Hadena silenes is a species of moth of the family Noctuidae. It is found in Europe, Turkey, Israel, Iran and Turkmenistan.
E. silenes Hbn. (sejuncta H.-Sch.) (20 d). Forewing ochreous white with redbrown suffusion; claviform stigma black; orbicular and reniform large, their centres brown ringed with white; submarginal line white with black wedge-shaped marks in front of it; hindwing brown, deeper towards termen. — Larva pale redbrown; dorsal and subdorsal lines fine, whitish grey; lateral stripe broad and whitish; spiracles white with black rings ; on seeds of various kinds of Silene. A South European species, found in S. France, [Italy], Spain, Sicily, Hungary and Macedonia; also in Armenia, Palestine, and Mesopotamia.[1]
Adults are on wing from March to June in one generation in the Near East.
The larvae feed on the seeds of Silene and Cucubalus species.