korean: [[ᇻ]] {{Color|orange|U+11FB}}U+F86F
Korean: [[ㄳ]] U+3133Korean: [[ᆪ]] {{Background|yellow|U+11AA}}U+F870Korean: [[ᆪ]] U+FFA3
Korean: [[ᇄ]] U+11C4U+F871
Korean: [[ᇼ]] {{Color|orange|U+11FC}}U+F872
Korean: [[ᇽ]] {{Color|orange|U+11FD}}U+F873
Korean: [[ᇾ]] {{Color|orange|U+11FE}}U+F874
Korean: [[ㄴ]] U+3134Korean: [[ᄂ]] {{Background|yellow|U+1102}}Korean: [[ᆫ]] {{Background|yellow|U+11AB}}U+F788U+F875Korean: [[ᄂ]] U+FFA4
Korean: [[ᄓ]] U+1113Korean: [[ᇅ]] U+11C5U+F789U+F876
Korean: [[ㅥ]] U+3165Korean: [[ᄔ]] U+1114Korean: [[ᇿ]] {{Color|orange|U+11FF}}U+F78AU+F877
Korean: [[ㅦ]] U+3166Korean: [[ᄕ]] U+1115Korean: [[ᇆ]] U+11C6U+F78BU+F878
Korean: [[ퟋ]] {{Color|orange|U+D7CB}}U+F879
Korean: [[ᄖ]] U+1116U+F78C
Korean: [[ㅧ]] U+3167Korean: [[ᅛ]] {{Color|orange|U+115B}}Korean: [[ᇇ]] U+11C7U+F78DU+F87A
Korean: [[ㅨ]] U+3168Korean: [[ᇈ]] U+11C8U+F87B
Korean: [[ㄵ]] U+3135Korean: [[ᅜ]] {{Color|orange|U+115C}}Korean: [[ᆬ]] {{Background|yellow|U+11AC}}U+F78EU+F87CKorean: [[ᆬ]] U+FFA5
Korean: [[ퟌ]] {{Color|orange|U+D7CC}}U+F87D
Korean: [[ᇉ]] U+11C9U+F87E
Korean: [[ㄶ]] U+3136Korean: [[ᅝ]] {{Color|orange|U+115D}}Korean: [[ᆭ]] {{Background|yellow|U+11AD}}U+F78FU+F87FKorean: [[ᆭ]] U+FFA6
Korean: [[ㄷ]] U+3137Korean: [[ᄃ]] {{Background|yellow|U+1103}}Korean: [[ᆮ]] {{Background|yellow|U+11AE}}U+F790U+F880Korean: [[ᄃ]] U+FFA7
Korean: [[ᄗ]] U+1117Korean: [[ᇊ]] U+11CAU+F791U+F881
Korean: [[ㄸ]] U+3138Korean: [[ᄄ]] {{Background|yellow|U+1104}}Korean: [[ퟍ]] {{Color|orange|U+D7CD}}U+F792U+F882Korean: [[ᄄ]] U+FFA8
Korean: [[ퟎ]] {{Color|orange|U+D7CE}}U+F883
Korean: [[ᅞ]] {{Color|orange|U+115E}}Korean: [[ᇋ]] U+11CBU+F793U+F884
Korean: [[ꥠ]] {{Color|orange|U+A960}}U+F794
Korean: [[ꥡ]] {{Color|orange|U+A961}}Korean: [[ퟏ]] {{Color|orange|U+D7CF}}U+F795U+F885
Korean: [[ꥢ]] {{Color|orange|U+A962}}Korean: [[ퟐ]] {{Color|orange|U+D7D0}}U+F796U+F886
Korean: [[ퟑ]] {{Color|orange|U+D7D1}}U+F887
Korean: [[ꥣ]] {{Color|orange|U+A963}}Korean: [[ퟒ]] {{Color|orange|U+D7D2}}U+F797U+F888
Korean: [[ퟓ]] {{Color|orange|U+D7D3}}U+F889
Korean: [[ퟔ]] {{Color|orange|U+D7D4}}U+F88A
Korean: [[ㄹ]] U+3139Korean: [[ᄅ]] {{Background|yellow|U+1105}}Korean: [[ᆯ]] {{Background|yellow|U+11AF}}U+F798U+F88BKorean: [[ᄅ]] U+FFA9
Korean: [[ㄺ]] U+313AKorean: [[ꥤ]] {{Color|orange|U+A964}}Korean: [[ᆰ]] {{Background|yellow|U+11B0}}U+F799U+F88CKorean: [[ᆰ]] U+FFAA
Korean: [[ꥥ]] {{Color|orange|U+A965}}Korean: [[ퟕ]] {{Color|orange|U+D7D5}}U+F79AU+F88D
Korean: [[ㅩ]] U+3169Korean: [[ᇌ]] U+11CCU+F88E
Korean: [[ퟖ]] {{Color|orange|U+D7D6}}U+F88F
Korean: [[ᄘ]] U+1118Korean: [[ᇍ]] U+11CDU+F79BU+F890
Korean: [[ㅪ]] U+316AKorean: [[ꥦ]] {{Color|orange|U+A966}}Korean: [[ᇎ]] U+11CEU+F79CU+F891
Korean: [[ꥧ]] {{Color|orange|U+A967}}U+F79D
Korean: [[ᇏ]] U+11CFU+F892
Korean: [[ᄙ]] U+1119Korean: [[ᇐ]] U+11D0U+F79EU+F893
Korean: [[ퟗ]] {{Color|orange|U+D7D7}}U+F894
Korean: [[ㄻ]] U+313BKorean: [[ꥨ]] {{Color|orange|U+A968}}Korean: [[ᆱ]] {{Background|yellow|U+11B1}}U+F79FU+F895Korean: [[ᆱ]] U+FFAB
Korean: [[ᇑ]] U+11D1U+F896
Korean: [[ᇒ]] U+11D2U+F897
Korean: [[ퟘ]] {{Color|orange|U+D7D8}}U+F898
Korean: [[ㄼ]] U+313CKorean: [[ꥩ]] {{Color|orange|U+A969}}Korean: [[ᆲ]] {{Background|yellow|U+11B2}}U+F7A0U+F899Korean: [[ᆲ]] U+FFAC
Korean: [[ퟙ]] {{Color|orange|U+D7D9}}U+F89A
Korean: [[ꥪ]] {{Color|orange|U+A96A}}U+F7A1
Korean: [[ㅫ]] U+316BKorean: [[ᇓ]] U+11D3U+F89B
Korean: [[ퟚ]] {{Color|orange|U+D7DA}}U+F89C
Korean: [[ᇔ]] U+11D4U+F89D
Korean: [[ꥫ]] {{Color|orange|U+A96B}}Korean: [[ᇕ]] U+11D5U+F7A2U+F89E
Korean: [[ㄽ]] U+313DKorean: [[ꥬ]] {{Color|orange|U+A96C}}Korean: [[ᆳ]] {{Background|yellow|U+11B3}}U+F7A3U+F89FKorean: [[ᆳ]] U+FFAD
Korean: [[ᇖ]] U+11D6U+F8A0
Korean: [[ㅬ]] U+316CKorean: [[ᇗ]] U+11D7U+F8A1
Korean: [[ퟛ]] {{Color|orange|U+D7DB}}U+F8A2
Korean: [[ꥭ]] {{Color|orange|U+A96D}}U+F7A4
Korean: [[ꥮ]] {{Color|orange|U+A96E}}Korean: [[ᇘ]] U+11D8U+F7A5U+F8A3
Korean: [[ㄾ]] U+313EKorean: [[ᆴ]] {{Background|yellow|U+11B4}}U+F8A4Korean: [[ᆴ]] U+FFAE
Korean: [[ㄿ]] U+313FKorean: [[ᆵ]] {{Background|yellow|U+11B5}}U+F8A5Korean: [[ᆵ]] U+FFAF
Korean: [[ㅀ]] U+3140Korean: [[ᄚ]] U+111AKorean: [[ᆶ]] {{Background|yellow|U+11B6}}U+F7A6U+F8A6Korean: [[ᄚ]] U+FFB0
Korean: [[ㅭ]] U+316DKorean: [[ᇙ]] U+11D9U+F8A7
Korean: [[ퟜ]] {{Color|orange|U+D7DC}}U+F8A8
Korean: [[ᄛ]] U+111BKorean: [[ퟝ]] {{Color|orange|U+D7DD}}U+F7A7U+F8A9
Korean: [[ㅁ]] U+3141Korean: [[ᄆ]] {{Background|yellow|U+1106}}Korean: [[ᆷ]] {{Background|yellow|U+11B7}}U+F7A8U+F8AAKorean: [[ᄆ]] U+FFB1
Korean: [[ꥯ]] {{Color|orange|U+A96F}}Korean: [[ᇚ]] U+11DAU+F7A9U+F8AB
Korean: [[ퟞ]] {{Color|orange|U+D7DE}}U+F8AC
Korean: [[ퟟ]] {{Color|orange|U+D7DF}}U+F8AD
Korean: [[ꥰ]] {{Color|orange|U+A970}}U+F7AA
Korean: [[ᇛ]] U+11DBU+F8AE
Korean: [[ퟠ]] {{Color|orange|U+D7E0}}U+F8AF
Korean: [[ㅮ]] U+316EKorean: [[ᄜ]] U+111CKorean: [[ᇜ]] U+11DCU+F7ABU+F8B0
Korean: [[ퟡ]] {{Color|orange|U+D7E1}}U+F8B1
Korean: [[ㅯ]] U+316FKorean: [[ꥱ]] {{Color|orange|U+A971}}Korean: [[ᇝ]] U+11DDU+F7ACU+F8B2
Korean: [[ᇞ]] U+11DEU+F8B3
Korean: [[ㅰ]] U+3170Korean: [[ᇟ]] U+11DFU+F8B4
Korean: [[ퟢ]] {{Color|orange|U+D7E2}}U+F8B5
Korean: [[ᇠ]] U+11E0U+F8B6
Korean: [[ᇡ]] U+11E1U+F8B7
Korean: [[ㅱ]] U+3171Korean: [[ᄝ]] U+111DKorean: [[ᇢ]] U+11E2U+F7ADU+F8B8
Korean: [[ㅂ]] U+3142Korean: [[ᄇ]] {{Background|yellow|U+1107}}Korean: [[ᆸ]] {{Background|yellow|U+11B8}}U+F7AEU+F8B9Korean: [[ᄇ]] U+FFB2
Korean: [[ㅲ]] U+3172Korean: [[ᄞ]] U+111EU+F7AF
Korean: [[ᄟ]] U+111FU+F7B0
Korean: [[ㅳ]] U+3173Korean: [[ᄠ]] U+1120Korean: [[ퟣ]] {{Color|orange|U+D7E3}}U+F7B1U+F8BA
Korean: [[ᇣ]] U+11E3U+F8BB
Korean: [[ퟤ]] {{Color|orange|U+D7E4}}U+F8BC
Korean: [[ퟥ]] {{Color|orange|U+D7E5}}U+F8BD
Korean: [[ㅃ]] U+3143Korean: [[ᄈ]] {{Background|yellow|U+1108}}Korean: [[ퟦ]] {{Color|orange|U+D7E6}}U+F7B2U+F8BEKorean: [[ᄈ]] U+FFB3
Korean: [[ㅄ]] U+3144Korean: [[ᄡ]] U+1121Korean: [[ᆹ]] {{Background|yellow|U+11B9}}U+F7B3U+F8BFKorean: [[ᄡ]] U+FFB4
Korean: [[ㅴ]] U+3174Korean: [[ᄢ]] U+1122U+F7B4
Korean: [[ㅵ]] U+3175Korean: [[ᄣ]] U+1123Korean: [[ퟧ]] {{Color|orange|U+D7E7}}U+F7B5U+F8C0
Korean: [[ᄤ]] U+1124U+F7B6
Korean: [[ᄥ]] U+1125U+F7B7
Korean: [[ᄦ]] U+1126U+F7B8
Korean: [[ꥲ]] {{Color|orange|U+A972}}U+F7B9
Korean: [[ㅶ]] U+3176Korean: [[ᄧ]] U+1127Korean: [[ퟨ]] {{Color|orange|U+D7E8}}U+F7BAU+F8C1
Korean: [[ᄨ]] U+1128Korean: [[ퟩ]] {{Color|orange|U+D7E9}}U+F7BBU+F8C2
Korean: [[ꥳ]] {{Color|orange|U+A973}}U+F7BC
Korean: [[ㅷ]] U+3177Korean: [[ᄩ]] U+1129U+F7BD
Korean: [[ᄪ]] U+112AKorean: [[ᇤ]] U+11E4U+F7BEU+F8C3
Korean: [[ꥴ]] {{Color|orange|U+A974}}Korean: [[ᇥ]] U+11E5U+F7BFU+F8C4
Korean: [[ㅸ]] U+3178Korean: [[ᄫ]] U+112BKorean: [[ᇦ]] U+11E6U+F7C0U+F8C5
Korean: [[ㅹ]] U+3179Korean: [[ᄬ]] U+112CU+F7C1
Korean: [[ㅅ]] U+3145Korean: [[ᄉ]] {{Background|yellow|U+1109}}Korean: [[ᆺ]] {{Background|yellow|U+11BA}}U+F7C2U+F8C6Korean: [[ᄉ]] U+FFB5
Korean: [[ㅺ]] U+317AKorean: [[ᄭ]] U+112DKorean: [[ᇧ]] U+11E7U+F7C3U+F8C7
Korean: [[ㅻ]] U+317BKorean: [[ᄮ]] U+112EU+F7C4
Korean: [[ㅼ]] U+317CKorean: [[ᄯ]] U+112FKorean: [[ᇨ]] U+11E8U+F7C5U+F8C8
Korean: [[ᄰ]] U+1130Korean: [[ᇩ]] U+11E9U+F7C6U+F8C9
Korean: [[ᄱ]] U+1131Korean: [[ퟪ]] {{Color|orange|U+D7EA}}U+F7C7U+F8CA
Korean: [[ㅽ]] U+317DKorean: [[ᄲ]] U+1132Korean: [[ᇪ]] U+11EAU+F7C8U+F8CB
Korean: [[ᄳ]] U+1133U+F7C9
Korean: [[ퟫ]] {{Color|orange|U+D7EB}}U+F8CC
Korean: [[ㅆ]] U+3146Korean: [[ᄊ]] {{Background|yellow|U+110A}}Korean: [[ᆻ]] {{Background|yellow|U+11BB}}U+F7CAU+F8CDKorean: [[ᄊ]] U+FFB6
Korean: [[ퟬ]] {{Color|orange|U+D7EC}}U+F8CE
Korean: [[ퟭ]] {{Color|orange|U+D7ED}}U+F8CF
Korean: [[ꥵ]] {{Color|orange|U+A975}}U+F7CB
Korean: [[ᄴ]] U+1134U+F7CC
Korean: [[ퟮ]] {{Color|orange|U+D7EE}}U+F8D0
Korean: [[ᄵ]] U+1135U+F7CD
Korean: [[ㅾ]] U+317EKorean: [[ᄶ]] U+1136Korean: [[ퟯ]] {{Color|orange|U+D7EF}}U+F7CEU+F8D1
Korean: [[ᄷ]] U+1137Korean: [[ퟰ]] {{Color|orange|U+D7F0}}U+F7CFU+F8D2
Korean: [[ᄸ]] U+1138U+F7D0
Korean: [[ᄹ]] U+1139Korean: [[ퟱ]] {{Color|orange|U+D7F1}}U+F7D1U+F8D3
Korean: [[ᄺ]] U+113AU+F7D2
Korean: [[ᄻ]] U+113BKorean: [[ퟲ]] {{Color|orange|U+D7F2}}U+F7D3U+F8D4
Korean: [[ᄼ]] U+113CU+F7D4
Korean: [[ᄽ]] U+113DU+F7D5
Korean: [[ᄾ]] U+113EU+F7D6
Korean: [[ᄿ]] U+113FU+F7D7
Korean: [[ㅿ]] U+317FKorean: [[ᅀ]] U+1140Korean: [[ᇫ]] U+11EBU+F7D8U+F8D5
Korean: [[ퟳ]] {{Color|orange|U+D7F3}}U+F8D6
Korean: [[ퟴ]] {{Color|orange|U+D7F4}}U+F8D7
Korean: [[ㅇ]] U+3147Korean: [[ᄋ]] {{Background|yellow|U+110B}}Korean: [[ᆼ]] {{Background|yellow|U+11BC}}U+F7D9U+F8D8Korean: [[ᄋ]] U+FFB7
Korean: [[ᅁ]] U+1141U+F7DAU+F8D9
Korean: [[ᅂ]] U+1142U+F7DB
Korean: [[ꥶ]] {{Color|orange|U+A976}}U+F7DC
Korean: [[ᅃ]] U+1143U+F7DD
Korean: [[ᅄ]] U+1144U+F7DE
Korean: [[ᅅ]] U+1145U+F7DFU+F8DC
Korean: [[ᅆ]] U+1146U+F7E0
Korean: [[ㆀ]] U+3180Korean: [[ᅇ]] U+1147U+F7E1
Korean: [[ᅈ]] U+1148U+F7E2
Korean: [[ᅉ]] U+1149U+F7E3
Korean: [[ᅊ]] U+114AU+F7E4
Korean: [[ᅋ]] U+114BU+F7E5
Korean: [[ꥷ]] {{Color|orange|U+A977}}U+F7E6U+F8DF
Korean: [[ㆁ]] U+3181Korean: [[ᅌ]] U+114CKorean: [[ᇰ]] U+11F0U+F7E7U+F8E0
Korean: [[ᇬ]] {{Color|palevioletred|U+11EC}}U+F8E1
Korean: [[ᇭ]] {{Color|palevioletred|U+11ED}}U+F8DA
Korean: [[ퟵ]] {{Color|orange|U+D7F5}}U+F8DB
Korean: [[ㆂ]] U+3182Korean: [[ᇱ]] U+11F1U+F8E2
Korean: [[ㆃ]] U+3183Korean: [[ᇲ]] U+11F2U+F8E3
Korean: [[ᇮ]] {{Color|palevioletred|U+11EE}}U+F8DD
Korean: [[ᇯ]] {{Color|palevioletred|U+11EF}}U+F8DE,  U+F8E4
Korean: [[ퟶ]] {{Color|orange|U+D7F6}}U+F8E5
Korean: [[ㅈ]] U+3148Korean: [[ᄌ]] {{Background|yellow|U+110C}}Korean: [[ᆽ]] {{Background|yellow|U+11BD}}U+F7E8U+F8E6Korean: [[ᄌ]] U+FFB8
Korean: [[ퟷ]] {{Color|orange|U+D7F7}}U+F8E7
Korean: [[ퟸ]] {{Color|orange|U+D7F8}}U+F8E8
Korean: [[ᅍ]] U+114DU+F7E9
Korean: [[ㅉ]] U+3149Korean: [[ᄍ]] {{Background|yellow|U+110D}}Korean: [[ퟹ]] {{Color|orange|U+D7F9}}U+F7EAU+F8E9Korean: [[ᄍ]] U+FFB9
Korean: [[ꥸ]] {{Color|orange|U+A978}}U+F7EB
Korean: [[ᅎ]] U+114EU+F7EC
Korean: [[ᅏ]] U+114FU+F7ED
Korean: [[ᅐ]] U+1150U+F7EE
Korean: [[ᅑ]] U+1151U+F7EF
Korean: [[ㅊ]] U+314AKorean: [[ᄎ]] {{Background|yellow|U+110E}}Korean: [[ᆾ]] {{Background|yellow|U+11BE}}U+F7F0U+F8EAKorean: [[ᄎ]] U+FFBA
Korean: [[ᅒ]] U+1152U+F7F1
Korean: [[ᅓ]] U+1153U+F7F2
Korean: [[ᅔ]] U+1154U+F7F3
Korean: [[ᅕ]] U+1155U+F7F4
Korean: [[ㅋ]] U+314BKorean: [[ᄏ]] {{Background|yellow|U+110F}}Korean: [[ᆿ]] {{Background|yellow|U+11BF}}U+F7F5U+F8EBKorean: [[ᄏ]] U+FFBB
Korean: [[ㅌ]] U+314CKorean: [[ᄐ]] {{Background|yellow|U+1110}}Korean: [[ᇀ]] {{Background|yellow|U+11C0}}U+F7F6U+F8ECKorean: [[ᄐ]] U+FFBC
Korean: [[ꥹ]] {{Color|orange|U+A979}}U+F7F7
Korean: [[ㅍ]] U+314DKorean: [[ᄑ]] {{Background|yellow|U+1111}}Korean: [[ᇁ]] {{Background|yellow|U+11C1}}U+F7F8U+F8EDKorean: [[ᄑ]] U+FFBD
Korean: [[ᅖ]] U+1156Korean: [[ᇳ]] U+11F3U+F7F9U+F8EE
Korean: [[ퟺ]] {{Color|orange|U+D7FA}}U+F8EF
Korean: [[ퟻ]] {{Color|orange|U+D7FB}}U+F8F0
Korean: [[ꥺ]] {{Color|orange|U+A97A}}U+F7FA
Korean: [[ㆄ]] U+3184Korean: [[ᅗ]] U+1157Korean: [[ᇴ]] U+11F4U+F7FBU+F8F1
Korean: [[ㅎ]] U+314EKorean: [[ᄒ]] {{Background|yellow|U+1112}}Korean: [[ᇂ]] {{Background|yellow|U+11C2}}U+F7FCU+F8F2Korean: [[ᄒ]] U+FFBE
Korean: [[ᇵ]] U+11F5U+F8F3
Korean: [[ᇶ]] U+11F6U+F8F4
Korean: [[ᇷ]] U+11F7U+F8F5
Korean: [[ᇸ]] U+11F8U+F8F6
Korean: [[ꥻ]] {{Color|orange|U+A97B}}U+F7FD
Korean: [[ㆅ]] U+3185Korean: [[ᅘ]] U+1158U+F7FE
Korean: [[ㆆ]] U+3186Korean: [[ᅙ]] U+1159Korean: [[ᇹ]] U+11F9U+F7FFU+F8F7
Korean: [[ꥼ]] {{Color|orange|U+A97C}}U+F800


Hangul CompatibilityHangul Jamo AreaHanyang Private UseHalfwidth
Korean: [[ㅏ]] U+314FKorean: [[ᅡ]] {{Background|yellow|U+1161}}U+F807Korean: [[ᅡ]] U+FFC2
Korean: [[ᅶ]] U+1176U+F808
Korean: [[ᅷ]] U+1177U+F809
Korean: [[ᆣ]] {{Color|orange|U+11A3}}U+F80A
Korean: [[ㅐ]] U+3150Korean: [[ᅢ]] {{Background|yellow|U+1162}}U+F80BKorean: [[ᅢ]] U+FFC3
Korean: [[ㅑ]] U+3151Korean: [[ᅣ]] {{Background|yellow|U+1163}}U+F80CKorean: [[ᅣ]] U+FFC4
Korean: [[ᅸ]] U+1178U+F80D
Korean: [[ᅹ]] U+1179U+F80E
Korean: [[ᆤ]] {{Color|orange|U+11A4}}U+F80F
Korean: [[ㅒ]] U+3152Korean: [[ᅤ]] {{Background|yellow|U+1164}}U+F810Korean: [[ᅤ]] U+FFC5
Korean: [[ㅓ]] U+3153Korean: [[ᅥ]] {{Background|yellow|U+1165}}U+F811Korean: [[ᅥ]] U+FFC6
Korean: [[ᅺ]] U+117AU+F812
Korean: [[ᅻ]] U+117BU+F813
Korean: [[ᅼ]] U+117CU+F814
Korean: [[ㅔ]] U+3154Korean: [[ᅦ]] {{Background|yellow|U+1166}}U+F815Korean: [[ᅦ]] U+FFC7
Korean: [[ㅕ]] U+3155Korean: [[ᅧ]] {{Background|yellow|U+1167}}U+F816Korean: [[ᅧ]] U+FFCA
Korean: [[ᆥ]] {{Color|orange|U+11A5}}U+F817
Korean: [[ᅽ]] U+117DU+F818
Korean: [[ᅾ]] U+117EU+F819
Korean: [[ㅖ]] U+3156Korean: [[ᅨ]] {{Background|yellow|U+1168}}U+F81AKorean: [[ᅨ]] U+FFCB
Korean: [[ㅗ]] U+3157Korean: [[ᅩ]] {{Background|yellow|U+1169}}U+F81BKorean: [[ᅩ]] U+FFCC
Korean: [[ㅘ]] U+3158Korean: [[ᅪ]] {{Background|yellow|U+116A}}U+F81CKorean: [[ᅪ]] U+FFCD
Korean: [[ㅙ]] U+3159Korean: [[ᅫ]] {{Background|yellow|U+116B}}U+F81DKorean: [[ᅫ]] U+FFCE
Korean: [[ᆦ]] {{Color|orange|U+11A6}}U+F81E
Korean: [[ᆧ]] {{Color|orange|U+11A7}}U+F81F
Korean: [[ᅿ]] U+117FU+F820
Korean: [[ᆀ]] U+1180U+F821
Korean: [[ힰ]] {{Color|orange|U+D7B0}}U+F822
Korean: [[ᆁ]] U+1181U+F823
Korean: [[ᆂ]] U+1182U+F824
Korean: [[ힱ]] {{Color|orange|U+D7B1}}U+F825
Korean: [[ᆃ]] U+1183U+F826
Korean: [[ㅚ]] U+315AKorean: [[ᅬ]] {{Background|yellow|U+116C}}U+F827Korean: [[ᅬ]] U+FFCF
Korean: [[ㅛ]] U+315BKorean: [[ᅭ]] {{Background|yellow|U+116D}}U+F828Korean: [[ᅭ]] U+FFD2
Korean: [[ힲ]] {{Color|orange|U+D7B2}}U+F829
Korean: [[ힳ]] {{Color|orange|U+D7B3}}U+F82A
Korean: [[ㆇ]] U+3187Korean: [[ᆄ]] U+1184U+F82B
Korean: [[ㆈ]] U+3188Korean: [[ᆅ]] U+1185U+F82C
Korean: [[ힴ]] {{Color|orange|U+D7B4}}U+F82D
Korean: [[ᆆ]] U+1186U+F82E
Korean: [[ᆇ]] U+1187U+F82F
Korean: [[ㆉ]] U+3189Korean: [[ᆈ]] U+1188U+F830
Korean: [[ㅜ]] U+315CKorean: [[ᅮ]] {{Background|yellow|U+116E}}U+F831Korean: [[ᅮ]] U+FFD3
Korean: [[ᆉ]] U+1189U+F832
Korean: [[ᆊ]] U+118AU+F833
Korean: [[ㅝ]] U+315DKorean: [[ᅯ]] {{Background|yellow|U+116F}}U+F834Korean: [[ᅯ]] U+FFD4
Korean: [[ᆋ]] U+118BU+F835
Korean: [[ㅞ]] U+315EKorean: [[ᅰ]] {{Background|yellow|U+1170}}U+F836Korean: [[ᅰ]] U+FFD5
Korean: [[ힵ]] {{Color|orange|U+D7B5}}U+F837
Korean: [[ᆌ]] U+118CU+F838
Korean: [[ᆍ]] U+118DU+F839
Korean: [[ㅟ]] U+315FKorean: [[ᅱ]] {{Background|yellow|U+1171}}U+F83AKorean: [[ᅱ]] U+FFD6
Korean: [[ힶ]] {{Color|orange|U+D7B6}}U+F83B
Korean: [[ㅠ]] U+3160Korean: [[ᅲ]] {{Background|yellow|U+1172}}U+F83CKorean: [[ᅲ]] U+FFD7
Korean: [[ᆎ]] U+118EU+F83D
Korean: [[ힷ]] {{Color|orange|U+D7B7}}U+F83E
Korean: [[ᆏ]] U+118FU+F83F
Korean: [[ᆐ]] U+1190U+F840
Korean: [[ㆊ]] U+318AKorean: [[ᆑ]] U+1191U+F841
Korean: [[ㆋ]] U+318BKorean: [[ᆒ]] U+1192U+F842
Korean: [[ힸ]] {{Color|orange|U+D7B8}}U+F843
Korean: [[ᆓ]] U+1193U+F844
Korean: [[ㆌ]] U+318CKorean: [[ᆔ]] U+1194U+F845
Korean: [[ㅡ]] U+3161Korean: [[ᅳ]] {{Background|yellow|U+1173}}U+F846Korean: [[ᅳ]] U+FFDA
Korean: [[ힹ]] {{Color|orange|U+D7B9}}U+F847
Korean: [[ힺ]] {{Color|orange|U+D7BA}}U+F848
Korean: [[ힻ]] {{Color|orange|U+D7BB}}U+F849
Korean: [[ힼ]] {{Color|orange|U+D7BC}}U+F84A
Korean: [[ᆕ]] U+1195U+F84B
Korean: [[ᆖ]] U+1196U+F84C
Korean: [[ㅢ]] U+3162Korean: [[ᅴ]] {{Background|yellow|U+1174}}U+F84DKorean: [[ᅴ]] U+FFDB
Korean: [[ᆗ]] U+1197U+F84E
Korean: [[ㅣ]] U+3163Korean: [[ᅵ]] {{Background|yellow|U+1175}}U+F84FKorean: [[ᅵ]] U+FFDC
Korean: [[ᆘ]] U+1198U+F850
Korean: [[ᆙ]] U+1199U+F851
Korean: [[ힽ]] {{Color|orange|U+D7BD}}U+F852
Korean: [[ힾ]] {{Color|orange|U+D7BE}}U+F853
Korean: [[ힿ]] {{Color|orange|U+D7BF}}U+F854
Korean: [[ퟀ]] {{Color|orange|U+D7C0}}U+F855
Korean: [[ᆚ]] U+119AU+F856
Korean: [[ퟁ]] {{Color|orange|U+D7C1}}U+F857
Korean: [[ퟂ]] {{Color|orange|U+D7C2}}U+F858
Korean: [[ᆛ]] U+119BU+F859
Korean: [[ퟃ]] {{Color|orange|U+D7C3}}U+F85A
Korean: [[ᆜ]] U+119CU+F85B
Korean: [[ퟄ]] {{Color|orange|U+D7C4}}U+F85C
Korean: [[ᆝ]] U+119DU+F85D
Korean: [[ㆍ]] U+318DKorean: [[ᆞ]] U+119EU+F85E
Korean: [[ퟅ]] {{Color|orange|U+D7C5}}U+F85F
Korean: [[ᆟ]] U+119FU+F860
Korean: [[ퟆ]] {{Color|orange|U+D7C6}}U+F861
Korean: [[ᆠ]] U+11A0U+F862
Korean: [[ㆎ]] U+318EKorean: [[ᆡ]] U+11A1U+F863
Korean: [[ᆢ]] U+11A2U+F864

Other characters

These are not jamos, but are used in combination with other Hangul jamo characters and syllables.

" (·): U+302E (high tone); not to be confused with the obsolete vowel jamo Korean: (U+119E) (or its corresponding compatibility jamo Korean: (U+318D)) which is used in a medial or final position of a syllabic square (and appears after leading consonants) " (:): U+302F (rising tone)

Notes: These tone marks are input after the syllabic square they modify but they will be rendered by reordering to the left of the syllabic square. For example, the string "

" (U+AC00 U+302E) should be displayed like "", not "".

They were first encoded in Unicode as non-spacing combining marks, due to their most common and historic use with the vertical presentation, but they still need to have a positive advance-width to render Middle Korean texts in the modern horizontal presentation (to avoid collision with the previous syllabic square); their general category was later changed from Mn to Mc (spacing combining mark), even though they don't add any advance-width in the traditional vertical presentation.

Legacy encodings before they were encoded in Unicode, or if a font does not support glyphs for them, used generic punctuation marks (middle dot "·", or colon ":") input before the syllabic square (but this causes confusion when parsing text, and they do not work well for the vertical presentation because they would render above the next syllabic square instead of to the left).


  1. Unicode derived age